Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just the Term of "Undocumented Immigrants" is Ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part V of  V

A Census Bureau study estimates that households headed by illegal aliens used $10 billion more in government services than they paid in taxes in 2002. These figures are only for the federal government. Costs at the state and local level are also significant.

Jonathan Weisman of the Washington Post states "The Senate’s embattled immigration bill would raise government spending by as much as $126 billion over the next decade.

The majority of these figures were taken from USILLEGALALIENS.COM This site is an encyclopedia of documented evidence of the cultural pollution of illegal alienation.

American can’t deport the illegal aliens because there are too many of them? That is just another fraudulent joke. President Eisenhower in the early 1950s deported 3 to 4 million Mexicans in Operation Wetback. If we had the resources and ability to do it then we sure as heck can do it now, faster and easier.

If this is not tolerance, what is? America is the most charitable nation on Earth, as a nation and as individuals. But when it comes to illegal aliens, we have tolerated enough and we have been charitable enough to bankrupt our social services. Our schools are failing due to the students who steadfastly refuse to learn out language. Our hospitals are closing due to illegals getting free service for anything from a splinter in their finger to major surgery and perpetual care. Our clean beautiful home towns are getting turned into open garbage pits. We’re getting murdered by illegal alien invaders. Poll after poll shows 90% of us say, “Get them out!” They have taught us well.

As the news does not report the activities of illegal aliens we have all learned by example.

I defy anyone on earth to prove that illegal aliens are a benefit to any society that they have invaded. It can not be done with factual data, anywhere.

If our nations were at war, these people acting under the disguise of “Undocumented Immigrants” would be classified as War Criminals committing Crimes Against Humanity. And that is exactly what they are doing.
America doesn’t owe Mexico anything but a swift kick in the pants.

Who else but a sociopath would encourage the documented behavior of illegal aliens? Who else but a psychopath would hide the facts and go to lengths to defend their violent criminal actions?

Mark S. McGrew can be reached at

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