Saturday, July 20, 2024

Just one of the numerous horrific consequences of this silent invasion of illegal aliens: Low wages, crime, diseases galore, destruction of citizen life style, language barriers and national sovereignty.


Trump interview: Migrant invasion causing lower wages, greatest impact felt by black Americans

By Olivia Murray

On June 25, Bloomberg Businessweek conducted an interview with President Trump at his Florida estate, which just published this past Tuesday and highlighted a very important consideration for American voters as we head to the polls this November: the massive influx of migrants pouring into our nation are directly related to decreasing wages, and this is a reality negatively impacting black Americans more than any other group. Here’s what Trump said:

Black people are going to be decimated by the millions of people that are coming into the country. There will never be a decimation like this, and they’re already feeling it. Their wages have gone way down. Their jobs are being taken by the migrants coming in illegally into the country. 

And I said: Black people, No. 1, Hispanic people, No. 2.

Somebody asked me that the other day. They said, ‘What do you do for the Black population? I said, ‘I’ll stop 20 million people from coming into the country that’ll work for one-third what they’re working for.’ They’re all losing their jobs. It’s not a story yet, but it will be. Does that make sense to you?

Funny enough, the “journalists” with whom Trump spoke felt the need to “fact-check” his claims, and attached this disclaimer to his comments on migrants and their impact on American jobs and wages:

Employment gains since 2018 have almost entirely come from non-native-born workers, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, but those numbers are largely naturalized US citizens and legal residents—not migrants. The trend also reflects a shrinking native-born working-age population.

Quite the crafty and hazy explanation, because if you click the “not migrants” hyperlink, you’re directed to a Washington Post piece which states this:

It is … true that the number of foreign-born U.S. residents who are working is up since prior to the pandemic, as data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show.

Those foreign-born residents are not immigrants in the country illegally. They are largely citizens or immigrants authorized to work in the country.

Now, just because they’ve been given work authorization, doesn’t mean they’re not migrants. From a report out just last month:

The Biden administration is doing an end-run around the nation’s immigration laws — by giving migrants work permits in record numbers.

Since President Biden took office, more than 3.3 million migrants have been given a Employment Authorization Document (EAD), commonly known as the federal work permit, even though many didn’t even legally have the right to be America [sic].

And as of February of this year, pending EAD applications stood at an another 1.4 million.

Aside from all that, we have a new report out from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco that suggests “immigration spikes” are directly “responsible for” a whopping 20% of jobs being filled. Here’s this, from an item at The Center Square, summarizing the data:

By comparing the states’ number of immigration court cases with the ratio of job vacancies to unemployed individuals, the Federal Reserve’s report estimated higher levels of illegal immigration — using CBO methods but with more recent data — and found recent immigration spikes are responsible for approximately one fifth of the decline in the ratio of job vacancies to unemployed individuals. 

And furthermore:

Earlier this year, the International Monetary Fund’s managing director said the United States’ ‘abundant labor coming across the border’ means ‘wages are not pushing up,’ suggesting that high migration levels are reducing wage growth.

And, as we know, the groups of Americans most affected by this are those working entry-level jobs, the jobs that most black and Hispanic Americans work; Trump’s claim that this has a greater negative impact on them stands.

But of course, collecting all this information took some time, and a willingness to get to the truth, so naturally, Big Media journalists just slapped a “fact-check” on his statement and called it good!


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