Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Call it what you will; Administrative Amnesty, Back Door Amnesty, Obama Amnesty or Selective Amnesty; providing a pathway and work permits to the "American Dream" to law breakers is still against the rule of law. It flies in the face of those millions of people waiting in line, paying the full price of fees and dues to abide by the rule of law, waiting their turn and following immigration directives.
The federal government created the illegal immigration problem by refusing to abide by its own laws, rules and regulations. Now it finds itself in a pickle with a humungous back log of immigration cases. So the current federal government administration does what government does best, create another corrective action in the form of "Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform". This June 17, 2011 Memorandum appears to have been produced to provide options (Page 4 of the document) to the DHS to carry out the administration's mis-guided vision of large scale amnesty. It clearly states that "The following options, used alone or in combination have the potential to result in meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action".
Think about it, is that Executive Agency circumventing the Legislative process or what? Here is another question, "How much of this nonsense are we going to take, without doing our best to counter this unconstitutional action unveiled by Obama to his DHS to implement "Prosecutorial Discretion"?
Please read Representative Candice Miller's (R-Mi) web site page and click on the link at the bottom to view her 3 page 12 question letter to Secretary Napolitano and the Secretary's one page 2 paragraph response. This response is absolutely sickening! It's another example of government run amok. Miller wrote her letter on August 9, 2010, asking for a response by September 3, 2010. Napolitano finally answered on September 8, 2010. Are we mad yet?
This message is another in a string of messages we have sent to keep you informed about what is going on while Congress is on vacation, the President is on vacation as the nation wallows in the cesspool of confusion, corruption and destructive debt. The Department of Homeland Security (Is that an oxymoron, or what?) continues to ignore the will of the people, circumvent our Legislative process and grant a pathway to citizenship and work permits to people who have broken our immigration laws and ram amnesty down our throats. Here is another question, Is Congress irrelevant? If not, where is Congress?
CCII has taken the liberty to use funds to do our part. We have prepared a Resolution and it will be printed in The Spectrum on Wednesday August 24th and Saturday August 27th. I have attached a copy for you to read, print copies and distribute to your neighbors and friends. Our goal and objective is to do all we can to educate the residents of Washington County about this horrendous and devastating action by the Executive Branch of our federal government.
If you desire to express your concerns, contact your elected officials:
Contact Governor Herbert Administration Specialist at, telephone 1 (801) 538 1000, or 1 (800) 705 2464.
Contact Representative Jason Chaffetz, Contact Representative Jim Matheson, Contact Representative Rob Bishop
Contact Senator Orrin Hatch, Contact Senator Mike Lee
Contact ICE Director John Morton (Only a letter address and a 1 (202) 732 4242 public affairs phone number, no email address)
I have entered a copy of the resolution at the end of this message, in order to place it on our newsletter, twitter and facebook page. Please do all you can to assist in the dissemination of this information, we must ALERT everyone about this unconstitutional action which must be stopped.
Resolution demanding Department of Homeland Security stop selective amnesty such as implementation of “Parole in Place”, “Deferred Action”& “Prosecutorial Discretion”
Whereas, the Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration has always supported the rule of law and strict enforcement of the law; and provided a forum for Washington County residents to oppose illegal immigration, propose solutions to elected officials to implement corrective actions; and
Whereas, illegal immigration into the United States is a violation of the laws of the United States, creates disrespect for the rule of law, and has imposed significant financial burdens on the State of Utah, its cities and counties, in the areas of law enforcement, education, social and welfare services, and health care; and
Whereas, the Federal Executive Branch has refused to enforce existing immigration laws, thereby aiding and abetting the invasion of our nation by infiltration of millions of illegal aliens; and
Whereas, the Obama administration has unveiled what it terms a “Common Sense Approach” policy to provide a work permit to those in the United States illegally who have not committed a felony and legal status to many who meet specific criteria such as the DREAM Act; and
Whereas, the memorandum submitted by ICE Director John Morton on June 17, 2011 provides guidance to be considered when exercising prosecutorial discretion listing at least 19 relevant factors on a case by case basis; and
Whereas, the Latino/Hispanic legal & illegal population & the cost factor to the U. S. taxpayer are ghost numbers, no one really knows for sure. Our nation is experiencing a financial crisis and the question arises; how will DHS implement Memorandum provisions on a case by case basis; when the cost will be prohibitive; and
Whereas, this action by the Obama administration usurps Congressional responsibility, will of the people and creates an utterly unprincipled enforcement strategy, undermining the rule of law and authority of Congress.
Be it resolved: The Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration of Washington County, respectfully and sincerely encourage our elected officials including City Mayors, Councilpersons, Washington County Commissioners, Utah State Legislators and the Utah State Governor to request ICE Director John Morton ( immediately rescind the provisions as described in the subject memorandum, and put an end to prosecutorial discretion.
Proclaimed August 22, 2011 by The Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration Working Group:
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