Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Education - another horrific consequence of fraudulent Biden immigration Policies! This insanity will prevail until our once great Republic becomes a third world country!


Kamala’s yellow school buses out of order as Massachusetts diverts funds for migrants

By Olivia Murray www.americanthinker.com

The new school year is fixing to begin this week in Stoughton, Massachusetts, but around 150 children who were counting on school bus transport now find themselves without a ride, with the district’s superintendent, Joseph Baeta, alleging that Stoughton lacks the funds to fulfill the ride requests.

Out of around 3,620 children total in the district, this equates to a little over 4% of the kids being told to “find their own way” to school, but that figure is not exactly representative of how things really are, especially when you consider the data and relevant facts—as a report by Warner Todd Huston at Breitbart noted, Massachusetts state “rules” require that illegal children in hotels and shelters must be provided with transportation, while there is no such provision for legal children. All those kids being bumped off the bus list are kids who hold American citizenship.

Additionally, according to Baeta’s letter posted to the school district website, two of the 15 buses the school district has are exclusively transporting “non-citizen” children living in hotels and shelters to and from school (that’s a little over 13% of the buses). How many other seats are being taken up by illegals who are already “placed” into more permanent housing? I suspect a great deal, especially considering that “non-citizens” account for 7.1% of Stoughton’s overall population (and that number is climbing).

Baeta sought to quell the expected outrage, writing this:

The district has two buses for students living in hotels/shelters. We are required to provide transportation for these students. These two buses are in addition to the 13 buses for the students not in hotels/shelters. We are utilizing funding the state provides to the district to bus the students living in hotels/shelters. The funding for these two buses does not come from our operational budget. It is inaccurate to suggest that these children receiving busing is the reason yours did not. If we were not receiving the funding from the state for the students living in hotels/shelters, we would not be able to have these two additional buses.

Okay, so the district isn’t using its collected revenue to pay for these buses, but it is using it to put these illegal children into classrooms, hire more teachers, provide more books and school supplies, likely feed them “free” meals, and everything else—of course this is diverting district funds that could be used to instead buy more buses, or hire another bus driver, etc. From Huston:

In a letter Baeta sent home to parents in March, he noted, ‘The district is seeing an increase in PreK-12 enrollment, including in our migrant student population, and unprecedented pressures in special education, transportation, and services for English Learners.’

He added, ‘In order to accommodate this increase in our student population, we have had to make adjustments throughout the budget. The situation remains fluid as we get more information and advocate for additional funding from the state.’

And, the state as a whole is redirecting funds to cover the swelling cost of the migrants. Bottom line: It is absolutely the hordes of imported third world foreigners gorging themselves at the taxpayer teat that’s forcing “tough” budgeting choices to be made. Also per Huston:

It has been estimated that Massachusetts spends at least $575 million per year, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. And according to WWLP-TV, an additional $12 million was added to the 2024 state budget for migrant education.

In July, Fox News reported that the cost to manage the Biden-Harris migrant crisis will cost Massachusetts taxpayers $1.8 billion over the next two years.

It goes without saying, this isn’t an argument for a more financed public school district, and in fact I hope this betrayal encourages even more parents to leave the public school system, but a simple exercise in highlighting the distorted priorities of the elected “representative” class.


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