Thursday, December 21, 2023

By all means forget the horrific consequences of an illegal alien invasion and sue a State for enforcing laws the federal government disregards. It is INSANITY!


Mexico’s president labels border enforcement an ‘inhumane’ act and prepares to sue Texas

By Jack Hellner

Who knew that Texas had to ask Mexico’s permission to pass new laws? Heaven forbid an American border state promotes law and order, and considers the interests of the American people living there! From a Reuters report via Yahoo News yesterday:

Mexico to challenge Texas’ new ‘inhumane’ migration law, president says

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday said his government was preparing to challenge a new Texas law allowing state law enforcement to arrest suspected migrants, which he called ‘inhumane.’

On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed the law giving local officers powers long delegated to the U.S. government.

Mexico has immigration laws they’re allowed to enforce, but if America begins to do the same, it’s “inhumane” and cruel.

Has the Mexican president vocalized how “inhumane” it is to allow open borders policies that facilitate the murder, rape, and trafficking of people (even children) by the cartels? No, I didn’t think so. But arresting people for violating our laws is somehow the “inhumane” thing to do?

Has AMLO condemned the Democrats and their promotion of baby murder through birth? After all, Mexico itself has abortion limits, so naturally one can assume they recognize the humanity of a child in the womb (at least to some extent). Therefore, shouldn’t AMLO be lambasting the political party whose members fight for the “right” to dismember and poison living children?

I’ve also not heard AMLO castigate the Democrats’ policy adoption of “gender-affirming healthcare” (more accurately, sexual mutilation) for minors, even extremely young ones. Isn’t chopping off healthy and functioning organs during an identity crisis, or perhaps because a child has been a victimized by a woke pro-trans guardian, an “inhumane” reality?

Has he said anything about the heavy taxation imposed upon America’s working class, or the big spending programs subjected the American people to financial slavery and serfdom? Isn’t that “inhumane” and entirely unjust?

Texas won its independence from Mexico over 187 years ago, which means 187 years ago, Texas earned the right to never have to listen to the Mexican government again.


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