The United (Untied) States of America continue down the road of division. We are divided by color such as red and blue, we are divided by historical boundaries such as north and south and we are divided by interpretation of law. Our federal government is supposed to be a unifier, but is it? I can only focus on one of many dividing elements, illegal immigration.
Some states identify themselves as a nation of immigrants, blurring the subject by including legal and illegal together, such as the northeast and western states. Some states relate to the rule of law, such as the middle and southern states. Look at this for an example: 1) Arizona, Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, South Carolina and Alabama recently passed legislation to stop illegal immigration. 2) Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, California and Washington refuse to participate in voluntary employment verification and pass legislation to provide in state tuition to illegal alien students.
So this pattern of a patchwork of providers of jobs and benefits to illegal aliens and the enforcers to end the tragic national calamity continues. The immigrant population has increased 200 % in this century, just 10 years and the question remains, how many are here illegally. No one really knows the answer to that question.
The federal government intends on implementing Secure Communities nation wide by 2013, 42 states with some counties participating. 9 states are totally enrolled. Utah has 11 counties enrolled, Washington County is one of the eleven. New York and Illinois refuse to implement the criminal identification program.
Recently passed legislation to require employers use E-Verify, eliminate state benefits is opposed by the ACLU, Chamber of Commerce, advocacy groups such as LaRaza, Maldef and Lulac, etc.; the illegal alien population is on the move to states where their cheap labor is welcome, such states as New York, Illinois, Washington and Utah.
Those in the country illegally have another advocate, the federal government. True, ICE has deported over 300,000 criminal aliens, but many are back within a few months. DHS has also audited some employers to eliminate illegal hiring practices. The federal government has also introduced a defacto amnesty program by instituting "deferred action" and "parole in place" . Look for the Dream Act to rear its ugly head again.
Join us on June 23rd at 7:00 PM at the Commission Chambers 197 E. Tabernacle as we discuss the destructive silent invasion of illegal aliens with Utah Representative Carl Wimmer who will drive from SLC to speak to us!
Best Regards,
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