Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alejandro Mayorkas - what a name - what an absolute failure of an appointed government official! I wonder how some of these idiots sleep at night.


Put the blame on Alejandro Mayorkas for endless migrant carnage

By William Davis

It seems like almost on a daily basis now, we hear more stories about Americans — particularly young American women — being allegedly murdered, raped, or maimed by illegal aliens. The ultimate blame for this seemingly endless illegal alien crime wave falls on the federal government, and most especially on Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas.

The most notorious recent incident was the brutal murder of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia, allegedly by an illegal alien who had been protected by the city of Athens’ sanctuary policies. Since then, a spate of migrant-inflicted tragedies has rocked the nation’s core, and laid bare the dire consequences of the federal government’s anti-border policies.

Recent examples of these tragedies include the rape and murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungara, allegedly at the hands of an illegal alien who was wearing an ankle monitor at the time, as well as the murder of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old mother of five in Maryland, who was allegedly killed at the hands of a Salvadoran gang member.

During an interview conducted shortly after Morin’s killing, Mayorkas referred to the slain woman as an “individual,” and did not take any responsibility for failing to protect her from the consequences of illegal immigration. Mayorkas’ callous response to yet another preventable killing is indicative of a man so attached to his ideology that no amount of carnage will lead him to reevaluate his position.

Like other extremist movements throughout American and world history, the modern anti-borders movement is a project constructed without regard for human life. Leaders of this movement are ideologues who truly believe that everyone who seeks to come to the U.S. has a right to enter, and any attempts to stop them or even screen them are anathema to human rights.

This worldview is absurd and very dangerous, but not new. There has long been a minority of Americans who oppose border security for ideological reasons, but they have never had one of their own heading the very agency charged with defending the border until now.

The U.S. has had administrations in the past who have adopted a more liberal approach towards immigration, but they always had a line. The Biden administration does not.

Former Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson once famously said that 1,000 illegal border crossings constituted a “bad day,” but this administration has averaged far more than that, with the numbers reaching higher than 10,000 illegal crossings a day at certain points during their time in office. Yet, Mayorkas has barely flinched. The secretary has remained dismissive of concerns about his policies in the face of this recent crime spree, and also dire national security threats.

After a bombshell report from NBC News revealed that DHS had identified more than 400 illegal aliens in the U.S. with ties to ISIS, Mayorkas brushed away questions about the report, and laughably claimed that illegal aliens undergo robust vetting before being released into the U.S. Mayorkas knows as well as anybody that this isn’t true, but consistently demonstrates that he’s willing to say anything to deflect from the danger his policies have created for the country.

While national security experts have spent years warning that the administration’s policies are putting America at risk for another major terrorist attack, it is hard to see any amount of death and human suffering altering Mayorkas’ worldview or policies.

The problem is not that Mayorkas or other anti-borders activists take any joy in Americans being killed by illegal aliens, and it would be wrong to suggest that they do.

However, Mayorkas and the anti-borders movement he represents clearly see dead Americans as expendable, necessary collateral damage on the road to the borderless Utopia they envision for the future. This is what makes Mayorkas and this lawless, America Last movement so dangerous. Officials who prioritize a political ideology over the lives and safety of their citizens have no business being in positions of public trust, especially not one as important as DHS secretary.  

Mayorkas is the top person in charge of the department tasked first and foremost with preventing dangerous people from coming into our country. The Americans who have lost their lives at the hands of illegal aliens are his responsibility, and their deaths will be his legacy.


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