Sunday, August 4, 2024

The southern border destructive fiasco continues with inpunity! This chaotic nightmare has become the reason behind the ending of our once great Republic! Wake up America!


The court-ordered border wall

By Mike McDaniel

A primary reason the media holds such power over what Americans believe is not what they report. Their lies and distortions, their leftist opinions masquerading as factual reporting, their willing, enthusiastic service as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party isn’t their greatest disservice to the truth and America. They do the greatest damage with what they choose not to report, like this:

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced a court order for President Kamala Harris Joe Biden’s administration to finish the border wall.

Haven’t heard about that?  One would think that a reasonably important development, particularly considering our wide-open borders are perhaps the most important issue in the presidential race. However, on further consideration, that’s Kamala Harris’s weakest point among a plethora of weak policy points, so It’s no surprise the media is largely ignoring it. This is ironically delicious for a variety of reasons, but among them is leftists have done their best to destroy Paxton just as they continue to do with Donald Trump. Paxton has beaten them all.

Biden issued an executive order to stop the border wall and told DHS to find a way to redirect the $1.4 billion Congress allotted for the wall.

Paxton sued the administration “under the Administrative Procedure Act, arguing that Biden violated the Consolidated Appropriations Act.”

In May Paxton won an injunction and the Biden/Harris Administration—now the Harris Administration (No, Joe doesn’t know)—had 60 days to appeal. They didn’t, which means America wins:

“For the reasons stated in this Court’s Memorandum Opinion and Order granting Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction in part, (Dkt. No. 128), the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have demonstrated success on the merits of their claims brought under the Administrative Procedure Act for violation of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,” Judge Drew Tipton wrote. “Accordingly, the Court concludes that entry of a permanent injunction is appropriate.”

The order told the administration it could not implement any plan to divert funds from their original purpose.

The funds must go to “construction of physical barriers, such as additional walls, fencing, buoys, etc.”

Take the link to read the entire judgement. 

Paxton said: “This is a final victory against Biden’s attempt to defund the border wall. His Administration illegally sought to prevent the construction of the border wall and illegally attempted to repurpose the money allocated for American safety and sovereignty, working instead to keep the border open. I sued and won to stop their unlawful scheme. Now, the Administration has thrown in the towel by declining to appeal their defeat and will be legally required to build the wall.”

Of course, the Harris Administration, which hates the Constitution and the rule of law and ignores and warps both, won’t do a thing to obey this lawful decision. They have only about 90 days until the election, and regardless of whether Harris wins or loses, they’ll do nothing to in any way secure the border. 

Back in October of 2023, Biden announced he’d build a 20-mile section of border wall in Texas.  Obviously, his handlers were feeling the need for Joe to be plausibly seen to be moving toward the center. Odd that a totally secure border, as Americans have been told for years, needed further securing, but Joe’s handlers apparently felt the pressure of an approaching election and needed to secure Obama’s fourth term. How’d that project work out?

According to The Washington Post, some work was done on a few miles of levee.

Last year, the Texas Tribune visited that levee project. It found newly constructed concrete walls topped with steel bollards. A representative of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) argued to the Tribune that this project was not a wall.

I thought Joe said he was building a wall?

That said, the Biden administration had also announced in December 2021 that it would embark on a small-scale project to close “small gaps that remain open from prior construction activities” in the existing wall.

Oh. And how did those projects work out?

In other words, however pedantic it might seem, Biden’s administration has in fact built new barriers along the border, regardless of how they’re categorized or how necessary they might be.

The Post was at least partially, sort of, honest:

It’s also worth noting that, for all of his boasting about the amount of wall constructed under his administration, the change between 2016 and 2021 is fairly subtle.

“Fairly subtle” means any construction was an expensive political gesture that didn’t in any way contribute to securing the already totally secure southern border.

Kamala Harris, the Border Czar who never was, is claiming she wants to spend more money on border security. Here’s her court-ordered opportunity.


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