The president of the Illinois NAACP called illegal aliens ‘savages’
By Andrea Widburg
For decades, the Democrats have built a political coalition based on victimhood. Indeed, they even have a name for this coalition: Intersectionality. Women, blacks, the handicapped, Hispanics, the LGBTQ+ cadre…they were all bound together by shared resentment against white men. As the old Arab proverb went, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” But what happens when the common enemy is less of a problem than that intersectional friend?
We’re finding out in Chicago where blacks are increasingly dismayed by the city giving illegal aliens resources that once went to the black community. And in a city plagued by crime, it turns out that at least some blacks prefer the familiar black criminals as opposed to the new illegal alien criminals.
News broke yesterday that the president of the Illinois NAACP got in trouble because she called illegal aliens rapists, robbers, and even “savages”:
In a recent Zoom call meeting with NAACP leaders from around the state, [Teresa] Haley answered a question from a participant.
That’s when she began talking about all the migrants coming to Chicago, saying how they are living on the streets, and that Black people have been in similar predicaments for a long time, and no one cares.
“But, these immigrants have come over here, they’ve been raping people, they’ve been breaking into homes. They’re like savages as well. They don’t speak the language, and they look at us like we were crazy,” Haley said.
What Haley discovered after saying this is that, while blacks are untouchable if they insult whites, Jews, Asians, and LGBTQ+ people, there’s a new, more important victim group in town, and that would be Hispanics. Practically within seconds of word getting out about Haley’s statement, people were demanding that she step down:
Gov. JB Pritzker denounced those comments on Tuesday.
“Reprehensible remarks, I would hope that she would apologize for the remarks. I also think that people should recognize that immigrants to this country are all around us,” Pritzker said.
It’s important to note here that Pritzker did not demand that Harvard president Claudine Gay step down after saying that calling for the mass murder of Jews wasn’t harassment unless it got…you know, really, really bad. But in America in 2023, a black woman cannot insult Hispanic illegal aliens.
This makes perfect political sense. Blacks are declining as
a percentage of the population. In 1790, they were 19.3% of the population.
By the time of the Civil War, that had declined to 14.1%. After the Civil War,
when America had its huge immigration boom, their representation in the
population declined to a low of 9.7%.
When the United States shut its doors on mass immigration, the black population began to grow again. Immediately after WWII, blacks were part of the baby boom. However, beginning in the 1960s, with birth control, and the 1970s, with abortion, the black population’s growth slowed tremendously. In 2020, they were only 12.4% of the American population.
Meanwhile, Hispanics have been exploding as a percentage of the American population. In 2011, Hispanics were 16.7% of the population. By 2020, the population had grown by 23% in just a decade, making Hispanics the largest non-white racial group in America. And of course, that doesn’t count the millions who have come into America illegally on Biden’s watch.
The bottom line is that, as people like Haley are discovering, blacks may still be favored in academia but, when it comes to pure politics, they’ve been pushed aside in favor of a larger voting bloc. This was inevitable. When your politics are about fighting over the spoils rather than improving the country for all, it’s going to get ugly when the spoils diminish and another, bigger victim group wants its piece of the pie.
Hat tip: Peter von Buol
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