Friday, July 15, 2011

Border Security - Who do You Believe?

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Is it the air or the water within the 10 square mile Washington District of Criminals that causes politicians to lie through their teeth?  
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano stated that "security on the southern U. S. border is better now than it has ever been". She also denied that serious violence from neighboring Mexico had spilled over into the U. S. and stressed that border towns are safe for travel, trade and commerce. President Obama's snide remarks during his El Paso speech about changing the position of the goal posts, tripling and quadrupling the border patrol and wanting a moat with alligators was unbecoming to the highest elected official in the land. He also said "They want a fence, well the fence is basically complete".
Government officials, law enforcement officers and residents who occupy homes and ranches from California to Texas, live a different life style from the rest of us. They are required to always be at the ready, even carry a weapon to protect themselves from illegal border crossers, smugglers of people and drugs and declare they live in a war zone. Texas Governor Rick Perry has "Declared the border with Mexico is a war zone, as dangerous as Iraq".
If the fence is basically complete and border security is better than ever, why do we have Federal Agents and Texas Rangers exchanging weapon fire with drug runners at the border with Mexico? Why do CBP Agents have to resort to weapon fire to protect themselves from individuals illegally crossing our southern border with Mexico? Why was Agent Brian Terry killed by one of two AK-47 rifles found at the scene of an border apprehension incident on the U. S. side of the border near Nogales?  
Sheriff Babeu may have summed it up best: "Mexico is not our enemy. The cartels are the enemy of Mexico and America. They have brought their violence here to America. Local sheriffs can't fight them alone. We can address this growing threat, or we can make jokes, laugh and believe the border is more secure than ever."
I know who I believe, who I depend on for the truth and it isn't the residents occupying the people's houses in WDC.
 Best Regards,

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