By Monica Showalter
Migrants who come here claiming 'asylum' from persecution have made it pretty clear in interviews and news stories that what they really want are work permits.
They are now getting work permits because their political and NGO lobbies are advocating for them.
According to Axios:
As President Joe Biden visits Chicago on Monday, he's likely to get an earful from local leaders about the city's need for more federal help, specifically on work permits for new immigrants.
Why it matters: Less than 10% of new arrivals have obtained work permits, making it harder for them to exit shelters and making it legally perilous for employers to give them jobs — even those desperate for workers.
Driving the news: Last week, Mayor Brandon Johnson joined with local migrant advocates to again call on Biden to expand work permit eligibility to allow for more permits, including for those who have been here for many years.
· While Biden's Chicago schedule has remained under wraps, Johnson has promised to maintain pressure on the president, including through a letter with several other mayors to be sent in the coming weeks.
But don't think it stops there.
Now the previous migrants want them, too, which could be as many as 30 million foreign nationals. And they've got their advocates in the political and NGO community pressuring government for those, too.
ABC7's narrator reported:
But for many in communities like
Little Village, this new program is somewhat bittersweet because while it's
helping new migrants, many people who have waited for years to get their work
permits, are still left waiting:
NGO leader: There are families that have been waiting for 15, 20 years. Reagan launched the last amnesty. So, ever since then, people have been slowly trying to get their legal status. But all the barriers this puts is very hard.
You can see their point of view: They've been toiling in low-paid and informal economy jobs with fake identification, stolen identification, or no identification, for years, so to see new arrivals get handed work permits on the spot, as is happening in Chicago and in other places, has got to be galling.
The Chicago Sun-Times ran an op-ed calling for work permits for all, too:
We, along with a coalition of more than 85 nonprofit organizations, business leaders, faith organizations, and elected officials, call on Biden to extend work permits to all undocumented workers as quickly as possible. This move would be a heavy political lift, but it would help fill job vacancies while catalyzing economic growth, enhancing tax revenue, and fortifying workplace protections for those who have long contributed to our communities from the shadows.
They claimed that in Illinois, there are only 75 workers to fill every 100 work slots.
Welcome to the world of special-interest carveouts, and whether anyone admits it or not, the border-surge illegals of today have become their own special interest group competing with all other special interest groups for benefits, and have found themselves on top of the priority heap.
If handing out work permits for all is the next logical outcome of the border surge, then it's obvious that there's no point to obeying immigration law at all. Only a sucker would do it. Citizenship of the U.S. or having a valid green card is now pretty much meaningless now that everyone gets to work.
Yet for blue city leaders, bankrupted by having to provide services for so many new arrivals, it seems like an idea worth advocating for just to lower the welfare rolls.
However, it isn't the panacea that blue-city officials think it will be. It means that American workers are in for 30 million or 40 million new foreign competitors for the jobs they're seeking here at home. Already foreigners, presumably from immigrant networks here at home are claiming nearly all the new jobs created that the Biden administration is touting, some 303,000 jobs created in the last month alone. Instead of corporate outsourcing, Joe Biden is importing the competition in.
And with work permits becoming another migrant entitlement for millions, where are these jobs going to come from? Under Democrats, the economy doesn't produce jobs to accomodate all, because under Democrats and their mandates and regulations and taxes, the economy is not allowed to grow. Even if Illinois has 25 job openings for migrants for every 100 jobs created, issuing work permits to all comers will surely leave a lot of the 30 million without jobs, and they all want them right now.
It's a bad idea loaded with unintended consequences and all it will do is incentivize further illegal immigration. No work permits should be issued at all to foreign lawbreakers. Reserve those jobs for legal immigrants who have followed the law. If that's not done, we can all see where this is going to lead -- to voting rights, full amnesty, and citizenship. We know what the long game is here.
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