11/18/2019 - Scott Morefield
to a nuclear strike, foreign invasion, or global pandemic, it’s hard to imagine
something as bone-chillingly terrifying as a second hot Civil War. The first
one was bad enough, what with the endless carnage and the deaths of over
620,000 soldiers in a time when the U.S. was sparsely populated and wartime
technology was in its relative infancy, at least compared to today. Even if the
military withheld its most destructive weapons, a modern hot civil war would be
disastrous on a scale that’s barely imaginable.
a prospect no sane person wants, even on the fringes of the right or the left.
Yet, in today’s polarized age, most people now genuinely believe civil war to
be a very real possibility. An October Georgetown
Institute poll
found that the average American believes we are “two-thirds of the way to the
edge of a civil war,” while a solid majority believes that “political, racial,
and class divisions are getting worse.”
where I’m sitting, it sure seems that way, and it’s a topic that’s getting an
increasing amount of coverage in the media from both conservative and liberal
Atlantic devoted its entire December issue to
the topic of “How To Stop A Civil War.” Interestingly, it includes an article
relating how
marriage counseling techniques can help bring some sense of mutual
understanding to people on both sides of the political spectrum. Because in
truth, the kind of ‘contempt’ that research says ends
for good, the kind that left and right clearly have for each other these days,
could very well end our nation.
an article for The American
Conservative titled, “Civil War Begins When The Constitutional Order Breaks
Down,” Michael Vlahos writes of a “daily torrent of unfiltered evidence” that
suggests that “our constitutional order is fissuring before our eyes.”
author Joseph Natoli, writing for
about the “Looming Shadow of Civil War,” sardonically but accurately described
how conservatives see the ideological opposition: “Liberals retain the old tax
and spend/baby killing on demand profile, taking from working Americans and
giving to lazy shirkers and on the way killing babies. The profile grows
darker: gay marriage, gender choice, LGBTQ rights, amnesty to illegal aliens,
open borders, confiscation of guns, cars, cattle, Jesus, Robert E. Lee and
white privilege. The ‘extreme Left’ and Progressives have a thinner profile:
left, then, according to Natoli, sees Trump supporters as being motivated by
“ignorance and stupidity at the top of the list, followed by racist, bigoted,
misogynist and homophobic. In brief, if you voted for Trump, you were a
troglodyte with a gun.”
which of those characterizations appears more accurate and which are just a
personal attack? Does the left not favor abortion, tax and spend, gun
confiscation, and open borders? Don’t they, for example, incessantly yammer on
about the ridiculous, nonexistent concept of “white privilege?" The only
thing slightly offensive to some might be the “Communist” label, but many on
the more extreme left likely only publicly eschew that label for fear of
turning people off.
supporters, of course, don’t cotton to the idea of being labeled as “racist,
bigoted, misogynist and homophobic,” not to mention "ignorant" and
"stupid," by condescending, virtue signaling leftists full of their
own self-defined "morality." Yet, at least for now, we are all in the
same boat, as HBO host Bill Maher
pointed out
in a somewhat-joking, mostly-serious “Real Time with Bill Maher” segment on
Friday night. To Maher, the “single shining truth about democracy” is “sharing
the country with assholes you can’t stand” in the same way families don’t
typically choose their Thanksgiving dinner guests. (Sure, we all know who he’s
talking about when it comes to “assholes,” but that doesn’t negate the overall
don’t get to choose the guests, because those freaks are your family,” Maher joked. “Think about that the
next time you think you can own someone politically. Think about how you can
see politics so differently from people who share your very blood.” The HBO
host lamented the desire, on both sides, to “own” the opposition - a tactic
that never actually changes minds - before grimly observing that, while a
second civil war may sound “impossible,” it is actually “is not.”
the comedian, like Natoli, juxtaposed how both sides see each other: “We all
talk about Trump as an existential threat, but his side sees Democratic control
of government the exact same way. And when both sides believe the other guy
taking over means the end of the world, yes, you can have a civil war.”
are going to have to learn to live with each other or there will be blood,”
Maher soberingly concluded.
he right? It’s a bit lengthy, but I highly recommend read this
titled “How America Ends.” In it, Atlantic senior editor Yoni Appelbaum acknowledges
both the demographic plight faced by the political majority in America –
something “no rich and stable democracy has ever experienced” – along with the
fact that democracy is imperiled when one or the other side feels hopeless at
the prospects for future electoral victory. A 2020 Trump defeat, writes
Appelbaum, would “only deepen the despair that fueled his rise, confirming his
supporters’ fear that the demographic tide has turned against them.”
a group that has traditionally exercised power comes to believe that its
eclipse is inevitable, and that the destruction of all it holds dear will
follow, it will fight to preserve what it has—whatever the cost,” he continued.
Appelbaum’s ‘solution,’ as it were, is for the rise of a center-right party
that embraces immigrants and minorities in the same way the Democratic Party
expanded its tent in the 30’s.
article truthfully lays out the landscape in a way that few liberal
publications have acknowledged, but the ‘solution’ it offers is simply more of
the same. Can America survive when its elites are, against the will of a
majority of Americans, importing millions of immigrants from cultures that have
little to nothing whatsoever in common with that of the current citizenry? To
Maher’s analogy, we may not “choose” our family any more than we “choose” our
country-mates, but imagine the tension at Thanksgiving if said “family”
included different members every year brought in
at random
with absolutely nothing culturally in common with the original members. At what
point does the concept of assimilation, something that predictably isn’t
mentioned in the article but has always been the key to a stable country,
become impossible? Still, just turn some into right-of-center conservatives,
Appelbaum smugly advises, and all will be well.
get me wrong, I’m all for recruiting minorities of any stripe into the
conservative tent. Hispanics and African Americans who are courageous enough to
outwardly support President Trump, despite the pushback they get from their own
communities, have my unending respect and gratitude. However, when has ANY
conservative leaning party been able to recruit even Hispanics, the group with
which they have arguably forged the greatest inroads, at a level that could
equal electoral victory in a Hispanic-dominated state? Even George W. Bush, for
all his pandering, only managed to
win 40
percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004. Most political analysts concede that even
Texas will go blue by 2024, if not sooner. What chance will Republicans have on
a national scale then?
the apocalyptic concerns of Michael Anton mentioned in the Atlantic article,
laid out in his seminal 2016
essay “The
Flight 93 Election,” are even more concerning now than ever. And contrary to
Appelbaum’s contention, it is in fact Trump and his supporters who are trying
to save America from collapse by curbing immigration to manageable levels.
Because as daunting as the prospect of a civil war may be, many conservatives
would choose that and all that goes with it – if some form of extreme federalism or non-violent secession
doesn’t work – any day of the week over the even more disturbing prospect of
being dominated by the political left for
the foreseeable future.
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