Greetings CCII Supporters & Friends,
There are dozens of interesting news items from coast to coast written about the nation's most devastating problem, illegal immigration. Some writers think it's the cat's meow, but most consider the consequences as the destruction of America as we know it. I tend to believe the majority, and if we as a nation do not come to grips with this national calamity, the present adult generation and those generations following us, will live in a nation totally transformed from an independent, freedom and liberty loving people to a third world diluted, regulated and oppressed society.
Millions of vibrant young men and women graduated from college recently. Some found a decent job but most are settling with second and third rate employment if they are fortunate to find it. Read this Washington Post article about how highly skilled temporary and permanent immigrants in the United States now outnumber lower-skilled ones, marking a dramatic shift in the foreign-born workforce. Yet, the government continues to legally allow 3.1 million foreign-born workers into the country via the numerous Visa programs.This WP article is alarming and if it does not spur your frustration, nothing will.
The recent SCOUS ruling on the Arizona 2007 Legal Workers Act has created a footing to encourage many states to introduce and pass similar legislation, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Texas come to mind. It also brings the proverbial ACLU and Chamber of Commerce to challenge most laws passed by states to require employment verification (E-Verify). Representative Steve Sandstrom intends to introduce a similar bill at a proposed special session in September. Read this Deseret News article.
The ACLU functions nation wide. If you wonder where their funding comes from, check out this Fox News Link. Most of ACLU operating capital comes from large foundations including the Ford Foundation and the Soros Open Society Institute
Whenever we get a good bill passed, invariably it is challenged by the ACLU, Hispanic advocacy groups (LaRaza, Maldef), Southerland Institute and the Chamber of Commerce. HB497 is no exception. Click on this link to read more about Sandstrom's bill. The ACLU is joined by Mexico and 13 other South American Countries in the law suit.
Here's a reminder to attend the Re-Districting Committee meeting in St. George on Saturday, I sent it a couple of days ago.
Saturday June 11th at 3:00 PM, the State Committee on Re-Districting will conduct a seminar at the Eccles Fine Arts Center on the DSC Campus, (Corner of 700 E & 100 S). If you are interested in re-districting (And you should be) please attend this important meeting. Utah State Representative Don Ipson (Dist 75 Washington County) is on the Committee.
I realize this message is loaded with information and supporting links. It's time to spend MORE time on fighting this destructive national problem. So, Get Educated!, Get Inspired!, Get Involved!, Participate! - Save Your Country! It's up to us, we are serving, the ball is in our court, it's the final quarter.
Best Regards,