Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just the Term "Undocumented Immigrants is Ridiculous!


Mark S. McGrew 

Part IV of  V

Austin , Texas, in a 2003 article in the Austin American Statesmen: "Of 3,007 drunken driving arrests in 2002, 43 percent involved Hispanic men, even though they make up only about 11 percent of Austin's driving population. Including women, Hispanics made up 47 percent of the DWI arrests but only 21 percent of Austin drivers. Statewide, 42 percent of the people arrested in 2002 for driving while intoxicated were Latino, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety. In Austin, 46 percent of the people arrested for drunk driving from 1999 to 2002 were Latino, according to the Austin Police Department."

How much does all this rampant carnage cost the taxpayers? Nobody knows what the costs are to each of the hundreds of thousands of American citizens each year that are injured, maimed, crippled, killed, raped, assaulted, robbed, etc. At the end of 2003, approximately 267,000 illegal aliens were incarcerated in U.S. correctional facilities: $6.8 billion. Mac Johnson estimates that illegal aliens murder between 1,806 and 2,510 people in the U.S. annually, an average of 2,158 murders. Representative King states illegal aliens are responsible for 4,380 murders $8.4 billion.

According to FBI Estimates on Number of Arrests in 2005 in the United States and applying a straight 5% of population representation, illegal aliens would have committed 704,709 crimes in 2005. Based on an average of $25,000 per crime, the costs would be $17.6 billion. Some estimates have their involvement much higher. Based on a US Government Accounting Office report of 55,322 illegal aliens incarcerated in federal, state, and local facilities during 2003 and extrapolating the average number of offenses out across all 267,000 incarcerated illegal alien criminals results in some 1,288,619 crimes!

Based on an average of $25,000 per crime, the costs would be $32.2 billion. Another estimated 240,000 criminal illegal aliens are not incarcerated. Professor David Anderson reports that the net annual burdened costs of crime, in 2006 dollars could be $1.62 TRILLION.

A 5% illegal alien participation would be $81 BILLION. But we have close to a 10% illegal alien population in America. That can not happen by accident.

Some studies indicate the participation of illegal aliens is much higher than representation. An estimated 2,258,550 pounds of cocaine made it through the southern border with an estimated street value conservatively estimated $72.2 BILLION. Resulting costs of the associated crime is unknown. Assume 50% is paid for through crime.

There are an estimated 5.1 million English as Second Language students in the USA. If 90% of the ESL students are children of illegal aliens then the education costs for children of illegal aliens is about $34.5 billion per year.

Many illegal aliens are carrying horrific third world diseases. In the 40 years prior to 2002, there were only 900 total cases of leprosy in the US. In the following three years there have been 9,000 cases. TB is epidemic in many illegal alien communities and a new Multiple-Drug-Resistant (MDR) TB is spreading. Each person infected with TB will infect 10 others. Treating a single case of MDR TB costs between $250,000 and $1,200,000 per person. Resulting costs are unknown.

Harvard Professor George Borjas has reported that illegal aliens displaced American workers at a cost in excess of $133 billion dollars in 2005.

The Wall Street investment firm Bear Stearns states we are losing $35 billion a year in income tax collections from jobs that are now off the books.

A recent report notes that illegals sent an estimated $45 Billion south in 2006, which was up from an estimated $30 Billion in 2004. That money leaving the economy does not produce secondary jobs here.

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