11/11/2019 - Scott Morefield Townhall.com
since its citizens liked Ike in ‘52 (other than one brief hiccup in 1964 when
Johnson trounced Goldwater almost everywhere), the Commonwealth of Virginia had
voted reliably Republican, until 2008. That year, in a wave election, Democrat
Barack Obama won several states Republicans typically win, like Florida, North
Carolina and Arizona. One could have been forgiven, then, for thinking Virginia
would come back to the fold after the hipness wore off and the cold, hard
reality of quasi-socialist governance became all-too-real. After all, this is
Old Dominion we’re talking about, the land of Monticello and Williamsburg, of
Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and more prominent founding Americans than
anywhere else. From Nathaniel Bacon to George Mason to Patrick Henry and
countless more, freedom and resistance to tyranny have been an indelible part
of that great state’s heritage.
sadly, the blue never wore off. It only grew deeper and more dominant, until
last week, when the tiniest tint of red faded into the darkness like the last
sunset of a dying man, never to return.
right, folks. With a Democratic governor, lieutenant governor, attorney
general, both United States senators, seven of 11 representatives, and now both
State houses, the Commonwealth of Virginia is now officially a blue state on
par with the socialistic dystopias of California, New York, and New England.
It’s been a long time coming, albeit a slow, gradual march to the abyss, but
the land of the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and “sic
semper tyrannis” has now become the land of the snowflakes and social justice
leaves many wondering, how on earth did this happen? Fox News host Laura
Ingraham’s Wednesday night analysis may have gotten the attention
of Media Matters, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less true. To Ingraham, the
“road to Democratic dominance” in the formerly right-of-center state was paved
with demographic changes that began taking place long before Trump’s 2015 trip down
that New York City escalator.
foreign-born population nearly doubled from 2000 and 2017,” said Ingraham, “and
these immigrants are mostly concentrated in Northern Virginia. Fairfax County,
Loudoun County, Prince William County, outside of D.C., and they are altering
the demographic makeup of the state - and, as The Washington Post and others
have pointed out, the electorate.”
The Washington Post’s reporting, the Fox News host noted that a full third of
Fairfax County’s population is now comprised of foreign-born individuals. “Half
of the elementary school students there speak a foreign language at home,” said
Ingraham. “And since immigrants are more likely to vote Democrat, well, this,
of course has dragged the electorate to the left. That's just a fact of life.”
much as the left wishes to curb discussion about such things, she’s not lying.
The Hispanic percentage of Virginia’s population alone went from 7.9 percent
in 2010 to 9.6 percent in 2018, accounting for almost half of the state’s
overall population growth during that time. While most are undoubtedly good
people, hard workers, and solid economic contributors, the fact that they come
from ‘big government’ countries with little regard for personal freedom makes
them more likely, sadly, to vote for such policies in their new country. And
exit polling shows that 60 to 70 percent of them do, without fail, election after
election. Such voting behaviors, of course, are likely over time to lend
themselves to turning their new homes into the same sort of hellholes they
left, but for whatever reason, most are either unable or unwilling to see the
tragic irony.
and other immigrants aren’t the only factors, of course. Northern Virginia has
experienced an exodus of people seeking an escape from the bleak economic
conditions of both Maryland and Washington D.C. for years. They too fail to see
the irony as they poison their new home with the same failed policies as their
old ones. Either way, demographics will always be destiny. It’s a fact the left has understood
for decades, but Republicans have either failed to see or feared to point
live in deep-red Tennessee, almost literally a stone’s throw from the Virginia
border. My town, Bristol, has a half in Tennessee and a half in Virginia.
Already, many are wondering how a $15 minimum wage will affect small businesses
already struggling to survive on the Virginia side. Others worry about new gun
legislation that will automatically make criminals out of the law-abiding and
take away their right to defend themselves. Several I know personally are at
least talking about moving over here to Tennessee, and freedom, and state
governance by people who, despite their faults, at
least understand the concept of basic economics.
elections have consequences, and Virginians will get to bear the consequences
of their poor choices, and that quite soon. Look for bloated budgets, higher
taxes, economic misery, and more social unrest as Virginia slowly but surely
goes the way of California. It’s sad, tragic even, but in another sense it’s
also part of the beauty of federalism and why the nation’s founders left the
states the powers not expressly given to the federal government. Virginians
failed to learn the lessons of quasi-socialist California and others, so
they’ll just have to experience it themselves. It’ll be a lesson that we
Tennesseans and other red state residents can observe and hopefully learn from
firsthand - never, ever, ever go full blue.
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