Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just the term "Undocumented Immigrants" is ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part III of  V

Another way illegal aliens kill us is traffic accidents. On the roads and highways of the East Coast, a more than fair example is the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a sparsely populated rural area with good, easily navigatable roads with little or no congestion. There, a review of State Police auto accident reports for 2002 through 2004 for that area of the Eastern Shore also revealed that of the 179 accidents involving Hispanic laborers: 75% of the drivers had no auto insurance. Nearly all of the vehicles driven by migrants were registered to other drivers, 93% of the vehicles had false out-of-state tags.

In 2003 and 2004, 128 of the 395 people, 32.4%, arrested on DUI charges were Hispanic, a rate six times greater than the Hispanic portion of the population. According to State Police records, about a third of accidents involving migrant workers are hit-and-run. State Trooper Koushel said migrants often cannot be conclusively identified when they're stopped for a violation or involved in an accident." "Many", he said, "are illegal aliens who carry fake or invalid driver's licenses". "Because of that", he said, "Many fail to show up in court. It's almost like writing a ticket to a ghost."

A few days of bad weather in Colorado, over 100 illegal aliens were in auto accidents or given traffic tickets. Looking at only one component of traffic accidents, hit and runs, nationally 11 of every 100 traffic accidents are a hit and run.

As reported by Deadly Roads, as of December 29, there were 1,544 killed and 105,078 injured in hit and run accidents in 2006. Extrapolating for the year, 2006 will end up with about 1,560 killed and 105,948 injured by hit and run drivers.

In California, federal statistics show, "The number of fatal hit-and- run traffic deaths statewide jumped by 19 percent from 1999 to 2001. Nearly 300 people are killed annually in hit-and-run accidents in the state. Hit-and-runs accounted for 7.8 percent of the state's fatal crashes in 2001, the latest year for which figures are available from the U.S. Transportation Department. The figure is more than twice the national average of 3.8 percent - and a full percentage point higher than the next-highest state, Arizona."

It simply can not be a coincidence that California and Arizona have the highest per capita illegal alien population in the nation.

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