Dear Utah Legislator,
The Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration (Washington County , Utah ) wishes to share with you a situation that is of great concern to the citizens of the communities of Washington County , and as well, should be of great concern to the citizens of the United States of America and its elected representatives.
In a news article reported by the Conservative News Service on August 29, 2011
(, U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis signed “partnership” agreements with ambassadors of many Latin American nations “aiming to protect what she described as the labor rights of both legal and illegal migrants working in the United States .”
This action by the secretary is in direct conflict with provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) which states in part, “…employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States (i.e., citizens and nationals of the U.S. ) and aliens authorized to work in the U.S.
Secretary Solis’ signature also violates many of the sections of U.S.C. Title 8.
Our concerns are of the seemingly out-of-control actions by appointees of the Obama administration; we liken it to a kindergarten class run-amok – with complete absence of leadership.
We are equally concerned with the apparent lack of oversight, regarding the actions of Secretary Solis, by our elected officials - the congress of the United States of America .
Ms. Solis, it appears, has taken on the role of the Secretary of State.
Mr. Utah Legislator, we respectfully seek your assistance and input, as well as that of your peers, to reign-in the actions of cabinet members of the present administration as they pursue agendas that are not in the best interest of our nation and its legal citizens; that are not consistent with established law. We support and sustain you as our voice in Washington D. C.
The Working Group; Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration (C.C.I.I.) 9/24/2011
P.O. Box 824
Santa Clara, UT 84765
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