Thursday, August 29, 2024

The horrific consequences of the fraudulent Biden administration immigration policies are, devastating! This article describes just one of them.


CalFIRE confirms that illegals are setting wildfires out in San Diego's back country

By Monica Showalter

When it gets hot, Southern California can become a furnace, and when wildfires start, it becomes a literal furnace. Because of these wildires, local residents pay high homeowner insurance rates, when they can get any at all, and accept strict regulations about clearing brush and not starting open flames on broiling hot dry days.

But as fire season kicks in through October, the desert badlands of San Diego County near the border nevertheless are seeing wildfires, lots of wildfires, all because under the Harris-Biden administration, the border is still wide open.

Now we have the receipts.

According to East County Magazine:

... along the international border, campfires lit by migrants and fires set by smugglers have sparked numerous recent blazes -- also igniting public safety concerns.

After a surge in border fires in May, Amy Reichert, chairwoman of Restore San Diego, obtained public records from CalFire from May 1 through June 1. Reichert claimed that of the eight fires along the border May 1-June 1, seven were tied to illegal border crossers, with one of undetermined cause, since it started in Mexico. 

ECM fact-checked that claim and found it largely accurate, with migrant fires the most likely cause of six fires, shooting the most likely cause in one fire despite a campfire nearby, and the Mexico fire of undetermined cause.

“This crisis poses a significant threat to our entire county and has far-reaching national implications,” Reichart said.  She noted, “San Diego County residents, already on edge due to living in high wildfire threat areas, face additional stress as insurance companies flee California, raise rates, or drop homeowners’ coverage entirely.” Environmental damage and risk to area residents, property owners, and the safety migrants, are also concerns.

Here's the exact details from the CalFIRE records, as East County Magazine reported:

May 11:  Border 44 Fire in Marron Valley south of Jamul:  27 acres. This fire was “probably arson,” Cal Fire’s incident report states. Fire was “dragged from a bonfire in the middle of Barrett Truck Trail to set fire to a nine-tire Border Patrol road drag” which ignited grasses.  Cal Fire states there is “high suspicion” that “this was related to international travelers” and noted that dozens of bonfires had burnt out on Barrett Truck Trial. Of note, a Cal Fire speaker recently at a Jamul-Dulzura Fire Safe Council meeting said there have been recent incidents of smugglers setting fire to distract immigration authorities from other illegal activity nearby.

May 13: Border 45 Fire, Marron Valley:  2.43 acres. Cause is believed to be “burning personal items, possibly a signal fire for help” as occurs when a migrant becomes lost, injured or dehydrated.  Eight people found nearby denied setting the fire.  In addition to migrants, this is also an area with homeless people/transients, according to Cal Fire.

May 14,Border 46 Fire, base of Tecate Peak:  4.7 acres. Cause was a distress/signal fire; vacated campfires were in the area.

May 15, Border 47 Fire, Marron Valley:  50 acres. Probably cause is arson. The report notes that migrants “finding themselves in a remote and mountainous location with no signage or infrastructure to receive them, typically seek transit out of the area by any means possible and have previously called9-11 and/or started fires seeking to  attraction attention to their location and expedite a response.”  Border Patrol had apprehended a large group of migrants and a second group approached Cal Fire’s crew, though both groups denied setting the fire.

May 19, Border 49 Fire in Marron Valley:  3.89 acres:  This was caused by debris and open burning from a bonfire set on the edge of a roadway. Cal Fire found a “high level of suspicion” that the fire was started by international travelers who had crossed the border, finding evidence of “dozens of bonfires set by international travelers” along Barrett Truck Trail.

May 26, Border 51 Fire,Marron Valley:  10.98 acres. Cal Fire could not determine the cause of this fire despite evidence of an “open fire for warming/cooking” as a contributing cause. However, a witness reported hearing gunshots and saw smoke, as well as a black vehicle driving away form the area, a popular shooting area, so gunfire is also a possible cause. Shell casings were found near the fire, but also burned personal items including clothing, shoes, and papers.

June 1, Border 52 Fire in Otay:  0.1 acre.  Cal Fire found the most probably cause to be shooting, since targets and shell casings were found, but campfire was listed as another possible cause.

June 1,Border 53 Fire which burned 300 acres burned on the U.S. side of the border. Cause is undetermined, since it started in Mexico.

At least three more border-area fires occurred in July. Cause remains undetermined on these, per Cal Fire incident reports, including the Border 66 fire which charred 300 acres.

They set up campfires wherever they want. They set wildfires to attract border agents to pick them up and transport them to their destinations of choice. They burn down border vehicles because they don't like the Border Patrol. It's shocking what they will do whenever they want something, given the danger of the fire risk and just how big and catastrophic these fires can get once they get out of control. Sound like the kind of people who might rape and murder, too, once they go through catch-and-release?

And nobody in the Biden administration, let alone his border czar, are doing a thing about the border, not on the sea-side, where illegals ride in through the surf and run through the beachgoers' picnics and beach ball parties, as we have seen, and not on the badlands side where illegals set wildfires intentionally and apparently all of them get away with it.

One set of rules for the citizens, who face high fire insurance rates because of these wildfires, and one set of rules for the illegals, who get away with it every time and as a result, proliferate it.

I find these figures shocking, given the risk involved, the hot months ahead, and the lack of consequences of any sort for these illegal border crossers. The presence of a wildfire should be automatic grounds for deporting every illegal border crosser back to where he came from. But that's not how these things are doing, so we have what we have, and now illegals are getting away with it.

Reichert checked up on the biggest of the wildfires, the Border 66 fire, which was listed as cause unknown on the CalFIRE report, and sure enough, it too was the work of illegals:

It's way past time for something to be done about this, but under this administration, nothing will be, not even if the fires become conflagration infernos.


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