Stop illegal immigration while we still can
By Greg Perry Dec 10, 2011 Independence , MO — (Part II of II)
We shouldn’t condone parents who knowingly illegally sneak their children into our country or give birth in our country and consequently use them like winning lottery tickets with the intent and consequence of taking advantage of legal American citizens and their children. Why should our children suffer the consequences? La Raza (The Race) in essence is a self-proclaimed racist organization that has permeated itself in various levels of our government for the sole purpose of trying to give credibility to millions of people who are in our country illegally and have no true allegiance to our country.
People who have entered our country illegally are guilty of breaking one of our most sacred laws and have absolutely no right to be here and are consequently due nothing. The Obama administration has refused to enforce our key immigration laws. Some Republicans seem to favor illegal immigration to provide a cheap labor source for various businesses and also seem to lack the nerve and the guts to actually solve our illegal immigration problems. Democrats seem to be for the acceptance for illegal immigration so they can increase their voter base and further their liberal agenda. Both parties seem to be more concerned about their political careers than the well-being of their country or constituents.
The state needs to mandate that all municipalities need to verify that all business license holders do not employ illegal aliens and that E-Verify needs to be mandatory for all businesses and workers with no exceptions regardless of the number of employees and all employees must be reported, no excuses. All forms of businesses need to be discouraged from catering and pandering to illegal aliens. We need to discourage various organizations from allowing/accepting illegal immigration within the business community.
It needs to be unlawful for schools/learning institutions, car lots, banks/loan institutions, public housing and rental property owners from doing business with someone unless they can prove lawful presence in this country. The existence of the “turning a blind eye” sanctuary cities must be eliminated. It needs to be unlawful to register/license in
Yes, the Hispanic population has exponentially increased in our country; however if you took illegal aliens and their anchor babies out of the equation, that definitely wouldn’t be the case. Our country has literally been invaded while lawmakers looked on and continued to kick the can down the road. Elected representatives need to face and start reporting the facts. In reality it has been documented and reported that there are upwards of 30 million people in our country illegally and not the federal government numbers of 12 million.
Elected representatives have to, in a manner of speaking, take off the gloves and hit back twice as hard as the pro-illegal immigration groups. Past federal, state and local legislators/lawmakers are primarily responsible for the illegal invasion of our country. A typical elected representative’s scapegoat statement is that we’ve got to secure our borders first. However, the correct answer is we need to simultaneously deport those in our country illegally.
Another common statement is that we can’t deport large numbers of illegal aliens, when the facts are we’ve never tried, and we will never control our borders unless our elected representatives become truly serious to resolve the issue. All law enforcement agencies and government entities need to have the authority to determine if someone is in our state or country illegally, and that’s not racial profiling.
All elected representatives have taken an oath to defend the Constitution and protect and defend our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, which is paramount to their public service. Elected representatives can’t be intimated by the federal government, liberal groups, ACLU or La Raza and must remember they were sent to office to do the right thing for their legitimate constituents, community, state and nation, not to win a popularity contest or pander to people who are in our country illegally.
If we don’t solve this illegal immigration issue, any and all past, present or future legislative accomplishments will be for nothing because we will have lost our country. We are truly in the fight of our lives and for the survival of our great nation and there can be no excuses for not doing the right thing and what needs to be done. It’s not too late to do what we must to save our country.
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