Saturday, August 31, 2024

All States whether blue or red - must follow Florida Lead in the matter of voter ID! A person must present valid ID for numerous other circumstances, why not voting as well?


Stopping Illegals from Voting

By Robert A. Taft

A handful of House Republicans are hoping to attach the new SAVE act to the upcoming continuing resolution to be passed September 30. The act would mandate all states to ensure that only U.S. citizens vote in the November elections. There is already such a law on the books, but because there is a lack of enforcement, there is little confidence that it will be followed. So why would anyone follow the new SAVE act? Mitch McConnell has already said he -- and about 17 of his RINO cronies -- are opposed to the SAVE act

So where does that leave us? Let's look at Florida.

Earlier this year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1718, the strongest anti-illegal immigration legislation in the country. Among other provisions to combat Biden’s Border Crisis, the bill prohibits the issuance of a driver’s license to anyone who does not provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S. and specifies that out-of-state driver’s licenses issued exclusively to illegal aliens are invalid in Florida.

Someone who is in our country illegally and has violated our laws should not possess a government-issued ID which allows them access to state-funded services and other privileges afforded to lawful residents. 

But it appears that the Florida DMV is processing driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants between 6 am and 8 a.m. before the DMV offices officially open. If driver’s licenses are the best voter ID in Florida, does this mean all these people will be able to vote despite SB 1718?

With the Biden-Harris push to get illegal and undocumented immigrants to vote, Florida law -- and undoubtedly laws in other red states -- are being purposely violated.

How can this illegal voting be stopped? By governors imposing their emergency powers to do it. According to the National Governors Association, “Gubernatorial emergency powers, generally activated through the implementation of a state declaration of emergency or disaster, provide governors avenues to enhance capabilities, coordination, and collaboration across state and local agencies.”

The document continues, “They also give states flexibility to respond to exigent circumstances, including the reallocation of state and federal funds. Further, emergency declarations allow Governors to temporarily modify their state’s statutory, regulatory, and legal framework to respond to the changing nature of an emergency more quickly.”

If Governor DeSantis cannot enforce the laws he has signed, perhaps he should consider using his emergency powers to limit illegal voting in the upcoming 2024 elections. Other governors have a duty to their citizens to do the same

This improper issuing of driver’s licenses to illegals to jeopardize our sacred right of citizen-only voting is purposely occurring out of official DMV office hours. Is this happening in other states as well, bypassing state law?

Many states claim to have a handle on this situation either because their ballots instruct the voter to declare whether or not he or she is a U.S. Citizen. Some, like Georgia just announced, a sign at the polling locations will read “No non-U.S. Citizen can vote.” Do these states actually believe these simple tactics will work?

The Republican National Committee recently sent a letter to Colorado explaining ways the state could keep illegals migrants and non-citizens from voting this November.

  • The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offers the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program which aids federal, state, and local governments in verifying immigration or citizenship status.
  • State or local government agencies can enter a memorandum of agreement with USCIS to obtain access to the SAVE database. Running a query requires an individual’s first name, last name, date of birth, and a numeric identifier from a U.S. government issued immigration document.
  • The SSA (Social Security Administration) maintains databases that contain citizen-identifying records.
  • Naphsis is a nonprofit organization that provides access to vital records such as birth, death, and marriage certificates. 
  • State and Federal courts often maintain records of disqualification from jury duty due to lack of U.S. citizenship.
  • The Motor Vehicle Bureaus/Departments state databases containing the driver’s license contain evidence of citizenship.

Florida uses the SAVE Program, but does not use several other ways databases listed above. The state also compares voter lists with DMV records so why are illegal immigrants being processed out-of-hours?

In 2022, Florida attempted to put the following imitative on the ballot:

  • A U.S. citizen eligible to vote in Florida shall be registered to vote or have their existing registration updated by submitting an application for a new, renewed, updated, or replacement Florida driver’s license or ID card, unless they check a box to opt out of voter registration. The person shall not be required to select registration in order to be registered to vote or update registration. This amendment does not change voting eligibility requirements.

The requirement for placing the initiative on the ballot was nearly 900,000 signatures. But the measure was withdrawn on September 21, 2021 with only 73 valid signatures. This would indicate that the vast majority of Floridians do not want automatic registration with the issuance of driver’s licenses.

Democrat governors, who understand the need for non-citizens to vote in November, will not take such steps to stop illegal voting. However, there is no excuse for a true Republican governor not to take such action.

But it will take prodding. Pressure your governor to take such action now.


Friday, August 30, 2024

Just another horrific consequence of fraudulent Biden immigration policies! This absolute insanity has totally transformed our once great Republic!


Mob of 20 illegal aliens reportedly tries to board school bus with young children: 'Really scary'

Candace Hathaway August 29, 2024

The school district notifies parents about two similar incidents.

Some illegal aliens in San Diego, California, recently attempted to board two school buses while they were en route to pick up young children, reports claim.

Two Jamul-Dulzura Union School District bus routes were interrupted this week during separate incidents, according to district officials, KSWB-TV reported.

On Tuesday afternoon, three illegal immigrant males walking along Highway 94 allegedly tried to stop one of the school buses. The bus driver was forced to go around the men.

'These kids and the bus driver could have been in real danger.'

The following morning, a group of 20 illegal immigrants reportedly attempted to board another school bus while it was picking up children on a different route. Parents present for the incident assisted the bus driver in ensuring that the individuals were not able to enter the vehicle.

No injuries were reported for either incident.

Nicole Cardinale, whose 8-year-old son was on the second bus, told KSWB that the encounter was "really scary."

"[My son] said these adults — they weren't kids — had backpacks on and they were trying to get on [his bus.] … He said there was a lot of them," she stated. "It's just scary that these kids are put into this situation. If those 20 people would have gotten onto the bus and tried to take over the bus, these kids and the bus driver could have been in real danger."

Details about either of the encounters are currently limited.

Superintendent Liz Bystedt sent a brief letter to parents explaining what had occurred, writing, "Earlier today I notified transportation families about two recent incidents involving our school buses on Highway 94. Both incidents involved people either trying to stop or board a bus at a bus stop."

She added that she has notified the United States Border Patrol, the San Diego Sheriff's Department, and the California Highway Patrol.

"We will continue to work with law enforcement on the matter," the letter to parents continued. "We have put additional protocols in place and notified parents of bus riders."

Bus drivers have been told to continue to the next stop if they encounter a stop that has illegal immigrants nearby. Parents are asked to meet the bus at the following drop-off location to pick up their children.

Bystedt told parents, "Please stay [vigilant] and if the bus drives by, please follow the bus to pick up your child at the next stop."

Kimberly King with the Sheriff's Department told KSWB, "The San Diego Sheriff's Office was made aware of this incident today. We are conducting a follow up investigation to determine if a criminal act has occurred. The Sheriff's Office takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and are working with the school district in order to keep the students and our community safe."

Jim Desmond, a San Diego County supervisor representing the Fifth District, reacted to news of the incident on social media, writing, "This is what happens when you have open borders. Over 250,000 illegal immigrants have entered San Diego in the past year, and this is just one more example of the chaos we're facing. Thousands continue to pour in every single day."

Desmond called the incidents "horrific," adding that it "deserves an immediate investigation."

"Shut down the border!" he declared.


Even though the majority of American citizens favor legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration - the federal government fails to comply with its own immigration rules and regulations!


Poll: Majority Favors Deportations as More Democrats Oppose Migration

Neil Munro 29 Aug 2024

Fifty-six percent of registered voters favor a policy of “arresting and deporting thousands of illegal immigrants,” according to a poll conducted in August by YouGov.

Just 35 percent of voters oppose the repatriation policy, according to the August 25-27 poll of 1,555 adult citizens and voters.

When counting only “strongly” opinions, the split was almost two-to-one, at 37 percent to 21 percent.

The YouGov results match other polls that show majorities favor large-scale deportations.

WATCH — JD Vance: Mass Deportations Should “Start with 1 Million”:

The rising opposition to migration reflects the gradual shift of Democratic voters from acceptance of migration towards rejection during President Joe Biden’s chaotic mass migration into American communities. That migration has inflated the nation’s population by roughly 10 million people who arrived via legal, illegal, and quasi-legal routes.

The rising public opposition is fueling President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, during which he has promised to deport millions of illegal migrants and to block the arrival of more migrants.

His rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, has not challenged the West Coast Democratic donors who have been directing the wealth-shifting inflow of migrant workers, consumers, and renters into Americans’ politics, communities, workplaces, schools, and hospitals.

The polling shift is shown by an interactive YouGov website, which shows how Americans agree or disagree with the statement, “Immigrants are a drain on national resources.”

From June 2020 to December 2023, the share of Americans who agree with the statement climbed from 30 percent to 43 percent.

The share who disagreed dropped from 46 percent to 32 percent.

That’s a 26-point shift across the nation up to December 2023.

One-quarter of Americans do not care, saying they are “neutral” on the issue.

But the decline in support for migration has been much steeper among Biden’s Democrats.

The share of Democrats who disagree that “Immigrants are a drain on national resources” dropped from 70 percent to 47 percent, marking a 23-point drop.

The share of Democrats who agreed jumped from 13 percent to 31 percent, while the neutral share nudged up from 17 percent to 22 percent.

The data shows a 40 percent shift among Democrats from June 2020 to December 2023.

Still, Democrats are under strong pressure from their leaders to accept nation-changing levels of migration.

“No nation, no society has ever tried to build a democracy as big and as diverse as ours before, one that includes people that, over decades, have come from every corner of the globe … The rest of the world is watching to see if we can actually pull this off,” former President Barack Obama told the Democratic Party’s national convention.

Among Republicans, there has been little shift in attitudes since June 2020.

The establishment-minded “disagree” share stayed flat, at roughly 18.5 percent.

The “agree” share rose from 56 percent to 65 percent, and neutrals shifted to the “agree” view as they watched Biden’s migrants flood into workplaces, communities, schools, and hospitals.

Other polls by YouGov showed a growing plurality of Americans say migration makes the nation “worse off.”

Immigration makes the country worse off, according to 38 percent of 1,595 U.S. citizens in a June 9-11 poll.  Just 28 percent said immigration makes the country “better off.” That question revealed a huge 30-point shift against migration since President Joe Biden opened the nation’s borders.

The August YouGov poll also showed that immigration is the most important issue for 15 percent of registered voters, including 11 percent of independents. It was ranked second overall, behind “inflation/prices” at 23 percent.  It was the most important issue for 15 percent of men and 11 percent of women.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

The horrific consequences of the fraudulent Biden administration immigration policies are, devastating! This article describes just one of them.


CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country

By Monica Showalter

When it gets hot, Southern California can become a furnace, and when wildfires start, it becomes a literal furnace. Because of these wildires, local residents pay high homeowner insurance rates, when they can get any at all, and accept strict regulations about clearing brush and not starting open flames on broiling hot dry days.

But as fire season kicks in through October, the desert badlands of San Diego County near the border nevertheless are seeing wildfires, lots of wildfires, all because under the Harris-Biden administration, the border is still wide open.

Now we have the receipts.

According to East County Magazine:

... along the international border, campfires lit by migrants and fires set by smugglers have sparked numerous recent blazes -- also igniting public safety concerns.

After a surge in border fires in May, Amy Reichert, chairwoman of Restore San Diego, obtained public records from CalFire from May 1 through June 1. Reichert claimed that of the eight fires along the border May 1-June 1, seven were tied to illegal border crossers, with one of undetermined cause, since it started in Mexico. 

ECM fact-checked that claim and found it largely accurate, with migrant fires the most likely cause of six fires, shooting the most likely cause in one fire despite a campfire nearby, and the Mexico fire of undetermined cause.

“This crisis poses a significant threat to our entire county and has far-reaching national implications,” Reichart said.  She noted, “San Diego County residents, already on edge due to living in high wildfire threat areas, face additional stress as insurance companies flee California, raise rates, or drop homeowners’ coverage entirely.” Environmental damage and risk to area residents, property owners, and the safety migrants, are also concerns.

Here's the exact details from the CalFIRE records, as East County Magazine reported:

May 11:  Border 44 Fire in Marron Valley south of Jamul:  27 acres. This fire was “probably arson,” Cal Fire’s incident report states. Fire was “dragged from a bonfire in the middle of Barrett Truck Trail to set fire to a nine-tire Border Patrol road drag” which ignited grasses.  Cal Fire states there is “high suspicion” that “this was related to international travelers” and noted that dozens of bonfires had burnt out on Barrett Truck Trial. Of note, a Cal Fire speaker recently at a Jamul-Dulzura Fire Safe Council meeting said there have been recent incidents of smugglers setting fire to distract immigration authorities from other illegal activity nearby.

May 13: Border 45 Fire, Marron Valley:  2.43 acres. Cause is believed to be “burning personal items, possibly a signal fire for help” as occurs when a migrant becomes lost, injured or dehydrated.  Eight people found nearby denied setting the fire.  In addition to migrants, this is also an area with homeless people/transients, according to Cal Fire.

May 14,Border 46 Fire, base of Tecate Peak:  4.7 acres. Cause was a distress/signal fire; vacated campfires were in the area.

May 15, Border 47 Fire, Marron Valley:  50 acres. Probably cause is arson. The report notes that migrants “finding themselves in a remote and mountainous location with no signage or infrastructure to receive them, typically seek transit out of the area by any means possible and have previously called9-11 and/or started fires seeking to  attraction attention to their location and expedite a response.”  Border Patrol had apprehended a large group of migrants and a second group approached Cal Fire’s crew, though both groups denied setting the fire.

May 19, Border 49 Fire in Marron Valley:  3.89 acres:  This was caused by debris and open burning from a bonfire set on the edge of a roadway. Cal Fire found a “high level of suspicion” that the fire was started by international travelers who had crossed the border, finding evidence of “dozens of bonfires set by international travelers” along Barrett Truck Trail.

May 26, Border 51 Fire,Marron Valley:  10.98 acres. Cal Fire could not determine the cause of this fire despite evidence of an “open fire for warming/cooking” as a contributing cause. However, a witness reported hearing gunshots and saw smoke, as well as a black vehicle driving away form the area, a popular shooting area, so gunfire is also a possible cause. Shell casings were found near the fire, but also burned personal items including clothing, shoes, and papers.

June 1, Border 52 Fire in Otay:  0.1 acre.  Cal Fire found the most probably cause to be shooting, since targets and shell casings were found, but campfire was listed as another possible cause.

June 1,Border 53 Fire which burned 300 acres burned on the U.S. side of the border. Cause is undetermined, since it started in Mexico.

At least three more border-area fires occurred in July. Cause remains undetermined on these, per Cal Fire incident reports, including the Border 66 fire which charred 300 acres.

They set up campfires wherever they want. They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice. They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol. It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control. Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?

And nobody in the Biden administration, let alone his border czar, are doing a thing about the border, not on the sea-side, where illegals ride in through the surf and run through the beachgoers' picnics and beach ball parties, as we have seen, and not on the badlands side where illegals set wildfires intentionally and apparently all of them get away with it.

One set of rules for the citizens, who face high fire insurance rates because of these wildfires, and one set of rules for the illegals, who get away with it every time and as a result, proliferate it.

I find these figures shocking, given the risk involved, the hot months ahead, and the lack of consequences of any sort for these illegal border crossers. The presence of a wildfire should be automatic grounds for deporting every illegal border crosser back to where he came from. But that's not how these things are doing, so we have what we have, and now illegals are getting away with it.

Reichert checked up on the biggest of the wildfires, the Border 66 fire, which was listed as cause unknown on the CalFIRE report, and sure enough, it too was the work of illegals:

It's way past time for something to be done about this, but under this administration, nothing will be, not even if the fires become conflagration infernos.