Sunday, July 31, 2011

Inside the Sinaloa Cartel

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
At least 5 individual Mexican Cartels smuggle hundreds of thousands of human beings via border crossing trails, tunnels under the border, most vehicles including semi trucks across border crossing stations, including boats of every make and model sail silently off the west coast of Baja and California transport their human cargo to safe houses in the United States.
The Cartels also move billions of dollars worth of drugs via the same routes to include ultra light aircraft and submarines to satisfy the growing demand by addicts in the U. S. The hundreds of billions of dollars in dirty drug money laundered through U. S. banks never supports the U. S. economy.
Mexico's highest form of GDP is derived from oil, its second highest is remittances from Mexican citizens many employed illegally in the U. S.
Illegal alien migration northward has reduced slightly because of the declining U. S. economy. However remittances are still above $20 billion annually. You can take the Dallas FRB report for what it's worth. Remember, the tens of billions of dollars sent to foreign countries never supports the U. S. economy in any shape or form.
If you have a desire to learn more about the money making proposition of drugs, cartels, means of transportation and the life style of the movers and shakers; please read the four articles by clicking on this link and make your choices from the box on the left side of the page. They are a fine representation of the human drama involved. It takes a while, so I suggest you take your time and temporarily live the life of the people involved. I found it interesting and thought you might like it too. 
                       Lots of study material in this message, it's what CCII does best,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Illegal Immigration - a Complex Issue

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Illegal Immigration:  This tragic national issue is looked upon by different factions in various ways.
*  The American taxpayer feels the brunt, pays the price and suffers its terrible consequences.
*  The business community fails to abide and comply with existing immigration employment verification laws and reaps the benefits of greater profits by hiring those in the country illegally.
*  The illegal alien leaves national roots because of a broken economy and unemployment, in search for a better life.    
National/local political parties satisfy the industrial complex demands by legislating benefits for those that do not deserve them, take their home town constituents for granted and clamour for votes during election time.
*  The national/local media blurs the issue by including legal and illegal in the same sentence, leaving the average American  citizen confused and in a state of wonderment.
*  Foreign governments via their Consulate General offices, meddle in U. S. immigration policy to encourage, provide, support and defend their foreign workers. 
International gangs and cartels look upon American cities as a means of huge profits from drugs and crime. 
Businessmen smugglers transport their illegal product of human cargo and illicit drugs across our borders, defying 20,000 border agents to apprehend them.   
*  Last but not least, a national government refusing to follow, comply and enforce its own immigration laws and Constitutional duty and responsibility to its own citizens.
Is it any wonder why the greatest country on the planet, finds itself floundering in a sea of corruption and confusion?
Remember - Silence is Consent!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Latest News & Reactions

   Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
A short review is needed. Consider HB116, HB466, HB469 and HB497 passed during the last Utah Legislative Session. We have been busy with HB116 and the battle continues with its repeal. HB466 and HB469 are quietly resting in the background. The ACLU, LaRaza, NILC and others filed a law suit against the implementation of HB497 and U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups issued a restraining order against it on May 10th with a July 20th hearing date. That happened last Wednesday, with the State Attorney General office stating the injunction against the law should be denied outright. Judge Waddoups has set August 24th as the date for attorneys to offer a rebuttal, with a hearing date of September 2nd. You can read about it in this SLT article.
This article provides a bundle of education on the 4 Utah bills mentioned in the first paragraph.
We know about other-than-Mexican (OTM's). Tens of thousands cross our southern border every year. This USA Today article concentrates on Indians who easily enter Guatemala because that nation plus El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua do not require a visa. They are considered high-value-cargo and are willing to pay a very high price to be smuggled across the U.S. border. The businessmen smugglers who are searching for a quick buck, are ready-willing-able to comply. During 2010 near 3,000 Indians were detained by U.S. CBP. If they detained that many, how many found their way to U.S. cities? Businessmen smugglers from Central American countries move tens of thousands of OTM's via the same corridors and plazas used to transport South American drugs to the U.S. This (Another 4 letter word) happens. Because of a do-nothing federal government failing to exercise its Constitutional duty (Article IV Section 4) to protect its citizens from Invasion. If you don't think this is an invasion, you are not paying attention.
This is such nonsense, such virtual insanity! America, such a country! 
Patriots Standing Together,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Utah Politicians go National

 Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Utah Senator Curt Bramble and Attorney General Mark Shurtleff are taking the "Utah Confusion" back to WDC again today.
Immigrationworks is sponsoring a "Fly-in for Champions" at the Rayburn House Office Building on July 19th.
"ImmigrationWorks is bringing some of the most persuasive of these state immigration champions to Washington for a series of forums and meetings on Capitol Hill. Please join them to hear about what happened in their legislatures and how they are changing the conversation on the ground beyond the Beltway".
"We’ll start the day with an event at the National Press Club cosponsored by the New America Foundation, followed by a briefing for Hill staffers and coordinated visits with members of Congress".  "Join the New America Foundation and ImmigrationWorks USA to consider these questions. Panelists include state leaders trying to forge responsible immigration policies and legal scholars who will assess how immigration fits into the broader national debate about federalism – in healthcare policy, gay marriage and environmental regulation". (Emphasis - mine).  Sounds like a "Progressive Agenda", as far as I am concerned.
Another detail of the NAF, there are dozens of elitists involved, but one stands out as a member of the Leadership Council. HIs name is Jonathan Soros, President of Soros Fund Management. He is also the 34 year old son of 74 year old George Soros, the global financier.
I guess, nationally Bramble and Shurtleff are considered "Champions" who are changing the immigration conversation on the ground beyond the beltway. Do you think they will speak for the majority of Utah residents (Which includes us); or for the Utah Compact, commercial entities, Sutherland Institute and SLC Chamber of Commerce. We know the answer to that question. 
They will certainly be rubbing shoulders with the money makers and policy promoters of the beltway crowd. 
They will be in the company of those with a like mindset, considering Tamar Jacoby is the President of ImmigrationWorks. She is an amnesty zealot from way back.
Click on the two links to find out what the "Masters of the Universe" have in store for us.
Best Regards,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Another Marijuana Summer

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Thank heaven for alert, extremely capable and efficient law enforcement organizations. I am speaking about the Washington County Drug & Task Force (WCDTF), Washington County Sheriff Department and Federal DEA. I am sure there are other agencies involved but these three are the major units involved in the recent raid and destruction of the Cove Wash marijuana grove near Veyo, Washington County, Utah.
A few details identify near 20,000 plants confiscated, 38 foreign nationals arrested including high level operatives representing Mexican Cartels. What a way to begin another summer of hot, hard, time consuming and expensive work by law enforcement to eradicate and prevent marijuana from reaching the lives of U. S. citizens.
Last summer 17 groves were eradicated, amounting to over 100,000 plants destroyed, two dozen foreign nationals were arrested, some of the foreign nationals were armed with automatic rifles when they were apprehended, miles of irrigation pipe was destroyed, acre after acre of natural landscape was destroyed, hundreds of man-hours expended and no doubt millions of dollars spent to accomplish the job.
I try very hard not to include a personal observation, but occasionally a personal observation is warranted.
A "war zone" is created, when 3,500 acres of the United States of America on our southern border is declared unsafe for citizens to travel and hundreds of acres, maybe thousands of acres of our beautiful pristine back country is totally decimated by irresponsible illegal border crossers, who care less about a neighboring sovereign nation and its citizens. We have met the enemy and it is us, because our elected federal officials refuse to protect and secure our border with Mexico.
When will the insanity of this silent invasion going to stop?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Border Security - Who do You Believe?

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Is it the air or the water within the 10 square mile Washington District of Criminals that causes politicians to lie through their teeth?  
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano stated that "security on the southern U. S. border is better now than it has ever been". She also denied that serious violence from neighboring Mexico had spilled over into the U. S. and stressed that border towns are safe for travel, trade and commerce. President Obama's snide remarks during his El Paso speech about changing the position of the goal posts, tripling and quadrupling the border patrol and wanting a moat with alligators was unbecoming to the highest elected official in the land. He also said "They want a fence, well the fence is basically complete".
Government officials, law enforcement officers and residents who occupy homes and ranches from California to Texas, live a different life style from the rest of us. They are required to always be at the ready, even carry a weapon to protect themselves from illegal border crossers, smugglers of people and drugs and declare they live in a war zone. Texas Governor Rick Perry has "Declared the border with Mexico is a war zone, as dangerous as Iraq".
If the fence is basically complete and border security is better than ever, why do we have Federal Agents and Texas Rangers exchanging weapon fire with drug runners at the border with Mexico? Why do CBP Agents have to resort to weapon fire to protect themselves from individuals illegally crossing our southern border with Mexico? Why was Agent Brian Terry killed by one of two AK-47 rifles found at the scene of an border apprehension incident on the U. S. side of the border near Nogales?  
Sheriff Babeu may have summed it up best: "Mexico is not our enemy. The cartels are the enemy of Mexico and America. They have brought their violence here to America. Local sheriffs can't fight them alone. We can address this growing threat, or we can make jokes, laugh and believe the border is more secure than ever."
I know who I believe, who I depend on for the truth and it isn't the residents occupying the people's houses in WDC.
 Best Regards,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Border Security is About Survival of National Sovereignty

Obama and the Undocumented Democrats

June 28, 2011  By Roger Hedgecock
Presidential candidate Barack Obama, seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 2012, stumped for the illegal alien vote in El Paso, Texas, urging Congress to pass an amnesty bill and hitting Republicans for wanting to build a moat at the border and fill it with alligators.

Obama’s signature soaring rhetoric extolled the beneficial impact of immigration throughout the history of the United States, citing Einstein and I. M. Pei and the immigrant founders of Google, Yahoo, Intel and eBay, smoothly blending the importance of these legal immigrants with the tidal wave of illegal aliens swamping the country’s social safety net, prisons and schools.

After the inspiring reminder of what America owes to past (legal) immigrants, came the trademark slam, the Alinsky left hook. “At times, there has been fear and resentment directed toward newcomers.” Translation: Enforcing immigration law is racist.

Then candidate Obama shot a right hook. Apparently aware of the Pew Center polling showing Democrats more split on illegal amnesty than Republican are, the candidate pivoted to explain that he himself had enforced immigration law, built the border fence and cracked down on employers exploiting illegal labor. Obama also bluntly acknowledged that illegal aliens had “broke the law” and should pay a fine and any back taxes, “learn English” and “undergo background checks” before being allowed to become citizens.

The candidate failed to mention what his campaign Website ( makes clear — under his amnesty proposal, before all the tough “pay a fine,” “learn English” requirements, illegal aliens will be eligible immediately for a temporary residency card making them legal.

Most states allow legal residents to get a driver’s license, and all states are required (under the federal “Motor Voter” law) to register driver’s license applicants as voters.  Jackpot! 11 million new registered Democrat voters just in time for 2012.

The candidate appeared unfazed by contradictions between his inspiring border control rhetoric and known facts. The number of Border Patrol officers has indeed increased, reflecting congressional action during the Bush administration. The candidate says that today “fewer people are attempting to cross the border illegally.” But today’s BP is ordered to make the statistics look good by ignoring rather than apprehending illegal crossings.

A BP agent, armed with a government-issued bean bag gun, recently died in the Arizona desert going up against an illegal with an AK-47. The illegal’s weapon had been sold in the U.S. and smuggled into Mexico under the watchful eyes of Obama’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (a division of the Justice Department) in a sting gone wrong called “Operation Gunrunner.”

As to border control, the candidate’s own Government Accountability Office has reported that just 44 percent of the 1,954-mile border with Mexico is under “operational” control with just 15 percent totally controlled.

Obama asserted the border fence is “basically complete.”  In 2006, Congress passed a law requiring a double fence along 700 miles of the border where smuggling was concentrated. To date, the GAO reports just 36.3 miles of that fence has been built.

Obama’s amnesty proposal clashes with political reality too. Obama did not propose his “comprehensive reform” when his party dominated the last Congress because he knew that there was not sufficient Democratic votes to pass it.

Open border advocate groups have called Obama’s bluff by demanding that he ignore Congress and issue an Executive Order stopping all deportations. The candidate deftly turned these demands aside asserting “that’s not how democracy works.”

Illegal alien amnesty failed in 2007 when it was called the McCain-Kennedy bill and it will fail today for the same reason — a majority of Republicans and Democrats do not support rewarding lawbreakers. Even Obama acknowledged that it was “also true that the presence of so many illegal immigrants makes a mockery of all those who are trying to immigrate legally.”

If amnesty (“Comprehensive Reform”) will not pass Congress and Obama will not issue Executive Orders, how will he get the “Undocumented Democrat” vote? The 2010 re-election of the wildly unpopular Sen. Harry Reid in Nevada provides the answer. There, challenger Sharon Angle won all but Clark County (Las Vegas) where Reid’s pro-illegal DREAM Act rhetoric coupled with union members bused to the polls gave Reid the win.

Lesson: Mobilize the immigrant vote by promising amnesty. Don’t antagonize citizen voters by actually delivering amnesty. Count on the unions to fund the campaign and bus in the union member voters.

A former U.S. intelligence agent told ABC News in San Diego that Hezbollah has training camps in Mexico. The stats on illegal immigration (however manipulated) still show thousands of OTMs (Other Than Mexican) apprehensions every year including young Muslim men from terrorist enclaves.

Securing the border is about more than protecting American jobs, more even than protecting the rule of law. It’s about National Security. It’s about the survival of the United States as a sovereign country. To Obama, the border is just about getting re-elected.
Roger Hedgecock is a former mayor of San Diego and is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show host. Visit

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It is Not About Race, It is the Fact of Life on the Border

Being an avid AT reader, and living on the Arizona border in Cochise County, I thought I would provide those who wish to be informed, some insight into the truth about the state of the U.S.-Mexican border, at least in this part of the state.

I moved to Cochise County after retiring from the Army in 2008 to take a position working at Fort Huachuca (pronounced "wa-choo-ka," an Apache word meaning "place of thunder" and referring to the time after the summer monsoon season). Having lived here in 1991 for eight months while attending an Army school, I soon realized that the place had changed considerably in the eighteen years of my absence.

The first thing I noticed was how many border patrol vehicles were on the roads in the city of Sierra Vista. The Border Patrol has a large station near here in the city of Naco. There are far more Border Patrol vehicles in the area than SV police cars. They come in many forms -- trucks for off-road work, trailers carrying all-terrain vehicles, pickups with capacity for carrying large numbers of people once apprehended, and even a staff car for the area chaplain. The Border Patrol presence has grown substantially, so one would think the border area was nice and safe.

Not so. Within a short time after arriving in southern Arizona while on my way to work, I noticed eight illegal aliens on the side of the road. Fortunately, they were in the custody of capable and attentive Border Patrol agents. Unfortunately, they were less than a hundred feet from my daughter's bus stop. She gets personal service to school now, as the school district refuses to enter the gated community in which we live. There is a nice wash, a valley into which the rainwater drains during the monsoons, which provides a nice route for the illegal aliens to follow into the city, and therefore into their locations for pickup by the vehicles that will get them farther north. 

Later, after I attended a movie on a Friday night, a car passed by me in the next lane going nearly a hundred miles an hour. It took a few seconds before I saw the police behind -- way behind -- with lights and sirens trying to catch up. Surprise, surprise -- the next morning's paper discussed a Mexican drug runner being caught by County Sheriff's Deputies. On several occasions, the Border Patrol's helicopter has flown low and slow over the neighborhood, rattling windows and shining its spotlight in our backyard. When this happens, I strap on my pistol, grab a flashlight, and look and listen. Fortunately, I haven't found anybody within a hundred yards of the house -- yet.

Working on a U.S. Army fort, one would think we were fairly secure from these threats. Just not true. Reading the Fort Huachuca newspaper one morning, I noticed an interesting part of the "community" page. It asked for volunteers to assist in cleaning up "dumps" on posts where the illegal aliens would drop their supplies used to cross the border and change clothing. They do this in order to blend in and not look like they just spent a day or two crossing the border in the dust and heat of southern Arizona. The most frightening part of this is that Fort Huachuca is the U.S. Army Intelligence Center, where the Army trains its intelligence soldiers -- analysts, interrogators, radio intercept specialists, and counterintelligence agents -- for operations overseas. If we can't secure the fort we use to train our intelligence soldiers, how can we secure anything else?

Much has been discussed about the new law in Arizona making it unlawful to be in Arizona in violation of federal immigration statutes. However, much less has been discussed about the shooting of rancher Robert Krentz. Robert was killed on his ranch on March 28, 2010. His ranch, on which the family began grazing cattle in 1907 (Arizona became a state in 1912), is a large, 35,000-acre area in remote Cochise County. It is so remote that the original Cochise, an Apache leader, used the mountainous terrain near it to hide from the U.S. Cavalry in the early 1870s. But much less is being said about the eight illegal aliens and their load of 280 pounds of marijuana seized the day before Krentz was killed. 

So Arizona should be boycotted because its people would like to keep it safe? Somebody please explain the logic of that for me. It doesn't take a bullet from a drug runner's gun to make those of us down here near the border understand that this is drug-related violence, and Rob's death proves it.

It also doesn't take much more reading to see that the drug dealers are a huge problem with far-reaching capabilities. On April 27, 2010, a large drug bust took place here in Cochise County. Among those arrested was Angelica Marie Borquez, the secretary for the Drug Enforcement Division of the Cochise County Attorney office. Allegedly, Ms. Borquez was tipping off the drug runners to counter drug operations conducted by the county. She was so bold that she used the phone in the County Attorney's office to make some of her calls. 

This is a blatant effort by drug cartels to obtain control here in America.

Many have already called Arizona residents racists. They are concerned that police will profile Hispanics and disproportionally harass them. But we understand something others in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco don't seem to remember we border Mexico. The fact is that most illegal aliens coming across the border here are, well, Mexicans. Those of us down here facing the danger every day really don't care what some Hollywood actor has to say about the issue. Nor do we care about what the Colombian government or the Latino music community thinks of it. We just want to stay safe.

This is not about race; it's about facts. Use a few of these facts the next time somebody wants to engage you in discussion about the border. Tell him you learned these things from somebody who can see Mexico from his front porch.

T.J. Woodard is a retired Army officer who lives less than ten miles from the Mexican border. He carries a pistol even in his own house in order to be prepared to defend his family whenever necessary.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Silent Invasion Expanding

Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
Every front in the devastating silent invasion of illegal aliens is expanding.
1) On the political scene, the Obama administration continues to increase its ways and means of selective amnesty. Obama has issued directives to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano to allow agents in the field to determine whether or not to deport an individual in the country illegally. In other words use your own discretion. In other words the law means absolutely nothing. When weighing whether an exercise of prosecutorial discretion may be warranted for a given alien, ICE officers, agents, and attorneys should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to - well, there are at least 19 different forms of "Prosecutorial Discretion" listed in this article.  I'm sure every single illegal alien would fall in at least one category.
2) NAFTA from 1994 restricted Mexican trucks to within a short distance on the U. S. side of the border. A few years ago Mexico demanded unrestricted access to America's highways, but public sentiment and trucker unions persuaded Congress to not grant the access request. But the Obama administration changed all that. On July 6th a deal was signed in Mexico City to end all travel restrictions of Mexican trucks. Business groups represented by the Chamber of Commerce praised the decision. Citizens (Legal workers and taxpayers) and independent truckers denounce the decision, stating it will undermine the standard of living of hard working Americans. Mexican merchandise can now flow unimpeded from Nuevo Laredo to Seattle, Minneapolis and Boston. Do you think people instead of pumpkins will be part of the manifest? 
3) We have heard for quite some time about Mexican Cartel violence spreading to U. S. cities. The Texas Harris County Sheriff is warning people to be on the look out for cartel violence. Th presence of Zetas, Gulf and LaFamilia cartel members is confirmed by Representative Michael McCaul who is asking Congress for additional funding to help local law enforcement. The Sinaloa Cartel is the prime mover of black tar heroin along the U. S. east coast with its central distribution center in Charlotte N. C. The City Mayor wants to raise awareness so people will not become entangled in the drug trade. Last but not least is this Seattle Times article about global transshipment of drugs, gangs, violence and all the other elements that make up the multi-billion dollar drug trade. Mexico is the biggest player of course with 80-90 % of the business.
It is absolutely amazing to me to think a nation with 31 states, a population of approximately 112 million people, can play such a humungous part in western hemisphere and global evil violence and crime, and near 15 % of their population is in our country illegally. They partake of our medical, education, business and jobs at taxpayer expense.
This insanity must stop! 
Patriots Standing Together,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Profiling is Getting an Undeserved Bad Name

Profiling isn't Racist

With all the contrived outrage from foaming-at- the-mouth activists, the perfectly rational and justifiable practice of "profiling" is getting an undeserved bad name. This is partially explained by a fundamental misunderstanding of the term. Profiling is a method of identifying a set of characteristics that belong to persons who engage in a certain type of behavior.

FBI profiling applies the science of forensic psychology to analyze crime cases for clues that lead to the identity of perpetrators. In the 1991 movie "The Silence of the Lambs," Hannibal Lecter — an imprisoned psychologist and cannibalistic serial killer — bargains for special treatment in exchange for assisting FBI agent Clarice Starling in profiling another serial killer on the loose.

The term is also imprecisely used as a substitute for little more than a "description." If you've been given the description of a lost Great Dane, you won't mistake it for a toy poodle. If eyewitnesses to a murder describe the killer as a 6-foot-8, 300-pound white male, the police will broadcast that description to aid in his arrest. If that fits you, you might be stopped by a cop, while a 5-foot-1, 100-pound Asian woman won't be bothered. Race is merely one of many relevant characteristics included for purposes of identification. It's not "racist" to do so.

There were distinctive physical and behavioral characteristics common to the 9/11 terrorists who hijacked airplanes, murdered 3,000 innocent people and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. They were young, Arab, Muslim males. They and others who have attempted similar attacks have purchased one-way tickets and paid with cash. This is all part of the suicide-bomber profile, and it's why 80-year-old grandmothers are subject to less scrutiny at airports.

Which brings us to the overwrought furor over "racial profiling" in Arizona under the state's new law to stem the tide of illegal immigration. As a border state, Arizona is a gateway and collection point. Lax and ineffective policies by the federal government have done little to solve the problem. The indisputable fact is that the vast majority of illegal aliens who cross our southern border from Mexico are Latino. Very few are Scandinavian or Asian. If the enforcement of Arizona's new law is successful or if the federal government ever gets serious about enforcing its own immigration laws, the vast majority of illegal aliens who will be repelled or evicted will be Latino. But their race is only incidental. It's their illegal behavior, not racism that motivates and justifies their exclusion. Major League Baseball is replete with Latino ballplayers who are in the country legally and cheered on by Anglo fans indifferent to their race.

It's preposterous to claim that Arizona cops will be stopping and harassing everyone who simply looks Latino. There aren't nearly enough of them — cops, that is. Race — or raza, in Spanish — is only one element of the typical profile of an illegal alien. After a legal stop for some specific act, the police will be looking for a pattern of behavior. It might include the failure to produce a legal ID, driver's license or immigration documents (or carrying forged ones); use of a fraudulent Social Security number; an inability to speak English; and the presence of a dozen such people in the back of a van.

In the event that Latinos legally in Arizona, including U.S. citizens, may be asked to identify themselves, the worst they'll suffer is a minor inconvenience. If they appreciate the magnitude of the illegal immigration problem, they'll understand. For radical Latino groups like La Raza, cries of racial profiling are a pretense. Their first loyalty is to their "race," not the U.S. Their goal is open borders for their countrymen. What they really oppose is the enforcement of our immigration laws.

By Mike Rosen

Sunday, July 3, 2011

There are Limits to Compassion

The Limits of Compassion

Properly applied, "compassion is a virtue;" however, when concepts of compassion are allowed to romp beyond their legitimate boundaries, the results can be less than fruitful.

For example, "The Scarlet Letter" presents those demonstrating a lack of compassion for human frailty as villains. Yet while that point bears merit, our nation's yearly crop of over a million out-of-wedlock births (most of whom will join the 59 million individuals already on the welfare rolls) begs a broader perspective of the issue.

And while many Utah residents would boastfully present their compassion for the illegal alien as proof of "goodness," at some point it must be admitted that we cannot absorb the entire mass of the world's poor, and that border security is therefore a necessity.

To suggest that one's "compassion" should be allowed to trump the law is to endorse anarchy and the absence of justice.

As for the plight of the poor, we insist upon instituting various wealth redistribution schemes (social justice, a.k.a. socialism, Fannie and Freddie, etc.) upon America's citizenry, with the same disastrous results which have occurred repeatedly since the days of Aristotle.

From the eco-terrorist to the Bolshevik, those claiming compassionate self goodness have killed to prove their point.

• Frank Gardiner, Provo