By Victor Davis Hanson
Seventy-six years ago —
on Dec. 7, 1941 — the Imperial Japanese fleet surprise-attacked Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii, the home port of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Japanese carrier planes killed
2,403 Americans. They sunk or submerged 19 ships (including eight battleships
destroyed or disabled) and damaged or destroyed more than 300 planes.
In an amazing feat of
seamanship, the huge Japanese carrier fleet had steamed nearly 3,500 miles in
midwinter high seas. The armada had refueled more than 20 major ships while
observing radio silence before arriving undetected about 220 miles from Hawaii.
The surprise attack
started the Pacific War. It was followed a few hours later by a Japanese
assault on the Philippines.
More importantly, Pearl
Harbor ushered in a new phase of World War II, as the conflict expanded to the
Pacific. It became a global war when, four days later, Germany and Italy
declared war on the United States.
The Japanese fleet had
missed the three absent American carriers of the Pacific Fleet. Nonetheless,
Japanese admirals were certain that the United States was so crippled after the
attack that it would not be able to go on the offensive against the Japanese
Pacific empire for years, if at all. Surely the wounded Americans would sue for
peace, or at least concentrate on Europe and keep out of the Japanese-held
Pacific. That was a fatal miscalculation.
The Japanese warlords
had known little of the tireless efforts of one Democratic congressman from
Georgia, Carl Vinson.
For nearly a decade
before Pearl Harbor, Vinson had schemed and politicked in brilliant fashion to
ensure that America was building a two-ocean navy larger than all the major
navies of the world combined.
Vinson had assumed in
the mid-1930s that fascist Japan and Germany posed existential threats to the
United States. For America to survive, he saw that America would need mastery
of the seas to transport its armies across the Pacific and Atlantic.
From 1934 to 1940,
Vinson pushed through Congress four major naval appropriations bills. The
result was that the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which Japan thought it had almost
destroyed in December 1941, was already slated to be replaced by a far larger
and updated armada.
A little more than
seven months after Pearl Harbor, the USS Essex — the finest carrier in the
world — was launched. Essex was the first of 24 such state-of-the-art fleet
carriers of its class to be built during the war.
Vinson’s various prewar
naval construction bills also ensured the launching of hundreds of modern
battleships, cruisers, destroyers and submarines. As bombs fell at Pearl
Harbor, ships of the new American fleet were soon to be deployed, under
construction, or already authorized.
Vinson’s foresight
would save thousands of American lives in the Atlantic and Pacific. American
naval power quickly allowed the U.S. to fight a two-front war against Japan,
Germany, and Italy.
Vinson, a rural
Georgian, was an unlikely advocate of global naval supremacy.
Before World War II,
the battleship was still thought to be queen of the seas. Yet Vinson emphasized
aircraft carriers over battleships. That decision would result in absolute
American naval supremacy of the oceans within two years of the Pearl Harbor
Stranger still, Vinson
had fought for naval expansion in the middle of the Great Depression, at a time
when the U.S. government was already deeply in debt and poor Americans had no
desire for large peacetime defense spending.
Vinson lived in the
heart of impoverished rural Georgia, not on the East or West coast, the
traditional homes of U.S. warships. He was elected for 26 straight
congressional terms. For 50 years, Vinson insisted on military preparedness,
especially through naval power, to ensure deterrence and thereby keep the
Vinson’s remarkable
congressional career began in 1914, before the American entry into World War I.
He championed a strong Navy during the Depression, World War II, the Korean
War, the start of the Vietnam War, and the Cold War before retiring in 1965 at
the age of 81.
Prior to Vinson, the
U.S. Navy was basically a small coastal patrol force fueled by coal. But as the
chairman of the House Naval Affairs Committee and later the House Armed
Services Committee, Vinson ensured that American sea power — eventually led by
behemoth nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (including the USS Carl Vinson) —
would win wars and keep the peace through its global reach.
Vinson would live 16
years beyond retirement, dying at the age of 97 in 1981. Today, most Americans
do not recognize Vinson’s contributions to American security. But the real
strategic story of the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor was that Japan
foolishly bombed a mostly obsolete fleet, soon guaranteeing terrible revenge
from its far greater and more modern replacement armada — thanks largely to the
global visions of a rural Georgia congressman.
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