Stop illegal immigration while we still can
By Greg Perry Dec 10, 2011 Independence , MO — (Part I of II)
I am not a cold hearted racist or bigot, just a caring, responsible American who has great concern for our country and respects those who obey the laws of our country and enter legally according to those laws. Illegal immigration has absolutely nothing to do with racism, but has everything to do with the laws of our nation. Illegal aliens have always been portrayed as the victims, when in reality the American people, our culture and our country are the real victims.
Illegal aliens, particularly those from
There are many obvious and necessary reasons why it’s not an easy task to become a legal American citizen. Compromise in any way, shape or form is wrong and no one should ever be rewarded for committing an illegal act and consequently destroying our culture, economy and country. We do not need comprehensive immigration reform; we just need to enforce laws already on the books, and our existing immigration quotes are already very generous. Under no circumstances should citizenship to this country be for sale or barter such as fines, or in exchange for serving in the military. Only true-blooded legal Americans should protect
Local and state governments need to quit putting all the blame for lack of enforcement on each other and the federal government and take the task and responsibilities upon themselves and take on the federal government if that’s what it takes, and states need to band together. Our elected representatives want us to believe or feel they have crafted various tough/harsh legislation and have represented that to their constituents, when in reality that same legislation is very ambiguous and full of loopholes. I’ve studied it (Missouri HB1549) and we need to demand that our legislators make needed changes. We don’t want them to tell us why they can’t, we want to hear how they will. That’s why they were elected, and you tell me, has illegal immigration gotten better or worse through the years?
The following are some of the reasons why we need to get laws changed and loopholes closed:
■ Our federal government, state and local budget problems wouldn’t exist to the extent they do if we weren’t spending massive amounts of our tax dollars on illegal aliens.
■ Our unemployment rate could and would be dissolved if 30 million people weren’t in our country illegally for Americans to compete with. It’s a fallacy that Americans won’t do the jobs that illegal aliens are doing. Americans were doing those jobs before they were taken over by illegal aliens.
The statement that American won’t do the jobs has been stated so many times for such a long time that some Americans, including their elected representatives have come to believe it. The truth of the matter is that various businesses and industries have exploited illegal aliens and at the same time forced legal American citizens to compete for those jobs offering lower and lower wages and less and less in benefits. It’s also a fallacy and insult that we need to grant special visas to non-citizens because we don’t have American citizens with a particular technological experience.
■ Illegal aliens have taken over a majority of construction related industries, various factories, processing plants, fast food and restaurants and won’t stop there.
■ Illegal aliens have taken advantage of every social program established even through they’re entitled to none of them.
■ Illegal aliens have overwhelmed, decimated and compromised our health care system. Illegal immigration is the primary cause in the rise of polio, head lice, measles and mumps, several of which were once eradicated in this country.
■ Illegal alien children have overwhelmed, decimated and compromised our public school system and bilingual classes have become disruptive and costly.
■ Illegal aliens have overwhelmed our judicial system and overwhelmed our prison system.
Stay Tuned For Part II
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