Monday, April 30, 2012

Insight – Organized Crime in America (Part I of III)
Drug trafficking remains the single most important activity of organized criminal groups in the Americas. This includes trafficking of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines and other synthetic drugs. Illegal drugs are produced, processed, stored and shipped from the region. They are also increasingly consumed. The trafficking and consumption destabilizes nearly every country that forms part of the production and distribution chain.

Some of these countries are facing challenges that are, in some ways, bigger than the fights they had during prolonged civil wars. Without the resources or knowledge, the governments of these nations are succumbing to powerful mega-structures that are able to subordinate poorly paid civil servants and buy off large portions of the state’s security apparatus.
Among these illegal drugs, cocaine is the most lucrative. The United Nations estimates that sales of the drug net $88 billion per year in the retail market alone. U.S. Southern Command says that between 1,250 and 1,500 metric tons of cocaine are produced per year in the region. Most of it is produced in Colombia, where processing labs were established in cities and rural areas beginning in the 1970s.
At the time, the raw material for this cocaine came from PerĂº and Bolivia where indigenous groups had been harvesting and processing coca for centuries. The indigenous chew the leaves or use it for tea, and Bolivia’s government still legally allows for a certain amount of production to satisfy this historical market. In the 1990s, that production shifted Colombia where larger, well-armed groups began battling for control of the source material and financed their wars against each and the state in the process. Now it appears that coca production is shifting south again.
Cultivating the coca is but the first step in complicated process that requires numerous products, such as gasoline and sulfuric acid, among others, to move the leaf to cocaine hydrochloride (HCL). The coca leaf is usually partially processed on the farmer’s land. The farmer then sells the coca paste or the coca leaves directly to the traffickers or a middleman. The United Nations estimates that the coca farmer makes about 1.5 percent of the total retail value earned from the cocaine sale in the United States. In 2008, that represented $1.1 billion, the UN says.
The middleman or traffickers get the paste to an HCL laboratory. Most of the cocaine labs remain in Colombia, although there have been an increasing number of reports about the proliferation of labs in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela. These laboratories are much more sophisticated and dangerous operations. They require more specialized personnel such as trained chemists and often armed protection. The best of these labs can produce several tons of cocaine a month, and their mere presence signals that a large organization is at work. Some drug trafficking organizations enter the market at this juncture but many stay away, preferring to pay a price to buy into a shipment at a later stage.
The actual shipments of the HCL are done by individual organizations or in consortium. The difficult nature of moving cocaine requires the participation of many, which has led to the creation of numerous “cartels” over the years. These “cartels” are more loose federations than disciplined, hierarchical structures, which helps explain the constantly shifting nature of their organizations. And most shipments of cocaine involve numerous parts of these federations. While the largest federations were once Colombian, now it appears they are Mexican. The UN estimates that two-thirds of the cocaine that left the Andean region going to the United States in 2008 wound up in the hands of Mexican cartels.
Mixed into these deals are the transporters. They move the HCL from the labs to the embarkation point where the cartel or another set of transport groups takes control of the drugs. They move it by sea, air or land, or a combination of all three. Go-fast boats, fishing vessels, single-engine aircraft, semi-submersibles and human “mules” can all participate in a single shipment. These transporters use their existing infrastructure, such as their own transport companies to camouflage the cocaine. They buy their way past authorities or simply play the odds, especially along crowded highways in places like Central America and Mexico where the increasingly liberalized and open borders that have come from the free trade agreements have facilitated their work.
Where the Mexican cartels take control of the drugs depends on their reach and the particular load in question. Some operate in Colombia, PerĂº and possibly Bolivia, buying the HCL wholesale from the source itself. Others pick up the cocaine en route, often in Central America. Others receive it in Mexico. From there it is moved via land, either using commercial trucks, individual vehicles, human mules or through tunnels dug specifically to move drugs and humans into the United States.
Cocaine is also increasingly shipped to Europe, a burgeoning market where the price of cocaine on the street often double prices in the United States. The key embarkation point appears to be Venezuela. The UN estimates that over 50 percent of the drug that departed by water left from Venezuela. Most of these drugs were en route to Europe. Drugs to Europe also leave from the Caribbean, Argentina and Brazil by boat or commercial aircraft.
These cargoes enter through Spain, Portugal in the south or the Netherlands and Belgium in the north. Many traffickers also use West Africa as a depot and staging area to get their drugs into Europe. As it is in Central America, where poor countries and corrupt, ill-equipped government forces cannot handle the richer, better armed and more sophisticated cartels, West African countries such as Guinea-Bissau are struggling to deal with the influx of organized crime. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

The truth about the DREAM Act

By Rep. Lamar Smith March 20, 2012 |
The DREAM Act has become a rallying cry for President Obama, members of his administration, and liberal Democrats everywhere. President Obama has vowed to “keep fighting for the DREAM Act,” which would grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. 

It’s true when listeners or those polled don’t know the facts that the DREAM Act has some appeal. After all, we are all naturally sympathetic when children are involved. 

But the descriptions of the DREAM Act voiced by President Obama and his cohorts are not accurate. And the consequences are never told. 

DREAM Act supporters claim that only children would benefit from such a bill, but the facts tell another story. Under most DREAM Act proposals, amnesty would be given to individuals up to the age of 30—not exactly children. And some other proposals don’t even have an age limit.

These supporters also maintain that illegal immigrants can’t go to college without the DREAM Act.
But the truth is that illegal immigrants can already go to college in most states. 

And ultimately, most versions of the DREAM Act actually don’t even force illegal immigrants to comply with all the requirements in the bill, such as going to college or joining the military. The administration can waive requirements because of “hardship” at its complete discretion. 

DREAM Act proposals are also a magnet for fraud. Many illegal immigrants will fraudulently claim they came here as children or that they are under 30. And the federal government has no way to check whether their claims are true or not. 

Such massive fraud occurred after the 1986 amnesty for illegal immigrants who claimed they were agricultural workers. Studies found two-thirds of all applications for the 1986 amnesty were fraudulent. 

And this amnesty did nothing to stop illegal immigration. In 1986, there were about three million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. Today, there are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and about seven million of them work here, unfairly taking jobs from unemployed Americans. 

While DREAM Act supporters claim that it would only benefit children, they skip over the fact that it actually rewards the very illegal immigrant parents who knowingly violated our laws. Once their children become U.S. citizens, they can petition for their illegal immigrant parents and adult siblings to be legalized, who will then bring in others in an endless chain. 

This kind of chain migration only encourages more illegal immigration, as parents will bring their children to the U.S. in hopes of receiving citizenship. 

President Obama tried to get the DREAM Act passed during a lame duck session about a year ago but it faced bipartisan opposition in Congress. This hasn’t stopped the administration from passing its agenda. The Obama administration does everything it can to let illegal immigrants stay here, which compounds the problem. 

Political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security recently issued new deportation guidelines that amount to backdoor amnesty and strike another blow at millions of unemployed U.S. workers. 

Under the administration’s new deportation policy, DHS officials review all incoming and most pending cases before an immigration court to determine if the illegal immigrant can remain in the U.S. Since the administration has made clear that many illegal immigrants are not considered priorities for removal, including potential DREAM Act beneficiaries, this could open the door to allow millions of illegal immigrants to live and work in the U.S. without a vote of Congress. 

The Obama administration has also cut worksite enforcement efforts by 70%, allowing illegal immigrants to continue working in jobs that rightfully belong to citizens and legal workers. And the list goes on and on – this administration has a pattern of ignoring the laws and intent of Congress. 

The United States is based on the rule of law but the Obama administration already has dirty hands by abusing administrative authority to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. The DREAM Act doesn’t stop illegal immigration—it only encourages more of it by rewarding lawbreakers. 

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) is Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stop illegal immigration while we still can

By Greg Perry Dec 10, 2011 Independence, MO — (Part II of II)

We shouldn’t condone parents who knowingly illegally sneak their children into our country or give birth in our country and consequently use them like winning lottery tickets with the intent and consequence of taking advantage of legal American citizens and their children. Why should our children suffer the consequences? La Raza (The Race) in essence is a self-proclaimed racist organization that has permeated itself in various levels of our government for the sole purpose of trying to give credibility to millions of people who are in our country illegally and have no true allegiance to our country.

People who have entered our country illegally are guilty of breaking one of our most sacred laws and have absolutely no right to be here and are consequently due nothing. The Obama administration has refused to enforce our key immigration laws. Some Republicans seem to favor illegal immigration to provide a cheap labor source for various businesses and also seem to lack the nerve and the guts to actually solve our illegal immigration problems. Democrats seem to be for the acceptance for illegal immigration so they can increase their voter base and further their liberal agenda. Both parties seem to be more concerned about their political careers than the well-being of their country or constituents.

The state needs to mandate that all municipalities need to verify that all business license holders do not employ illegal aliens and that E-Verify needs to be mandatory for all businesses and workers with no exceptions regardless of the number of employees and all employees must be reported, no excuses. All forms of businesses need to be discouraged from catering and pandering to illegal aliens. We need to discourage various organizations from allowing/accepting illegal immigration within the business community.

It needs to be unlawful for schools/learning institutions, car lots, banks/loan institutions, public housing and rental property owners from doing business with someone unless they can prove lawful presence in this country. The existence of the “turning a blind eye” sanctuary cities must be eliminated. It needs to be unlawful to register/license in Missouri any motor vehicle without a valid Missouri driver’s license.

Yes, the Hispanic population has exponentially increased in our country; however if you took illegal aliens and their anchor babies out of the equation, that definitely wouldn’t be the case. Our country has literally been invaded while lawmakers looked on and continued to kick the can down the road. Elected representatives need to face and start reporting the facts. In reality it has been documented and reported that there are upwards of 30 million people in our country illegally and not the federal government numbers of 12 million.

Elected representatives have to, in a manner of speaking, take off the gloves and hit back twice as hard as the pro-illegal immigration groups. Past federal, state and local legislators/lawmakers are primarily responsible for the illegal invasion of our country. A typical elected representative’s scapegoat statement is that we’ve got to secure our borders first. However, the correct answer is we need to simultaneously deport those in our country illegally.

Another common statement is that we can’t deport large numbers of illegal aliens, when the facts are we’ve never tried, and we will never control our borders unless our elected representatives become truly serious to resolve the issue. All law enforcement agencies and government entities need to have the authority to determine if someone is in our state or country illegally, and that’s not racial profiling.

All elected representatives have taken an oath to defend the Constitution and protect and defend our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, which is paramount to their public service. Elected representatives can’t be intimated by the federal government, liberal groups, ACLU or La Raza and must remember they were sent to office to do the right thing for their legitimate constituents, community, state and nation, not to win a popularity contest or pander to people who are in our country illegally.

If we don’t solve this illegal immigration issue, any and all past, present or future legislative accomplishments will be for nothing because we will have lost our country. We are truly in the fight of our lives and for the survival of our great nation and there can be no excuses for not doing the right thing and what needs to be done. It’s not too late to do what we must to save our country.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Stop illegal immigration while we still can

By Greg Perry Dec 10, 2011 Independence, MO — (Part I of II)
I am not a cold hearted racist or bigot, just a caring, responsible American who has great concern for our country and respects those who obey the laws of our country and enter legally according to those laws. Illegal immigration has absolutely nothing to do with racism, but has everything to do with the laws of our nation. Illegal aliens have always been portrayed as the victims, when in reality the
American people, our culture and our country are the real victims.

Illegal aliens, particularly those from Mexico, have no allegiance to this country and they’re realistically not here to take part in the American dream, but in reality to take advantage of the American dream at our expense. Check out You Tube “Aztlan Rising.”

There are many obvious and necessary reasons why it’s not an easy task to become a legal American citizen. Compromise in any way, shape or form is wrong and no one should ever be rewarded for committing an illegal act and consequently destroying our culture, economy and country. We do not need comprehensive immigration reform; we just need to enforce laws already on the books, and our existing immigration quotes are already very generous. Under no circumstances should citizenship to this country be for sale or barter such as fines, or in exchange for serving in the military. Only true-blooded legal Americans should protect America.

Local and state governments need to quit putting all the blame for lack of enforcement on each other and the federal government and take the task and responsibilities upon themselves and take on the federal government if that’s what it takes, and states need to band together. Our elected representatives want us to believe or feel they have crafted various tough/harsh legislation and have represented that to their constituents, when in reality that same legislation is very ambiguous and full of loopholes. I’ve studied it (Missouri HB1549) and we need to demand that our legislators make needed changes. We don’t want them to tell us why they can’t, we want to hear how they will. That’s why they were elected, and you tell me, has illegal immigration gotten better or worse through the years?

The following are some of the reasons why we need to get laws changed and loopholes closed:

■ Our federal government, state and local budget problems wouldn’t exist to the extent they do if we weren’t spending massive amounts of our tax dollars on illegal aliens.

■ Our unemployment rate could and would be dissolved if 30 million people weren’t in our country illegally for Americans to compete with. It’s a fallacy that Americans won’t do the jobs that illegal aliens are doing. Americans were doing those jobs before they were taken over by illegal aliens.
The statement that American won’t do the jobs has been stated so many times for such a long time that some Americans, including their elected representatives have come to believe it. The truth of the matter is that various businesses and industries have exploited illegal aliens and at the same time forced legal American citizens to compete for those jobs offering lower and lower wages and less and less in benefits. It’s also a fallacy and insult that we need to grant special visas to non-citizens because we don’t have American citizens with a particular technological experience.

■ Illegal aliens have taken over a majority of construction related industries, various factories, processing plants, fast food and restaurants and won’t stop there.

■ Illegal aliens have taken advantage of every social program established even through they’re entitled to none of them.

■ Illegal aliens have overwhelmed, decimated and compromised our health care system. Illegal immigration is the primary cause in the rise of polio, head lice, measles and mumps, several of which were once eradicated in this country.

■ Illegal alien children have overwhelmed, decimated and compromised our public school system and bilingual classes have become disruptive and costly.

■ Illegal aliens have overwhelmed our judicial system and overwhelmed our prison system.

Stay Tuned For Part II

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This is the City. Los Anarchy, California

Rick Oltman SF Immigration Examiner

With the announcement that the L.A.P.D will not impound cars driven by unlicensed drivers (illegal aliens) Los Angeles has moved into a new era, the Era of Anarchy.  Many would argue that anarchy has reigned in L.A. for a long time, this legitimizes it.

And Chief of Police Charlie Beck is not the problem, he’s a symptom.  The whole system is now corrupt.  And it will have a predictable and inevitable outcome of more lawlessness and more violence.

L.A. was once a fine city memorized many, many times by its most well know industry  in; Chinatown, LA Confidential, Dragnet, and even The Dude’s Big Lebowski, just to name a few.

The area became a part of Mexico in 1821 following the Mexican War of Independence.  27 years later, at the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848, Los Angeles and the rest of California were purchased as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and became a territory of the United States.  It incorporated as a municipality on April 4, 1850, five months before California entered the Union.
Well, many believe that L.A. has become a Mexican city, again.  Regardless, let's give it a new name; Los AnarquĂ­a, Los Anarchy.

Its nickname was once the City of Angels.  Well, not any more.  A police officer friend of mine calls it Lost Angeles.  There are more illegal alien gang members in L.A. than Marines in the United States Marine Corps.

And this is not the first time California has seen a double standard in law enforcement regarding illegal aliens.

In the early 1990s when patriotic citizens, who at that time believed in the U.S. government, were trying to get the immigration laws enforced, we would point out that one of the problems of illegal aliens driving was that they had no driver license and were uninsured.  20 years ago it was believed that 1 in 4 cars on the L.A. freeways were uninsured, leading to higher costs for those who were insured as the inevitable cost shifting raised rates. That ratio is probably reversed, today.

I remember a conversation I had with my Assemblyman Bill Filante in Sacramento when the state allowed the proof of insurance law to sunset in 1992.  It’s probably one of the few times any law had a sunset provision.

“Why did you let the law sunset?” I asked Filante during a break in a committee hearing in the California Room in the state capitol.

“It was determined to be a racist law,” he responded.

“Why was it racist?” I dubiously asked.  

“Because most of those who were stopped and didn’t have insurance were either Blacks or Hispanic,” he responded.

“Why is that racist?”  I asked.  “Why aren’t you asking why our Hispanic and Black brothers aren’t doing their part as responsible citizens and insuring their cars like the rest of us?”  Without responding he turned on his heel and walked away.  And, as we found out later, it wasn’t just him turning his back on law abiding citizens.

I attended that hearing with Alan C. Nelson, former Commissioner of the I.N.S. for President Ronald Reagan.  Al Nelson was a tireless worker in Sacramento and California for immigration enforcement.  In 1994 he was one of the godfathers of the highly popular Proposition 187, a tax initiative that simply sought to cut off taxpayer dollars and services to illegal aliens.  Widely respected throughout the country, Al Nelson was also a gentleman.

After my encounter with Assemblyman Filante, the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol spotted Al sitting next to me and came over to talk to him.  As they discussed the effort to make proof of insurance mandatory again the Commissioner said to Al, “The Patrol doesn’t want to tow those cars.”  (The cars that would be impounded if not insured.)  He said it twice, “We’re not going to tow those cars.” 

I looked up at him and said sharply, ‘Well Chief, then you can find yourself another job and we can get a Commissioner who will follow the law.  Because in America the police don’t tell the people what to do.  The people,” I said nodding towards the Committee, “tell the police what to do.”

At that point I realized that Al had his hand on my leg and was squeezing it to get me to shut up.  Ever the gentleman, he many times cooled me down when I lost my temper.  And, he was always right.
I admit that over the last twenty years there have been times when I was, let’s say, less than polite when discussing this issue.  But frankly, I have long since had it with incompetence and corruption and know-it-all Washington Wonks, elected officials and appointed bureaucrats on the public dole who won’t even enforce the laws on the books.  But, I digress...

Be assured of one thing, this "auto-amnesty" policy in L.A. isn’t the end, it is just the beginning.
You’ve heard many times about the proverbial “slippery slope.”  Well, this is it.  We’re on it.  Expect more cities in California and in Obama’s America to follow Los Anarchy’s lead.  And then watch for the next law that is not enforced against illegal aliens and the next one, and the next one... 
Can you hear Jack Webb’s voice?  “This is the city. Los Angeles, California. I work here. I carry a badge. My name's Friday. The story you are about to see is true; the names have been changed to protect the innocent.”

Sorry, Jack.   Nobody is protecting the innocent.  And it isn’t Los Angeles, California anymore.  It's Los AnarquĂ­a.  I’m just glad you’re not here to see it. Read more at

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Helping Hand for Immigration Enforcement

By JoAnn Emerson The Rolla Daily News

Ronald Reagan said, “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”
But immigration policy is not just enforced at the U.S. border.  With millions of illegal aliens already in the country, every community in every state is vulnerable to the problems caused by illegal immigration.

Illegal traffic over the U.S.-Mexico border includes drugs, counterfeit goods, weapons and people. 

The problems of illegal immigration that are not stopped at the border become the problem of communities of all sizes, all over the nation.

In Southern Missouri, we have experienced several incidents of lost job opportunities and a strain on local resources caused by illegal workers.  As we learned in those cases, the assistance of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is hundreds of miles away.  Sometimes, they just tell the local authorities to let the illegal workers go.

Methamphetamine trafficking, in particular, has a strong relationship with illegal immigration.  The meth manufactured in Mexico makes its way to Missouri, smuggled over the border and hidden in vehicles.

These are local problems in addition to being federal problems. There is better way to manage the federal and local resources which are responsible for enforcing the laws of our land.
Under the 287(g) program, federal authorities could train local law enforcement – officers, sheriffs, and Highway Patrol – to help enforce federal immigration law.  Clearly, these officials could be in more places than the limited number of federal agents, who are mostly needed at the border.

But under the Obama Administration, this program has been used less and less.  A thousand officers were trained in the first seven years of the program, resulting in over 120,000 identifications of illegal immigrants.  Since 2009, only two agencies have signed up for the 287(g) program, however, and many will drop out over the next few years.

Why the change?  Two reasons: first, the Obama Administration started to require local law enforcement to pursue all criminal charges before beginning any removal or deportation process and, second, the Administration limited immigration checks to suspected illegal immigrants who were arrested for major offenses.  The first change laid additional costs at the feet of local authorities, and the second change drastically reduced the circumstances under which illegal immigrants could be identified.

If deportation is going to be the result of the apprehension of an illegal immigrant, and it should, then let’s skip directly to that part of the process.

Men and women who come to America in violation of our laws and then commit further crimes should be dealt with efficiently by our system of criminal justice, but I’m afraid this is not what the Obama Administration wants.  It is a shame, because local law enforcement officials will be forced to contend with lawbreaking illegal immigrants no matter what our laws say, the question remains, why won’t this Administration allow them to do anything about it?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Another Example of Obama Stealth Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Obama administration proposes changes to legal status applications

March 30, 2012 Reporting from Washington

The Obama administration is proposing to make it easier for illegal immigrants who are family members of American citizens to apply for legal permanent residency.

On Monday, the Department of Homeland Security will post for public comment an administrative change intended to reduce the time illegal immigrants would have to spend away from their families while applying for legal status, officials said. The current system requires the applicant to first leave the U.S. to seek a legal visa, but under the proposed change illegal immigrants could claim the time apart from a spouse, child or parent would create “extreme hardship” and allow them to remain in the U.S. as they begin the process.

Once approved, the person would be required to briefly leave the country to pick up the legal visa abroad.

Currently, families are often separated for several months as they await resolution of their applications. The change could reduce that time apart to one week in some cases, officials said. The White House hopes the new procedures could be in place by the end of the year.
David Leopold, a Cleveland attorney and past president of the American Immigration Lawyers Assn., called the change a "minor processing tweak, but it has great value to families."

Unable to pass comprehensive immigration reform laws through a polarized Congress, the proposal is the latest in a series of changes the White House is making to immigration procedures that are designed to focus the efforts of prosecutors and immigration judges on the removal of illegal immigrants who pose a threat to public safety or are repeat immigration law violators.
Republicans say President Obama is making an end run around Congress.

“President Obama and his administration are bending long established rules to put illegal immigrants ahead of the interests of American citizens,” said Lamar Smith (R-Texas) in response to the proposal. “It seems President Obama plays by his own rules."

U.S. immigration officials responded that the change affects only how the applications are processed, not whether the legal status ultimately is granted.
“I don’t think that criticism is warranted at all,” said Alejandro Mayorkas, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. “What we are doing is reducing the time of separation, not changing the standard of obtaining a waiver.”

Without a “hardship waiver,” an immigrant who has overstayed a visa for more than six months is barred from reentering the U.S. for three years. A person who overstayed their visa for more than a year is barred from the country for 10 years. The penalties deter many illegal immigrants from seeking legal status.

Immigration officials do not know how many of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. would qualify for a waiver, Mayorkas said. Experts said that more than 1 million people could benefit from the changes.

In the past year, the White House has given new discretion to prosecutors to ignore immigration violators who have strong ties to the U.S. and no criminal record. A program intended to cull so-called “low priority” cases from immigration courts began in Denver and Baltimore early this year and is being expanded to six other cities across the U.S. over the next four months, including Los Angeles and San Francisco.

After the new proposal is posted in the Federal Register, the public will have 60 days to critique the change.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Another Obama Administration Stealth Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

Boise Weekly March 31, 2012

Only the Constitutional motivated Tea Party can save us now from the Socialist agenda of the Obama and his Czars in the administration. A major agenda of this government is to sly pass a backdoor amnesty for illegal aliens, who have not only committed their first offense by entering a sovereign country without permission, but to get work they either made up a social security number, but would likely stolen an innocent Americans ID. This is a Felony and the President Obama, Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano, are ignoring this criminal violation.

Currently the amnesty that Obama administration is proposed is to make it easier for illegal aliens who are family members of American citizens to apply for legal permanent residency. This is a absolute travesty when millions of foreign nationals, wait in their countries sometime for years, to be granted a visa. Only Congress can change the laws governing naturalization and Citizenship—Not Obama and his flock of Czars.

This is a political ploy of the Obama government to gain political points, for the presidential race in November. Also seen is the Liberal Democrats attitude that anybody should be allowed to vote, including some of the 20 million illegal migrants and immigrants living here already. It is no stretch of the imagination to be aware that if states do not pass laws, that at least one piece of official ID, such as a drivers license the door is wide open for significant voter fraud, especially in a close race. Democrats and their pushers of special interest groups will do anything in their power to halt states from enacting official government ID laws, to be shown when voting.

A financial calamity is at hand, if we don't start singling out bad politicians, Governors, Mayors and public elected officials who are pro-illegal alien, such as Governor Chaffee of Rhode Island, and Chief of Police Beck of Los Angeles California. These officials are everywhere and must be thrown out of office, before they do more financial damage. These personages are pandering to the illegal alien organizations such as La Raza, Mecha and many other minorities. They are just a small part of our elected officials who see no wrong in passing on the cost of public welfare programs, to taxpayers.

That illegal immigration and their riding on the citizenship of their children is costing a estimated $113 Billion dollars annually and still rising out of your pocket. This is not an immobile dollar figure as millions of legal entries are granted entry documents annually, Only the conservative Tea Party, governed by U.S. Constitution have the ability, to throw out corrupt and the senile lawmakers and vote into office young, honest legislators who rid Washington of the rot that has entrenched there.

Only the American taxpaying public has the vote to end massive financial issues like "Obamacare" that will fine you if you don't enroll in a health care package, while the flakes and parasites get the whole package free. I’m sure we will pay for every destitute person and anybody who slips across the insecure border or arrives here legally/illegally by jet to stay.

These people have figured there way to get subsidized government housing and many on welfare drive more expensive cars than average Americans. The same with Obama's push to pass an overflow of poverty from other countries, that taxpayer will also pay to the IRS. Americans must demand mandatory E-Verify, Secure Communities, the 287 G program from Congress, as our jobs are at stake. We must also rescind all Sanctuary city ordinances, chain migration, dream acts and any form of Amnesty.

We must remove the Obama administration, before we become a nation of beggars, in the eyes of the world? Take a few minutes and read the news editorials that the Socialist and Liberal newsmakers don't want you to see at American Patrol, Also follow the U.S. sovereignty web site of NumbersUSA, Learn the stomach heaving costs to all Americans from illegal immigration.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Work In The States, Build A Life In Mexico

Once a month 28-year-old Ignacio Moreno (not his real surname) walks to a small storefront on Chicago's
West 26th Street
and plunks down $380. It's not the rent for his two-bedroom apartment, where he lives with his wife and two kids, but an installment payment on his dream home back in Mexico.

A bakery employee who works the night shift since the family came to the U.S. illegally in late 2003, Moreno is paying for $10,000 worth of cement, gravel, and bricks for the four-bedroom house he's building on the outskirts of the Mexican capital.

Moreno isn't paying a bank. He's giving his hard-earned money to the Mexican cement giant Cemex (CX ) through its Construmex program. The idea is to target migrants living in the U.S., who sent an estimated $16 billion in remittances last year -- some $3 billion of which was intended for construction, according to a Construmex market survey.

Money transfers can be expensive, and family members back home frequently spend the money on other things. And many immigrants don't know how much cement to buy or how to build a roof, so their hard-earned savings often are wasted.

That's where Construmex comes in: Its architects help clients design home plans and calculate how much material to deliver and at what time intervals. The company also finances the purchase of the construction materials.

In two years, Monterrey-based Construmex has helped 4,500 migrants living in the U.S. build homes or small businesses in Mexico. This year it expects $3.8 million in revenue, a mere hint of the potential. "We're certain that there's a very large, unsatisfied demand out there," says Hector Ureta, Cemex' director for low-income programs. The company's studies show that 58% of Mexican migrants to the U.S. intend to build in their home towns.

Just as some U.S. companies are tapping the undocumented market, some Mexican companies see opportunity in following customers who head north of the border. After all, many migrants straddle both worlds -- working in the U.S. but maintaining homes in Mexico.

So far most cross-border efforts are housing-related campaigns conducted through U.S. branch offices. Grupo Famsa, a Monterrey-based retailer of home appliances, has nine stores in California and three in Texas, where migrants can buy a product and have it delivered to relatives in Mexico.

Then there's Hipotecaria Su Casita, a Mexico City-based mortgage lender that opened an office in Denver in 2003 and has made 350 peso-denominated mortgages, averaging $55,000, for migrants wishing to purchase a home in Mexico. Most of Su Casita's loans are for 20 or 25 years and charge 12% to 13.5% interest -- high for the U.S. but typical for Mexican mortgages.

The company doesn't ask clients whether they're in the U.S. legally, but it requires evidence of earnings, such as paycheck stubs, bank statements, or a letter from an employer. So far none of its clients has missed a payment. "They don't want to risk losing their credit rating or the house they bought," says Eduardo Uranga, who heads Su Casita's migrant program. Su Casita's U.S. loan portfolio totals just $15 million, but Uranga predicts that 1,000 new mortgages will be issued in 2006. He expects that number to rise to 3,000 annually within five years. In May, Su Casita opened a Dallas office and will add others in Los Angeles and Chicago later this year.

Back in Mexico City, Moreno's mother, Alfreda Rosales, 55, stands proudly at her son's construction site. The former laundress shares a cramped room with her daughter and grandson as they await the completion of the 1,400-square-foot home.

"Ignacio has always been a hard-working boy," she says, wiping away a tear. In a few years, Moreno plans to live in the new house with his family and mamĂ¡. Now he's thinking bigger -- a bakery of his own back home, a project he has already discussed with Construmex.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Citizen Common Sense Answer to Illegal Immigration

Answers to Illegal Immigration

By “Nomoreignorance” from Georgia

Listed below are several of the arguments that have been used by misguided people to try and justify illegal immigration. Next to each is the reason why these arguments are nonsense.

1) They are an economic necessity - Not true. The idea that a bunch of desperately poor, uneducated, unskilled, illegal foreigners are an economic necessity is ludicrous. In fact, when you compare cost vs. benefit, it is obvious that they are not only NOT a necessity, they are not even an asset. Rather, they are a liability and a huge one at that.

2) They do work Americans won’t do - Not true. They do work Americans won’t do for $7 an hour (especially if Americans can collect welfare and unemployment forever). Of course, if you got rid of the illegal aliens, the jobs wouldn’t pay $7 an hour. The people who wanted the work done would have to pay a wage that was attractive enough to get Americans to do the work. And it might even be enough so Americans could support themselves and get off welfare and unemployment.

3) They work & contribute to our society - So do I. And if I break the law and commit crimes, I can expect to pay a penalty of some kind, anything from a small fine to the death penalty. I do not receive a reward. This argument makes no sense.

4) They are just trying to make better lives - Aren’t we all? The difference is that most of us understand that we don’t have a right to acquire by illegal means those things that we find difficult to acquire by legal means. And we certainly don’t have the right to do it in a foreign country. Mexico does not allow foreigners to enter their country illegally and break it’s laws. If you believe differently, go give it a try. Call me collect from the dungeon. Let me know how it went.

5) It is impossible to round up and deport the illegal aliens - We don’t have to. All we have to do is remove the incentives that brought them here in the first place. No jobs. No housing. No taxpayer financed services or benefits. Once we remove the incentives that brought them here, they will leave on their own.

6) It would be too expensive to round them up and deport them - See #5.

7) Immigration control is racist - This is just another play of the race card by people who have no other cards to play. Immigration control is the world-wide status quo. There is nothing racist about it. Furthermore, the USA welcomes LEGAL immigrants of all races and ethnicities from all over the world who have gone through the legal immigration process. This is not just a bad argument; it is an attempt to create racial hatred and division.

8) We are a nation of immigrants - Not true. I am not an immigrant, nor were my parents or grandparents. We are, however, a nation that has, historically, allowed and even encouraged legal immigration. And we continue to do so. The issue at hand is illegal immigration, which has nothing to do with legal immigration. This argument is totally irrelevant to the issue at hand.

9) They are people. We must treat them humanely - Yes & yes. But let us not pretend like they are victims who were dragged here kicking and screaming against their will. Nothing could be further from the truth. They came of their own free will and for their own benefit and they broke the law to do it. People should not be rewarded for breaking laws and committing crimes. Sending them home is the right thing to do. There is nothing “draconian” about it.

10) It is wrong to break up families- Yes. Unfortunately, families are often broken up by criminal activity. If you don’t believe it, just drop by any prison or jail on visiting day. We can’t keep families together if some family members choose to participate in criminal activity No other country on earth allows foreigners to come in illegally, work illegally, steal jobs from it’s citizens, break laws, commit crimes (serious crimes!), evade taxes, etc. etc. etc. And there are no rational reasons why.