Illegal aliens understand that none of the rules apply to them
By Andrea Widburg
Once upon a time, illegal aliens cowered in the shadows, and Democrats told us that was wrong. Now, Democrats have de facto legalized illegal immigration, and the aliens no longer cower. Instead, they make it plain that they have the upper hand and are entitled to free food, free lodging, and freedom from America’s laws and rules. The most recent example is the group of illegal aliens who refused to yield a soccer field to a boys’ youth soccer game in New York City.
We routinely hear stories of illegal aliens complaining that they don’t like the free food they get or that their free accommodations are substandard. I’m not saying I’d like the food or accommodations either, but beggars can’t be choosers…especially illegal beggars who have broken into your home and are taking food from your cupboards and sleeping in your beds.
We’ve also seen an escalating number of illegal aliens murder people, rape people, commit acts of pedophilia, drive drunk, engage in illegal drug dealing, mug people, rob houses, and otherwise commit a variety of illegal acts. Leftists assure us, though, that these bad actors are just a small percentage of the illegal aliens who come here. What most of them want, Democrats tell us, is jobs (our jobs), housing (our housing), education for their children (crowding our children out of classrooms), and to live a good life (where we once did).
Okay, fine. Most aren’t criminals—except for the fact that, by definition they are, given that their very presence in America is an illegal act. But that doesn’t mean that illegal aliens aren’t beginning to display unbounded arrogance in small ways that have the potential to be even more disruptive than demanding handouts from local governments or having a small percentage commit crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, or pedophilia.
Exhibit A showing the illegal aliens’ growing lifestyle arrogance comes from New York City itself (emphasis mine):
A high school soccer game at a public field in East Harlem was canceled after a group of migrants refused to leave the pitch so the kids could play.
“I directly asked them to leave and some of them kind of took it into consideration, but then four or five of them said, ‘You know what, f–k it, we don’t have to leave, we can do whatever we want,'” said Erik Johansson, the coach of the Manhattan Kickers 17-year-old boys travel team.
About 40 boys from both teams showed up on Sunday, April 14 at Thomas Jefferson Park for the 5 p.m. match.
The Kickers were set to face off against FA Euro New York.
But a group of about 30 men who appeared to be African migrants and spoke little English, wouldn’t leave — even when the cops showed up.
At this point, faced on the one side with two well-prepared youth soccer teams, complete with coaches, parents, and referees, the police should simply have rousted the illegal immigrants. But that’s not what the cowed NYPD did. Instead, it demanded that the youth soccer teams show their permit—and I can assure you that they weren’t carrying it. I can say this because I spent years attending and acting as manager for youth soccer games. There is an honor system in play that doesn’t require people to drag around their city paperwork.
Eventually, the teams were able to find the permit, but the game was canceled anyway. Why? Because “the teams didn’t feel safe.”
One of the coaches, Erik Johansson, explained what would happen if they stuck around, an explanation based upon his experiences with immigrants in his native Sweden:
“Even when the game is over, you don’t know if they’re waiting for you, so even if the cops kicked them out, it may not be over. So we just all agreed, this is too dangerous,” Johansson said.
Johansson also said that parents no longer want to play on that field ever again, feeling that it’s too dangerous.
What just happened in East Harlem was the collapse of government authority. In a standoff between people who have no right to be in America and certainly no right to be on a youth soccer field, it was the cops who blinked and the American citizens who, fearing unchecked illegal alien violence, ran away. And of course, I’m willing to bet that none of these Americans, given that this was in New York City, carried a legal firearm. No wonder they felt helpless.
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