Friday, August 23, 2024

Once again - an extremely important article for everyone to read, re-read and study! Get educated, inspired, involved and participate to save our Republic!


The pragmatic reality of the November election

By Matthew G. Andersson

When retail politics takes center stage in mass public attention, as the political party conventions do, nearly everything but the facts tends to be laid out clearly for voters.  These conventions are surely American in how they are corporate marketing events, and they are meant to entertain and generate feelings rather than thinking.  Much marketing and many theories of mass psychology are brought to bear.  In that way, they underscore how professional politicians view their constituents: with general low regard, as mere “consumers.”

But here are a few vital facts that need to be kept in mind as November approaches, if your view of the Republic is more enlightened or at least more aspirational.

The DNC established more than election irregularity in 2020.  It created an “off balance sheet” voting system by three primary means:

First, by lifting the discipline and oversight function of the voting event itself by subjecting it to an open-ended periodicity — that is, rather than an organized and controlled method, it is now an unorganized and uncontrolled “season” that can stretch for many days, weeks, or longer, and thereby escape statistical quality control, numerical verification, and qualification standards.

Second, the definition of eligibility has been so expanded to unqualified, unidentified, unknown, or uncertain persons as to citizenship, residency, or registration that voting no longer captures voters, but merely bodies, or even virtual ones.

Third, over the last four years, up to 25 million (perhaps more) unknown illegal invaders have established a presence on U.S. soil and have been strategically transported by private charter aircraft, bus, and rail to key state locations and converted into voting bodies.  As the previous election showed, all it takes to assert a victory in vote-counting is at most a few hundred thousand extra ballots.  Twenty to thirty million illegal but voting aliens, spread out over just a dozen swing states, means that each such state, like Arizona, or Wisconsin, or previously stable “red” states like Texas and Florida, may have up to two million new “strategic voters,” established with identity documents, to be “counted” by any means of voting assertions, including of course absentee, mail-in, delayed counting, drop-off, and more.

Moreover, the Fourth Estate, or the media (in reality the “Fifth Column”) provides the digital voting results in major media outlets, and this too is subject to enormous irregular opportunism.

J.D. Vance was right when he recently stated that the DNC is running a fraudulent campaign — that is, its entire platform is itself a deception layered on top of a voting deception.  This started over four years ago in technical means and, at the beginning of the first Obama administration, in ideological terms.

This is why Trump is more than a GOP candidate: his platform stands out even more, if you focus on facts and policy, as a fundamental conviction on national security in terms of maintaining a sovereign country defined in Western culture.

The DNC has, by contrast, been so radicalized that it is not an actual American party; it is a global network of international interests that seeks to effectively acquire the United States in terms of natural resources, manufacturing, education, defense, banking, agriculture, media, and even general population control and demographics. 

And the DNC is willing to sell it, or even give it away, as Trump vitally called to everyone’s attention years ago.  This continues to be the great dividing line between Trump and the radical left: a U.S. president acting as a U.S. chief executive and U.S. civilian commander of a sovereign American nation, or a foreign proxy deception that has contempt for American history, American independence, and especially the American people.

The DNC itself is a foreign invader.


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