Citizenship Matters
3/26/2018 - Ken Blackwell
It’s not about being
against foreigners. All nations put their people first. If there’s hard work to
do in the world, they turn to the U.S.A.
The Left hates
President Donald Trump for many reasons. One of the most important is because
he really believes in America first. He doesn’t just say it. He bases his policies
on that principle.
Which shouldn’t be
It’s nothing against
foreigners. They put their people first. They don’t provide the U.S. with
“foreign aid.” They don’t protect America from foreign enemies. If there’s
dirty work to do in the world, they turn to Washington.
It’s about time we were
equally serious about taking care of our own. The first duty of the federal
government—and states and localities too—is to protect and support the American
As the Preamble of the
Constitution explains, the federal government’s purpose is to “insure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and
secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” If we don’t
take care of ourselves no one else will.
The political
foundation of our republic is citizenship. - which means enjoying the benefits
but also paying the price of being an American.
Becoming a U.S. citizen
is an honor, something people all over the world desire. And citizenship is
important precisely because it brings full participation in U.S. society. Once
you become a citizen—but only then— can you help decide what America is and
will become.
So naturally only
citizens should vote. But, sadly today that idea offends many Democrats, who
see themselves as citizens of the world. To them it’s not a problem if you come
to America illegally. And not a problem if you vote illegally.
Thus, the Left, which
includes once mainstream organizations such as the League of Women Voters,
works hard to prevent us from learning how many illegal ballots are cast. But
the American Civil Rights Union has challenged that activity by filing federal
lawsuits against numerous jurisdictions which have more people registered to
vote than residents.
Where 100-year-olds and
200-year-olds not only are registered but are actively voting. Where people are
registered in more than one state. And where non-citizens register and vote,
while election officials do little to nothing to remove them from the voter
Four years ago, three
professors at Old Dominion University estimated that at least 620,000
non-citizens were registered to vote nationwide, and the number could be
substantially higher. They concluded: “We find that some non-citizens
participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large
enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College
votes, and Congressional elections.”
If you believe in
democracy, these findings are disturbing. Consider Starr County, Texas, which
decades ago helped make “Landslide Lyndon” Johnson’s career in his first race
for U.S. Senate. The local District Attorney, Omar Escobar, testified before
the state legislature that current registration procedures were “an invitation
to fraud.”
Even small numbers of
improper votes can have significant impacts. President Donald Trump carried the
states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin by especially narrow
margins—just .3 percent and 12,000 votes in the first. In Virginia one (yes,
one) vote determined the outcome of a delegate contest last November, which in
turn determined control of the entire legislative body.
The obvious solution is
to require proof of citizenship to register to vote. Naturally, the Left calls
such a requirement “onerous.” Yet proof of citizenship, most obviously a birth
certificate, needs only be procured once.
Anyway, the law should
apply even if complying is difficult. The majority is cheated—betrayed,
really—when illegal votes change the result of an election. Government has no
more fundamental duty than to protect the integrity of the electoral process.
Unfortunately, a
federal court previously blocked an attempt by Alabama, Georgia, and Kansas to
add a citizenship requirement to the federal registration form, which otherwise
only requires that the registrant swear to be a citizen. Only Kansas was
actively enforcing a state citizenship requirement, but that state’s secretary
of state, Kris Kobach, is now fighting a lawsuit brought by the ACLU (who
else!?) claiming it’s illegal for the state to ensure that those registering to
vote are doing so legally. The New York Times even celebrated when the federal
judge refused to allow Kobach to introduce new evidence of improper
Critics of election
safeguards argue that only a handful of cases of fraudulent behavior have been
found. But these are the very people making it virtually impossible to
determine the magnitude of the problem.
Republicans need to
focus on the upcoming election. The Democratic strategy is to use the courts to
block election integrity and manipulate redistricting. It could give them
Eternal vigilance is
the price of liberty, Thomas Jefferson told us. It also is the only defense for
free elections.
Ken Blackwell is a
member of the policy board of the American Civil Rights Union and a senior
fellow at the Family Research Council.
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