Tuesday, July 23, 2024

This exceptional article represents a perfect example of the fraudulent Biden administration!


America’s crisis of ineptitude

By Patricia McCarthy www.americanthinker.com

As events of the past few weeks crowded each other off the front pages and cable news outlets, interested Americans watched the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle,  “testify” before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.  But she testified to absolutely nothing.  She answered no questions. The woman turned evasiveness into an art form.  She was expressionless, her voice monotonal. It was as if she were on some form of medication that so dulled her senses she performed like an automaton. 

She seemed to think the attempted assassination of Trump was no big deal while dispassionately admitting it was the Secret Service’s greatest failure.  She certainly demonstrated no remorse, no particular concern.  Her ignorance of the facts of the “incident” (her term), whether feigned or real, was shocking.  So, like the rest of Biden’s cabinet, what we have is another case of complete incompetence of an official with a job they are ill-equipped to do.  Only in D.C., as one of the congressmen commented, can one fail up, be continually promoted for having failed at their previous position.  They are appointed for race, class or gender reasons and, more often than not, are inept at their jobs. 

Consider Pete Buttigieg, named Transportation Secretary.  He has been as absent and  totally ineffective as Cheatle — from the East Palestine train disaster, the Baltimore bridge collapse, and the building of E.V. charging stations.  Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, could do nothing but laugh Kamala-like when asked when gas prices might come downConsider Sam Brinton, Biden’s former deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy who is a non-binary, cross-dressing luggage thief.  Like Buttigieg, he was chosen for his gender identity, a cross-dressing, gay man. 

And, of course, there is Kamala Harris, selected for her gender and race. Biden pledged to appoint a black woman; her qualifications for the job were clearly not considered.  His Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, was chosen for his race; he is partly responsible for the deadly and misguided withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Treasury Secretary Yellen was selected for who knows what reason?  She, like most of the others, is absolutely clueless on the economy.

Merrick Garland of the DOJ was probably chosen for his malevolent nature, his sheer hatred of all things Trump.  For those who have watched hearings at which various cabinet members like Deb Haaland, (Native American, Interior), Gina Raimondo (Commerce), Julie Su (Labor), Jared Bernstein, an economic advisor, Avril Haines (National Intelligence), you know most of them are DEI hires.  Jake Sullivan and Antony Blinken are terrible at their jobs; both were dressed down by Xi of China like they were errant toddlers.  Both betray Israel.  Kamala will too.  In short, none of them were appointed for their skill or merit. There is not a worthy one among them.  They are all poseurs and their incompetence has brought this country to its knees.

Now Biden has allegedly dropped out of his re-election campaign and has a tad belatedly endorsed the mentally-challenged Kamala Harris who cannot do much of anything but inappropriately laugh uproariously.  She would not or could not be elected as dogcatcher in any small town.  She has no business being anywhere near a federal government job, let alone vice-president or, God help us, president.  If there is to be a debate between Harris and Trump, that will be television viewing for the ages. 

Who will she pick to be her VP?  Buttigieg?  Hillary, perish the thought?  The truth is the Democrat party has no bench, only power-seekers without regard for the American people for whom they only have contempt.  It is a fully Marxist party now.  All that matters to the left is one’s membership in good standing and the mandated devotion to the correct radical ideology; one must embrace Critical Race Theory, DEI, ESG, the climate hoax, the entirely false notion that all conservatives are neo-Nazis, racists, and white supremacists.  The Democrats have peddled that nonsense propaganda for many years now with the oh-so-willing help of the national media who now pretend they were unaware of Biden’s dementia. 

The ignorant and ideological Democrats willingly swallow the abject lies of Joe and Mika, Rachel Maddow, Joy Behar and Joy Reid, and their radical guest panelists.   These are the America haters, the faux intellectuals who loathe the millions of Americans who support Trump with “the white hot intensity of a thousand suns.” (Cheers).  Their misplaced value in ideology over merit has brought the nation low, a low where incompetence rules, no matter the consequences.  In their minds, it’s all about fairness, their corrupted, destructive view of fairness.

All of which brings us back to Kimberly Cheatle’s absurd appearance before the Oversight Committee on Monday morning.  She might as well have just sat there with flashing neon sign that read “I have no respect for any of you. Go to hell.”  It’s a good bet that she lied numerous times about what she knows and doesn’t know.  She simply refused to answer the questions asked of her. This is what DEI hires bring to the table — arrogance, deceit, and disaster. 

It is a true and actual miracle that Trump survived the assassination attempt.  Cheatle’s non-testimony has made millions of Americans believe more than ever that the attack was an inside job.  How else does one explain the number of gaps in the security that day?  Why did the Secret Service sniper who had the shooter in his sights for at least three minutes not fire until after Crooks fired three shots?  We know very little more today than we did the day after the Butler event.  Were there other shooters?  Some sound analyses by audio experts claim there were at least two, maybe three shooters from different vantage points.  Was there a man on the water tower?  Was there a sniper team in the adjoining building on the second floor with a clear view of the roof Crooks fired from and a straight-on view of the podium where Trump was speaking? 

We know nothing because they don’t want us to know anything.  There is definitely more to this story.  And, of course, the more secretive the Feds are, the more realistic the conspiracy theories becomeIs Biden aliveWas there a medical emergency in Las Vegas last week?  Perhaps he will return to the WH today?  Who knows?  Incompetence at the top begets catastrophe.  That is why the world is on fire.  Biden has been the most incompetent president in U.S. history and the fish stinks from the head down.


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