Thursday, August 11, 2011

Regarding Illegal Aliens - Let's Get Personal!

Regarding Illegal Aliens - Let's Get Personal!By Al Pechin 
As I see it, many of our ‘leaders’ do not have the best interests of our country at heart.
Their overriding concern seems to be how to get elected or re-elected regardless of what it takes to accomplish this primary goal. The results of this can be seen, for example, in the tremendous amounts of deficit spending that occurs regardless of which political party controls the purse strings.

Could it be that one of the reasons this continues is that these ‘leaders’ have ‘no skin in the game’ i.e. they are not personally negatively impacted by their actions or in-actions. If uncontrolled spending continues to get them what they really want (elected into the power seats of our country) so be it … they don’t have to pay the huge debts they are foisting on to our current and future citizens. I would be willing to bet that they do not deal with their own household budgets in the same manner.

Can you imagine what the reaction would be if any of our ‘leaders’ came home one night to find a group of illegal aliens have taken up residence in the spare bedroom? A few phrases such as “What are you doing in my house!” or “Get out of my house!” come to mind. The homeowner also discovers that the trespassers have already helped themselves in the kitchen and are enjoying desert in front of the big screen TV.

Does anyone reading this have any doubt as to the next action to be taken by the homeowner and so called ‘leader’? That would be a 911 call to the local Police department. Imagine hearing the following conversation.

Homeowner: Hello, this is your ‘leader’ speaking. I have trespassers who have broken into my home and they won’t leave. I want you to come here immediately and remove them.
Police Dispatcher: I am sorry to hear that but our department has been directed not to respond to these human rights situations. Besides those people have a right to a roof over their head and food on their table don’t they? Have a nice day!
(Just about then an ambulance pulls into the drive way and paramedics begin to transfer a very pregnant illegal alien from the house to the vehicle.)
Paramedic: Who is the homeowner here?
Homeowner: I am. Why do you ask?
Paramedic: We need to know where to send the bill for our services and don’t worry, we will pass your information on to the hospital emergency room for their billing purposes.
Homeowner: That’s outrageous! These people don’t belong here. I am not going to pay those bills and I want these people removed.
Paramedic: Sorry, that’s the law. These people deserve emergency health care. It’s the human rights thing to do. Besides, from the looks of your home, you can afford it. As for your other request, I suggest you call the police department. Have a nice day!
As the gurney carrying the pregnant woman passes the homeowner she looks at him, winks and says, “Don’t worry Mr. Homeowner we will always make room for you. After all, me casa es su casa!"

 The paramedics leave and another car enters the driveway carrying the local Department of Human Services representative and a local Human Rights Group attorney (who was notified by the police dispatcher as to a possible human rights violation at the home).

They politely inform the homeowner that the house must now be expanded, as there are too many occupants according to the land use laws. Then there is the matter of proper schooling for the children and don’t forget future additions when the anchor baby, currently on the way to the hospital emergency room, reaches the age of 18 and then decides to bring all of his extended family members into his new country and … you get the point.

Dear reader, it may be time to accept the inevitable.

Maybe we should think about giving all those people who favor open borders what they want. Let's cut to the chase and formally annex Mexico! Think of the advantages such as the following:

In the U.S. State of Mexico our current laws would be in play. The RICO statutes could be used to combat the pervasive corruption contributing to the massive influx of people into our country; the corrupt ‘leaders’ in Mexico could be prosecuted and removed.

Fair elections could be held to elect the new Governor and other true leaders who could help develop our new state, providing more local jobs thus taking away the incentive of making a long and dangerous trek north by their deserving citizens in search of a decent living for their families. Come to think about it, just the removal of corrupt officials would provide a large number of openings for the honest, hard working citizens there.

We could then build a much shorter wall between our new State and Central America and use the money saved to advocate annexation among the deserving people in Mexico.

Annexation may or may not be a possibility but we must deal with our own group of ‘leaders’ and find a way to make them take positive action to enforce our current laws and pass new laws to resolve the illegal alien problem we have today.

For example, we may be the only nation that allows illegal aliens born on our soil to become citizens at birth, automatically. This must change.  After all, where do we draw the line? There may be hundreds of millions of poor, down trodden people in the world (think about Central America, China, India, etc) that would love to come to America if they could find a way. Remember the ‘boat people’ from Viet Nam?

Let’s make this a personal and urgent matter for our ‘leaders.’ It already is personal to all of us American citizens because America is our house!

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