If I could change the government...
By Dennis McGowan www.americanthinker.com
How many days have to pass before the operation of our Constitutional Republic is limited to the wisdom and intent of the Founders?
They crafted our political system after having been subject to the abuses of the British monarchy and were determined to see those abuses gone.
In an effort to move us closer to the actual intent of the Founders it might be worth making a few changes in the current powers of governance.
Here is a place to start:
Congressional Term Limits – two terms and out. Current members with two terms are ineligible to run again.
A completed, balanced budget is required prior to the start of the fiscal year. No add-ons later, except in time of war. Deficit spending is prohibited and the national debt will be reduced to zero dollars within 10 years.
Any and all bills before Congress can have only one purpose or action. Combining unrelated measures is prohibited.
Every bill considered for law must be accompanied by an addendum in clear, sixth-grade English that explains its purpose and intent.
The finished version of each bill will be made available to members of Congress at least four days prior to a scheduled vote. Bills over 1,000 pages are an exception and will be available for seven days prior to a vote.
Each bill, and the law that results from it, will be referred to by the House or Senate bill number and not by a name that utilizes acronymic definition.
Unelected bureaucrats cannot make
rules/restrictions/mandates/etc. that impact the liberties, economics or the
health of the public. Congress must make any such edicts and they are called
Current unelected bureaucrats who have crafted restrictive dictates are classified as politicians and are term-limited to the end of the current year.
The federal voting system known as the Electoral College is sacrosanct and cannot be replaced or weakened.
The 17th Amendment, making Senators federally elected, is repealed.
Presidential Executive Orders may not make or replace laws or obligate funds.
Congress will meet in Washington only in the first and third quarters of the year.
Election advertising cannot start until 90 days before an election and must end two days prior to election day.
Grants may only be issued to companies whose grant-funded end product fills a government need. Development of entities intended to be marketable by private industry are prohibited from federal grants.
Earmarks are banned.
Any current federal office holder or job holder running for an elected office must resign from their current position before undertaking any campaign effort.
The long-time overreach of the Commerce Clause (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 ) needs to be rectified to conform to the original intent of the founders and the federalist tenets of the Constitution.
Ranked Choice Voting for federal positions is permanently prohibited.
Before any member of Congress may vote on banning appliances currently in widespread use (stoves, water heaters, furnaces, air conditioners, etc) that member must permanently disconnect and disable the appliance addressed by the bill in their own home.
Prior to taking office, every electee to Congress, and every unelected bureaucrat capable of imposing regulations must pass the same test that applicants for U.S. citizenship eligibility must pass.
Health care is a traditional service designed and run by medical professionals for the benefit of the patients in their care. Current crippling federal government involvement in health care should be restricted and reduced to no more than payment of Medicare and Medicaid.
Presidents and vice presidents are subject to annual psychological evaluation in order to remain in office. Failure to be certified as 100% psychologically competent is cause for immediate removal.
This is by no means a final, comprehensive list, but it might be a good beginning.
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