Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Utah Politicians go National

 Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Utah Senator Curt Bramble and Attorney General Mark Shurtleff are taking the "Utah Confusion" back to WDC again today.
Immigrationworks is sponsoring a "Fly-in for Champions" at the Rayburn House Office Building on July 19th.
"ImmigrationWorks is bringing some of the most persuasive of these state immigration champions to Washington for a series of forums and meetings on Capitol Hill. Please join them to hear about what happened in their legislatures and how they are changing the conversation on the ground beyond the Beltway".
"We’ll start the day with an event at the National Press Club cosponsored by the New America Foundation, followed by a briefing for Hill staffers and coordinated visits with members of Congress".  "Join the New America Foundation and ImmigrationWorks USA to consider these questions. Panelists include state leaders trying to forge responsible immigration policies and legal scholars who will assess how immigration fits into the broader national debate about federalism – in healthcare policy, gay marriage and environmental regulation". (Emphasis - mine).  Sounds like a "Progressive Agenda", as far as I am concerned.
Another detail of the NAF, there are dozens of elitists involved, but one stands out as a member of the Leadership Council. HIs name is Jonathan Soros, President of Soros Fund Management. He is also the 34 year old son of 74 year old George Soros, the global financier.
I guess, nationally Bramble and Shurtleff are considered "Champions" who are changing the immigration conversation on the ground beyond the beltway. Do you think they will speak for the majority of Utah residents (Which includes us); or for the Utah Compact, commercial entities, Sutherland Institute and SLC Chamber of Commerce. We know the answer to that question. 
They will certainly be rubbing shoulders with the money makers and policy promoters of the beltway crowd. 
They will be in the company of those with a like mindset, considering Tamar Jacoby is the President of ImmigrationWorks. She is an amnesty zealot from way back.
Click on the two links to find out what the "Masters of the Universe" have in store for us.
Best Regards,

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