A recent immigrant and non-citizen is the newest member of San Francisco’s Elections Commission
By Andrea Widburg www.americanthinker.com
Showing its complete disdain for citizenship and the rights that go with citizenship, San Francisco has appointed a non-citizen who hasn’t even lived in America for five years to its Election Commission. Kelly Wong, who can’t vote, is now one of the people charged with overseeing and creating policy for San Francisco’s Department of Elections.
Back in 2020, San Francisco voters approved a measure holding that people no longer needed to be citizens to serve on San Francisco’s advisory bodies, boards, and commissions, all of which are appointed positions. That opened the door for Wong to start having a say in how San Franciscans vote.
(San Francisco also lets non-citizens with children in public schools vote in school board elections. As one non-citizen parent said, “Even though we are not U.S. citizens, we should not be silenced.” Well, actually, yes, you should be silenced—or become a citizen.)
KQED, the local PBS affiliate, reported on Wong’s appointment. It was a very approving, even woke report (emphasis mine):
Wong said she hopes her appointment is a beacon of hope for other immigrants living in the city.
“There are always voices inside my head. Like, ‘You can’t do it. You’re not competent. You’re an immigrant. This is not your country.’ That’s not true,” said Wong, who immigrated to the U.S. in 2019 from Hong Kong to pursue graduate studies. “If I can do it, you can do it.”
“I’m very impressed by her commitment to enfranchising people who rarely vote, to educating people about the voting process, and to bring in noncitizens and get them the tools they need as they become citizens,” Peskin said.
Drawing on her lived experience, Wong said she wants to increase engagement among the city’s immigrant and non-English speaking communities. Anyone who has delved into San Francisco’s ballot knows it can be just as confusing for native English speakers to decipher the myriad propositions, their arguments, and the city’s ranked-choice voting system.
“Even though I’m fluent in English, I still encounter challenges in navigating a new system, let alone participating in political conversation and activities,” Wong said in an interview with KQED before Wednesday’s swearing-in ceremony.
I happen to agree with Wong that
ballot measures are badly written, obscuring their meaning. Indeed, this is
often done intentionally (for example, using confusing techniques such as
double negatives) to trick unwitting voters into approving initiatives
they would never support if they fully understood. For legal voters who don’t
speak English as a first language, these things can be even more of a struggle.
The fact that Wong has a point, though, doesn’t mean that a non-citizen who barely knows America should be guiding the city’s voting policy.
Of course, the anti-Americanism in San Francisco is blatant. In November 2022, the Election Commission booted John Arntz not for doing a bad job or being corrupt but simply because he was white. The commission didn’t even try to hide its violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:
Elections Commissioner Cynthia Dai, who voted to not renew Arntz’s contract, said there was no performance-based reason for the commission’s decision. She did not dispute that San Francisco has run free, fair and functional elections for 20 years. Rather, she says, it was time to open up this position to a more diverse field; the city, she said, could not make progress on its racial equity goals without opening up its top positions.
“Our decision wasn’t about your performance, but after twenty years we wanted to take action on the City’s racial equity plan and give people an opportunity to compete for a leadership position,” reads an email sent from commission president Chris Jerdonek to Arntz. “We also wanted to allow enough time for a fair and equitable process and conduct as broad a search as possible.”
What just happened in San Francisco is another step in the left’s overall goal of erasing citizenship entirely. Leftists think Americans are spoiled, entitled white people who refuse to get with the program and vote in full socialism. Therefore, they’re chipping away at American votes through unlimited illegal immigration, non-citizen voting, election fraud and, as in Wong’s case, handing the keys to the kingdom to people who have no ties to America and no legal right to have a say in it.
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