Tuesday, July 30, 2024

This superb article is what the current chaotic condition exemplifies!


The Democrat Party is the Greatest Threat to America

By Steve McCann www.americanthinker.com

The greatest threat to the survival of the United States as founded is not offshore but within its borders: the Democrat Party controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction. Indicative of this dominance are the machinations surrounding the 2020 and the 2024 elections, which has brought this wing of the party to the final stages of achieving its long-term goal of transforming America into a one-party socialist oligarchy.

The American Left has long understood that in order to transform the United States, they would have to control one of two major political parties. The Left-leaning Democrat Party, thanks to the socialist sympathies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, was the obvious target.

The turmoil of the 1960s allowed the Marxists to accelerate this process as they focused on brazenly infiltrating the higher-education establishment. By the 1990s they succeeded in dominating this vital societal institution and turning out legions of Marxist/socialist sympathizers to permeate the media and entertainment complex as well as their ultimate target -- the Democrat Party.

In 1994, just 25% of Democrats self-identified as liberal or very liberal (i.e. Marxist/socialist sympathizers). On the other hand, 50% identified as moderates, and 25% as conservatives. The Democrat Party prior to and into the early 2000s was dominated by the self-identified moderates.

However, the years between 2008 and 2018 saw an explosion in those identifying as liberal or very liberal. A major milestone was achieved in 2018. Over 51% of Democrats identified themselves as liberal or very liberal. (By 2022 that number had further increased to 54% and will, in all likelihood, exceed 60% by 2028).

This process began in 2008 when the American Marxists found their ideal stealth candidate, Barack Obama. Not only was he, beneath the façade of glibness, conviviality, and moderation, a fellow Marxist/socialist, but more importantly, Obama was able to exploit the decades of inculcated racial guilt among the populace.

Thus, the Marxist wing of the party effectively checkmated the entrenched party hierarchy who could not be seen opposing the election of the first Black president. Their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, was eventually cast aside as the party rallied around an unknown Barack Obama.

Upon the installation of the most radical administration in the history of the country, the Marxist/socialist wing of the party initiated the final stage of their grand strategy to take over the Democrat Party.

Revealingly, the victors were unabashedly shameless in their triumph. In their belief that the American Marxists and their fellow travelers were permanently ensconced in government, the Obama administration and their sycophants did not hesitate to aggressively infiltrate the party establishment.

Additionally, and for the same overall objective, Barack Obama and his henchmen deliberately fanned the flames of race and identity politics to further divide the citizenry and, using their Marxists foot soldiers, fomenting riots in a calculated Nazi-inspired tactic of further intimidating and marginalizing the “old guard” hierarchy of the party.

In 2016, despite the inroads the American Marxists had made within the party, the establishment still dominated the nominating process and backed Hillary Clinton once again. The Obama/Marxist wing of the party had no obvious candidate to support other than Bernie Sanders, who was perceived to be unelectable. However, comfortable in their newly established position as the dominate influencers within the party, they acquiesced to the establishment’s belief that Hillary was unbeatable in the general election.

However an unexpected thing happened on the way to the coronation, Donald Trump won. The American Marxist’s giddiness during the Obama years over implementing their plans for permanent hegemony in American politics was replaced with uncontrolled anger, pettiness, and an insatiable determination to exact revenge on those who dared deny them their birthright.

Donald Trump, together with all the factions that voted for him, as well as the conservative media, represented an existential threat to their grandiose plans for themselves. In a mindset shared with their now best friends, the party establishment, their mortal enemies must not only be annihilated by any means possible, but their ashes strewn across the desert regardless of the consequences to the nation as a whole.

By 2020 and after four years of futilely pursuing and persecuting Trump, the establishment’s hold on the party further waned while the Obama/Marxist influence was ascendant. But the establishment wing still marginally maintained the upper hand in the nominating process. Who would the party nominate to again take on Donald Trump? In a nondescript field, Bernie Sanders took the early lead in the primaries and panic again set in as the party hierarchy, including the Obama/Marxists, were convinced he could not defeat Trump.

It was the establishment wing of the party that effectively drafted a compromise with the Obama/Marxists to back an obviously mentally incapacitated Joe Biden to be the nominee. Both factions were convinced they could get him elected despite his obvious frailties by portraying him as a grandfatherly moderate and exploiting the Coronavirus lockdowns in order to keep him off the campaign trail while instituting mass mail-in voting, manipulating the voting laws of various states, and unleashing ballot harvesting and voter fraud.

Biden was acceptable to the Marxist wing as they, in particular Obama, were well aware of Biden’s lifelong mendacity, venality, and avarice that they could exploit to further their agenda. They further insisted a compliant Marxist true-believer be chosen as vice-president to protect their interests in the highly likely event Biden could not finish his term or run for re-election; Kamala Harris was the chosen one.

This same faction of the Democrat Party staffed virtually the entire Biden administration with their fellow-travelers. Their hold over Biden succeeded as he essentially did what he was told and promoted the entirety of the American Marxist agenda, including radicalizing the Federal Judiciary, marginalizing Congress, and weaponizing the Justice Department.

By the late spring of 2024, and despite the three-year effort of the Democrats and their ally, the legacy media, Biden’s accelerating frailties could no longer be obfuscated. The time had come to move Joe out of the race by telling him to debate Trump, have the American people see firsthand his mental and physical frailties, and then dispatch the legacy media to promote the necessity of his exiting the race.

Once the Republican convention was over and Trump was irretrievably their nominee, it was time to strike a deal with the Biden family syndicate in exchange for Joe walking away from the campaign and endorsing Kamala Harris. A deal which included future pardons, “other” considerations, and remaining in office until at least election day.

By waiting until the Republican convention was over also coronated Kamala Harris as the presumptive nominee; essentially making it impossible for another non-Obama/Marxist approved Democrat to make a run for the nomination at their convention.

It is now unarguable that the Obama/Marxist wing fully controls the party as the nominee will be Kamala Harris or, if she falters prior to the convention, another equally compliant candidate will be designated. There is no room in the party hierarchy for anyone not acceptable to this dominant faction.

In 2020, the Obama/Marxist wing thwarted the will of the people by initiating unprecedented voting fraud and manipulation in order to further their radical agenda by placing an easily blackmailable and addled Joe Biden in the White House.

In 2024, the Obama/Marxist wing thwarted the will of the people by stage-managing the nominating process and unilaterally choosing the Democrat nominee. All the while planning a reprise of the 2020 campaign of mendacity as well as massive voting fraud and manipulation.

After the ascendancy of Barack Obama to the presidency, the Marxist faction and, thus, the Democrat Party has increasingly and unabashedly adopted Nazi tactics to consolidate their power. Additionally, virulent antisemitism has become an ideological bedrock of the party.

America, this is today’s Democrat Party. It has become an existential threat to the survival of this nation as founded. The party and not just Kamala Harris, or whomever the Obama/Marxist wing designates, must be decisively defeated in 2024 if this nation is to endure.


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