Sunday, August 25, 2024

Germany with its hordes of un-assimilated immigrants creates a nightmare of violence - coming soon to the USA - believe it or not!


German ‘diversity’ festival awash in blood as a diverse immigrant slaughtered attendees

By Andrea Widburg

Leftism is not a monolith. Instead, it has a core leadership group, which is often highly cynical and uses leftism to achieve power. That’s why most “leftist” leaders are billionaires when they die. Next, there’s an inner circle of fanatic true believers who are the movement’s energy and enforcers. Last, there are the “lumpen” masses or useful idiots, who blithely follow where they’re told. Members of this last class were at a “diversity” festival in Solingen, Germany, when a Muslim immigrant stabbed 11 people, killing three.

The New York Post offered this information after the attack:

Three people were killed at a festival in Germany and several others were injured by a knife-wielding maniac on Friday night, authorities said.

The attacker — described by festival organizers as a “knifeman” — was still on the run hours after unleashing the bloodshed.

The horror unfolded around 9:30 p.m. in a central square of the “Festival of Diversity,” a three-day event marking the 650th anniversary of the founding of Solingen.

In the immediate aftermath, German officials, echoing Sergeant Schultz, said that they knew nothing. Maybe that was true, but the rest of us assumed that it was a Muslim attack, and, of course, our assumption was correct:

Islamic State claimed responsibility Saturday for a knife attack at a festival in Germany that left three people dead and eight hurt, according to reports.

The terrifying attack, which caused panic at the event in Solingen, was “in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere,” the militant group said on its Telegram account

The attacker has been on the run for almost 24 hours.

A 15-year-old was arrested Saturday in connection with the German incident, authorities said.

Police cautioned the young suspect was not the attacker — but instead had been accused of failing to report a crime, according to CNN.


The attacker specifically targeted victims’ necks, police said, as per the Washington Post.

There are two takeaways from this:

First, disarming people does not end violent crime. Neither knives nor guns kill. Instead, it’s the people wielding those weapons who do the killing. When everyone is disarmed, there are no good people available to stop either a knife or a gun attack.

Second, diversity is a virtue only when people want to assimilate. In that case, they voluntarily combine to make a homogenous entity with a little spice around the edges reflecting the remnants of the original cultural differences. However, when only one group seeks this “diversity,” it simply advertises to the predators that its members are gathered together for the slaughter.

America survived mass immigration from the 1880s through the 1920s because its institutions focused relentlessly on assimilation. The point of public schools wasn’t primarily to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. The point, instead, was to take a polyglot population and squeeze them into the American mold. Diversity remained at home and in restaurants. In the public forum, it was all American.

That attitude still prevailed for immigration through the mid-1960s. Then, however, a rising tide of cultural Marxism created the myth that America would be stronger by encouraging people not to assimilate—not to learn the language and not to embrace the political and cultural values. The melting pot morphed into the salad bowl and has now become the American Balkans. The Balkans have never ended well.

I’m terribly sorry for those who died at the festival and for their loved ones, as I am for those who were wounded. However, because those victims were at a “diversity festival,” we know that they were the left’s cannon fodder, and, as with the Balkans, that never ends well.


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