Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just the term "Undocumented Immigrants" is ridiculous!


Part I of  V

When I see articles written about the benefits of “Undocumented Immigrants” and how Americans are not tolerant or are racists bigoted xenophobes, all I see is either one of two things:
1. The writer is extremely ignorant.
2. The writer has a desire to see America destroyed.

Just the term, “Undocumented Immigrants” is ridiculous. This logic would label a drug dealer as an Undocumented Pharmacist. A burglar could plead his case as an Undocumented Home Inspector.  

Every claim made by illegal alien proponents is bogus. They are ALL pure lies, with not one single shred of legitimate data to back it up. I challenge anyone to verify the claims, “facts” and warm fuzzy statements made by the illegal alien advocates. These authors are sociopathic psychopaths. And I can prove it here.

Illegal aliens in America are not needed. Every time a business is shut down by Immigration authorities, Americans line up the next day to take the jobs that were originally taken from them. More and more Americans are not going to restaurants, because of rampant food poisoning. Americans are literally in fear of their lives, because of illegal aliens. Crimes committed by illegal aliens are barbaric. We have more deaths each year in America caused by illegal aliens than what we lost each year in Vietnam. More Americans are killed by illegal aliens in one year than the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq since we’ve been there.

The major news sources refuse to report on the crime wave that has and is sweeping America. They refuse to report the incredible rise of previously conquered diseases brought here by these people. Cholera, dysentery, diphtheria, leprosy, hepatitis, meningitis, typhoid, Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, Dengue, Malaria and the list goes on to horrible diseases such as Schistomiasis, Guinea Worm Infestation, Cysticercosis, Morgellon’s and others.
Illegal aliens create a negative financial drain on society. California estimates $14 billion a year is spent on illegal aliens. The highest illegal alien population States in America are asking the Federal government for some of the “mystery bailout money”.

There seems to be no one who knows exactly how much illegal aliens cost American society and American taxpayers. 47% of car accidents in Dallas Texas are by illegal aliens. Schools in Colorado, Illinois, California are experiencing 50% dropout rates. The teachers can’t function and the kids have nothing to learn due to the extreme confusion brought on by illegal alien gibberish.

Their crimes were previously unknown behavior to Americans. 79,000,000 ID thefts, counterfeiting documents, mortgage fraud, human trafficking, forced prostitution, child labor, dog fights, rooster fights are just a few. We either didn’t know these kinds of crimes could happen or our government eliminated them years ago. 

Stay tuned for Part II.

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