WaPo: Trump’s border security policies would ‘reignite’ inflation
By Jack Hellner www.americanthinker.com
The media and other Democrats have run a nonstop campaign against President Trump, and because Joe Biden’s policies are so disastrous, they’ve resorted to scare tactics, deluging the public with lies that President Trump is a fascist dictator who would take away free elections, and “reignite” inflation.
The polls show that the media haven’t done a sufficient job, as there aren’t enough anti-Trump voters, so now they’re asserting that his policies on tariffs and immigration will cause high inflation. As with most things in the media today there are no facts to support this. They just trot out some people who predict these things will happen. From The Washington Post, via Yahoo News:
Trump is promising to reduce inflation. His plans may reignite it.
Donald Trump is vowing sweeping changes to the nation’s economy that threaten to reignite inflation - even as the former president blames President Biden for higher prices and says he’ll bring the problem under control.
With a substantial lead in the 2024 GOP presidential primary days before the Iowa caucuses, Trump has proposed imposing unprecedented new tariffs on trillions of dollars worth of imports and deporting undocumented workers on a vast scale. Both campaign pledges risk exacerbating the price spikes that have subsided over the last year, according to liberal and conservative economists alike, in addition to some estimates cited by the former president’s own advisers. If he’s elected, Trump could implement these policies at least in part without needing Congress to act.
We were told for years that Trump’s tariffs on China and other nations (a policy move to bring more production back to the U.S.), would cause inflation—but what are the facts? See the yearly Consumer Price Index numbers below:
CPI 2017: 2.1%
CPI 2018: 1.9%
CPI 2019: 2.3%
CPI 2020: 1.4%
CPI 2021: 7.5%
CPI 2022: 3.1%
CPI 2023: 3.4%
(All these statistics can easily be found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.)
What these facts show is that inflation didn’t rise after Trump imposed tariffs on China and elsewhere, and it didn’t rise because Trump was building a wall and had a remain-in-Mexico policy; so why would they rise now if Trump reimposed the same sensible policies?
Inflation even stayed low in 2020 when there were supply chain disruptions, and even when the economy came roaring back in the second half of 2020, as businesses reopened after government lockdowns.
Didn’t COVID and supply chain issues show that it is very important for the United States to produce its own products so that foreign countries like China can’t control us?
What the inflation statistics show is that inflation took off after Biden was elected and took office. His energy policies and goals, to take out companies that use natural resources to produce reasonably-priced energy and other products, are a major contributor to the high inflation. Russia, Iran, and the terrorist regimes funded by oil, are able to finance their wars and weapons because of Biden’s false claim that he can control the climate if we destroy our oil, natural gas, and coal industries.
Predictions are worthless, facts are important.
The “experts” and prognosticators did not predict the high inflation of 2021. Even when inflation started to rise, they falsely claimed it was transitory because of supply chain disruptions. Then they lied, and claimed it was high because Biden had turned around the disastrous economy—that is a huge lie that persists to this day. The truth is the economy was soaring when he took over.
Then they falsely blamed Russia’s actions in Ukraine for the inflation… but that was a year after the inflation rate skyrocketed. Inflation after Russia attacked is lower than it was in 2021, before it attacked. Democrat hacks have been coming off with false dire predictions since before Trump was even first elected.
Here is Mark Zandi in 2016 as he campaigned for Hillary:
Economist Mark Zandi: Donald Trump is the biggest threat to the recovery
‘If Mr. Trump gets precisely the policies he says he wants, then the economy will suffer a recession.’
His dire predictions were 100% wrong; Zandi, of Moody’s Analytics, is a frequent promoter of Democrat policies and attacker of Republican policies.
And here is Democrat hack Paul Krugman in 2016:
Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
Why does the media still use Krugman and Zandi as sources when their predictions are so wrong?
Here is the answer: The Bidenites gather Democrat campaign workers, give them the scoop, then send them off to pose as journalists. Remember this?
Yikes: Biden Campaign Calls Reporters to Wilmington to Issue Talking Points in Series of Meetings
And here is Philip Bump at the WaPo, advising people not to do their own research:
Doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong
He clearly wants to dumb down America. I would say that listening to supposed “experts” on climate change, COVID, or anything else, without doing your own research, is an excellent way to make sure you are wrong.
Indoctrination is truly a dangerous thing. Teaching children that they should just repeat what they are told without asking questions or doing research, like most journalists, is the way to destroy the United States.
Go Trump!
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