Monday, June 20, 2011

What's Wrong With Illegal Immigration Part III

What's Wrong With Illegal Immigration?
By John Eberhard
Part III of III
Unlimited, large-scale illegal immigration is a problem for several reasons:
a. These people are not assimilating to US culture, not learning the language and not becoming citizens, setting up a Balkanization effect that is already in progress.
b. It's an economic drain because liberal activist judges are forcing us to continue to give illegal immigrants free welfare benefits. So while those that work do contribute to the American economy, they don't pay taxes but do receive free benefits and so are by their nature a drain on the economy.
c. The bill coming out the Senate is an amnesty, which is unwanted by a large segment of the American population, but the Senate doesn't seem to care. Politicians on both sides seem terrified of angering legal Hispanic voters. Plus there is no way to enforce the bill and no incentive for illegal aliens to conform to it.
The Solution
After all the above you'd think the solution was complex. It's not. It comes down to two points:
1. Crack down on enforcement of laws against employing illegal immigrants. A few high profile busts will have a chilling effect on the employment of illegal immigrants nationwide. This doesn't require any new laws, just enforcement of existing ones.
2. Simply discontinue all welfare benefits for illegal immigrants nationwide. This will require new legislation at the national level.
Once illegal immigrants can't get a job and can't get any more free benefits, there will be much less incentive to come here, because, after all, it's probably easier to be unemployed in Mexico than it is here. Certainly it would be easier than to live in LA which has some of the highest housing costs in the nation. You won't even need a fence along the US/Mexico border, because you would have removed the incentives to come illegally.
And doing the above will put more pressure on Vincente Fox to get his house in order in Mexico, which is why he is so against any change in the status quo relating to immigration.
Unfortunately, I don't see much political will in Congress to really handle this problem.

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