Huge 'Exodus from Poverty' migrant caravan makes its way up from southern Mexico
By Monica Showalter
In addition to the tens of thousands of migrants entering the U.S. without authorization each day now, a huge 8,000-15,000-strong migrant caravan called "Exodus from Poverty" is headed to the states from southern Mexico now.
They know full well that the border is open and Joe Biden is going to let them in.
According to the New York Post's editorial:
An estimated 8,000 people set off on Christmas Eve from the southern Mexican city of Tapachula.
Destination: the border that Joe Biden threw wide open and refuses to enforce.
Biden will do what he always does, blame Congress. But the failure is his alone.
He could stop this shocking wave of illegal migration at any time. He just doesn’t.
For one, although advocates would call this group “asylum-seekers,” one must face religious or political persecution in their home country to qualify for asylum.
This caravan advertises exactly what it’s about — carrying a banner with the slogan “Exodus from poverty."
Of its organizer, Luis Garcia Villegran, a purported Protestant reverend who was once charged with kidnapping in Mexico and who now calls his new gig shepherding migrants a religious mission:
... “Today we are the poorest of the
poorest of those who are at the peak of need, those of us who do not have money
to pay for visas or polleros,” said Villagrán, referring to human smugglers.
Villagran has vocally criticized American immigration policy in the past, calling it “domineering” and driven by a desire to “impose.”
There have been roughly 2 million migrant encounters at the US southern border in the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years.
Garcia Villegran is partners with one of the old migrant caravan leaders, Irineo Mujica, of Pueblo Sin Fronteras, who had reportedly been put away by authorities in Mexico, but not really. In 2018 he brought his ten thousand or so migrants in his caravan up to the Tijuana border before unceremoniously dumping them in the rain and skipping out. But he and his partner in crime are quite the media-savvy guys:
A 2021 profile in Mexico Daily described Villagran and fellow organizer Irineo Mujica as media savvy tacticians who attempt to manage perceptions of the migrant movement in addition to the thousands in their charge.
“García is more pastor than protester: pensive, eloquent, cool-headed,” the outlet wrote. “Both understand the power of public opinion, and have a knack for politics and an eye for the cameras."
I have my doubts that Garcia has any religious views at all, but his migrants do roll into the states waving crosses and shouting religious exhortations, presumably to justify breaking immigration laws, in order to make Christians in the states feel guilty for having a nation with borders and not taking in every shantytown dweller around the third world who asks, including criminals. Sadly, pretty much all the religious lines on the Christian side are going along with Garcia's game, criticizing those who call for some kind of introspection about this money-making game as it always is.
So there't little doubt they're confident they're going to get in with this small city of migrants marching under the banner of escaping poverty. They're not even trying to hide behind phony asylum claims of escaping political persecution. Garcia Villegran's message is all about shepherding the world's poor to the promised land of free stuff for gringo to pay for. Call it a new version the gospel of wealth.
The Post's editorial notes that Biden could stop this caravan if he had the gumption to -- either by turning away the economic migrants at the border right away, forcing them to use the CBPOne app for an asylum appointment (they note that this is a useless exercise because it takes all comers including those who don't qualify) or demand that they apply for asylum in their first country of refuge, which is the international law standard.
Biden of course does none of these things, which is why the gates are now open for these new caravans rolling up from southern Mexico. And with Mexican officials helping them along the way, as well as shaking them down for cash, too, there is little doubt they'll find their way in and hold their hands out.
The Post notes that Biden's Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, will be in talks with Mexico's president on Wednesday. You can bet that those talks will go nowhere. The only thing that's certain now is that word is getting around among the world's migrants that you can cross the U.S. border and live here with impunity no matter how ridiculous your case and you don't even need to disguise that you are an economic migrant anymore. It's so bad now the huge caravans are forming. This one won't be the last.
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