Saturday, August 10, 2024

These horrific consequences of fraudulent Biden immigration policies continue with impunity! This insanity must stop!


Illegals and attacks on U.S. citizens

By Michael Letts

When does it end?

Ever since President Joe Biden decided to be more “relaxed” with his border stance, the country has fallen into chaos. Thousands of illegal immigrants have now made our way into the United States, flooding such cities as Boston and New York City.

And although not all of them have criminal intent, the ones that do certainly pose a dangerous threat. It’s one that the President should no longer ignore -- not if he wants to save his country for when he hopes Kamala Harris will take over.

Another attack has taken place, this time on an innocent woman in Virginia.

A 21-year-old immigrant by the name of Jose Aguilar-Martinez reportedly stole the vehicle of 54-year-old Melody Waldecker. But what’s worse, he ran her over during the theft, killing her as a result.

What’s even more shocking is that Aguilar-Martinez was given a driver’s license. Even after illegally entering the country. He was reportedly given the license by California, which serves as one of 16 (!) states that provide the opportunity to get such a documentation. Even though, again, they came into our country illegally.

All Waldecker was trying to do was get groceries at 7-11, where she had parked the car. But because of this heinous individual, she’s gone. And what’s more, she won’t be able to visit her mother at a rehabilitation nursing facility, which was the reason for her visit.

Even Loudon County Sheriff Mike Chapman was confused as to how Aguilar-Martinez was able to get a driver’s license, noting that it’s “perplexing to me.” I feel you, Sheriff. I really do.

He went into further detail about Waldecker’s death, noting, “Running her right over, complete disregard for her life, complete disregard for anybody in the area. [He] took off, ends up getting into two car accidents while he’s fleeing away. He is here illegally. And that’s why this could have been prevented. Had he not been in this country illegally, this would have never happened and that’s the problem.”

I could not agree more. This is horrendous. What’s more, Aguilar-Martinez was arrested last July for public intoxication. And not only was he released, he was released with his license.

What is happening here?!

This is just the latest incident of an illegal immigrant killing a U.S. citizen. Back in February of this year, a 22-year-old nursing student, Laken Riley, was dragged off and killed by a Venezuelan man who made his way into this country undocumented.

Just two months later, two illegal Venezuelan men murdered a 12-year-old child. And before her murder, they sexually abused her. 

This is all on Joe Biden’s hands.

While everything has been happening at the border and thousands of migrants have been bussed in and out of cities like shipping materials, Biden has been in a daze. He hasn’t done anything about the matter, and when someone criticizes it, he brushes them aside, instead working on praising himself.

So he’s more focused on himself than the U.S. citizens -- ones that he swore to protect -- die on his watch. Does that sound like a logical decision by our so-called leader?

Something has to be done here. Some control has to be taken back at our borders, lest our country continue to be overrun with migrants that could very well hurt or even kill U.S. citizens.

That’s why I’ve got my fingers crossed for Trump to take back over as President later this year. He was always tough on border policies, and it sounds like he wants to be even tougher if he returns. That’s what we need right now. Not a carefree “eh, it’s fine” logic like our current President has adopted.

Because if we don’t take control soon, we’re going to see more incidents like this. Incidents where people like Waldecker, Riley and the 12-year-old suffer needlessly. It’s something that can be easily avoided if someone just did something.



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