America can mass deport illegal aliens, and we know this because it’s done so before
By Andrea Widburg
The headlines are full of stories about illegal aliens: They’re raping children, murdering young women, crashing their cars into children, assaulting and murdering police officers…and the list goes on. However, we’re told that we’re stuck with them. Well, we’re not. In the 1950s, when there was political will—and a plea from Mexico to send its citizens home—we did mass deport illegal aliens. Like Pakistan deporting its illegal Afghan aliens, El Salvador jailing its gangs, or Argentina balancing its budget in nine weeks, it just requires political will.
I made a lot of assertions about illegal aliens in my opening paragraph. Let me back them up with just a few examples.
- Illegal alien charged with raping a child in a sanctuary city.
- Illegal alien charged with murdering a nursing student in Georgia.
- Illegal alien charged in car crash that killed a 10-year-old boy.
- Illegal aliens assault police officers in New York.
- Illegal alien murders a California police officer.
The above are just single points of evidence, of course, but they reflect myriad reports that fill the news regularly. And it doesn’t matter whether illegal aliens are more or less likely to commit these crimes than citizens or people here legally. What matters is that each of these horrible crimes wouldn’t have happened if our government had obeyed the law.
Meanwhile, that same government insists that there’s nothing that it can do to stop the flood of illegal aliens crossing the border. This is a lie. The president has plenary power to stop all border crossings. What our government is really doing is welcoming illegal aliens into America.
One of the things we’re told most often is that it’s simply impossible to deport these illegal aliens. Indeed, we hear, the U.S. is currently helpless in the face of Venezuela’s refusal to take back its own citizens. That ignores, of course, that the Biden administration immediately put into place policies refusing to deport illegal aliens.
Well, I’m here to tell you that America’s history shows that it’s completely possible to deport illegal aliens. Back in the mid-1950s, under the politically-incorrect title of Operation Wetback, the United States deported over 1,000,000 Mexican citizens, whether they were here illegally or were deportable on other grounds. Yes, it was a rough process and, according to Wikipedia, some American citizens ended up shipped out as well. However, it worked, right until the political will collapsed and Democrats started sniffing out a new voting bloc.
What made the program almost surreal from today’s perspective is that the Mexican government demanded it. That’s because it was tired of seeing its human capital self-deport to America for better paying jobs.
Of course, now, Latin American countries are desperate to send people to America. If the people are criminals, it makes those criminals America’s problem (as seems to be the case with many Venezuelans). More importantly, though, sending its citizens to America (whether legally or illegally) means more cash at home.
For example, according to the Wilson Center, in 2021, Mexicans living in America sent over $51.6 billion back to Mexico. By 2022, remittances were almost $56 billion. It’s no wonder that, in 2022, “[Mexican President] Lopez Obrador has often boasted about the strong expansion in remittances sent to Mexico…” (Emphasis mine.) By 2023, remittances totaled $63 billion! That’s money earned in America but not spent in America. Instead, it’s all shipped to Mexico.
That’s a heck of a lot of money. For perspective, in 2023, the United States Marine Corps’ annual budget was only $51.9 billion. Meanwhile, a House GOP report estimates that U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook for $451 billion annually to fund just those illegal aliens who had arrived by November of last year. As a general matter, almost 60% of illegal alien homes rely on government (i.e., your) money.
Mexico no longer sees value in its
citizens at home. Instead, they are its greatest export, provided that their
profit returns to the home country. No wonder that, while the Mexican
government once begged for its citizens’ return, it now aids them (along with
tens of thousands of other
Latin Americans) in entering America illegally. Incidentally, the
UN is also assisting the invasion, as is the
American Red Cross.
What’s needed to make deportation possible is nothing more than political will. Just recently, Pakistan has had it with illegal Afghan immigrants (they’re not good immigrants) and is deporting almost 1.5 million of them.
We see the benefit of political will in other instances when countries are facing unsustainable crises. In El Salvador, the president’s will to imprison the nation’s violent gangs saw crime plummet and the president’s popularity soar, while Javier Milei, by slashing Argentina’s government, created the first budget surplus in 12 years.
Of course, our current government’s will is directed not to stopping illegal immigration but to augmenting and facilitating it. I wrote this post only to say that, if we ever are lucky enough to have once again a government committed to the rule of law, there is no reason we cannot deport the illegal aliens who drag down our quality of life and drain money from our economy.
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