Sunday, July 21, 2024

If you take the time to read and study this post, pay particular attention to the last paragraph - it says it all in four lines!


Migrant warfare: Fed source says illegal who urged squatting in Americans' homes worked for Venezuela's military intelligence -report

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden's open borders may be about more than just replacing the electorate.

The New York Post found that one of the most malevolent of the border surgers, a Venezuelan illegal named Leonel Moreno, who famously urged other illegals to squat in Americans' homes and waved hundred-dollar bills around to boast of his public benefits on TikTok, is being investigated by the feds for his military intelligence work for the Marxist dictatorship back home.

According to the Post:

Federal authorities believe that the migrant TikTok influencer who became a social media sensation for encouraging others to squat in US homes was a sergeant in Venezuela’s military intelligence unit before he illegally entered the country, a federal source told The Post.

Leonel Moreno — who went viral for bragging about all the money he was making in government benefits — was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in March for skipping out on the terms of his probation after he crossed the southern border illegally.

Since his arrest, intelligence officers have taken a closer look at Moreno’s history and his life in Venezuela, noting that he allegedly was a sergeant of the Venezuelan general directorate of military intelligence, according to a Homeland Security source.

Moreno, 27, crossed the border illegally into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 23, 2022, and was released into the country, but skipped out on required check-ins with ICE, which led to his arrest.

The Post didn't go into it, but the only military intelligence outfit in Caracas is known as the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence, or (DGCIM by its Spanish initials) and is one of the most feared and repressive of Venezuela's internal organs, reportedly run by Cubans. It was known as "military intelligence" in various iterations in its past before taking on its 'counterintelligence' identity. Its counterpart, the Bolivarian Intelligence Agency, also heavily penetrated by the Cubans, is known as SEBIN by its Spanish initials, and is a non-military spy agency.

So most likely, Moreno was a sergeant in the DGCIM, or at least is being investigated as one.

That probably explains why the ICE lawmen detained him, and why he protested so loudly that he was such a good person as well as a loving dad after he was hauled off to migrant jail in Ohio. We know his taunting videos wouldn't have moved anyone in the Biden administration, but the opportunity to catch a spy might.

Who is DGCIM?

Well, according to the Treasury Department, Human Rights Watch, and a 2019 Reuters 'Special Report,' they're the torturers of dissidents as directed and controlled by the Cubans.

Human Rights Watch, citing a report from the Caracas Chronicles, says they like to round up family members of dissidents and torture them.

Intelligence agents subjected several detainees, including some of the family members, to physical and psychological abuse. They were brutally beaten, asphyxiated, the soles of their feet cut with razor blades, given electric shocks, deprived of food, forbidden to go to the bathroom, and even threatened with death. Several detainees did not have access to their families or lawyers for days. During their detention in prisons or military intelligence headquarters, they did not have access to adequate medical treatment.

They are accused of crimes that include “treason” and “instigating rebellion.” Lawyers representing them, who had access to judicial files and hearings in these cases including some prosecutions of civilians in military courts, said the charges were fabricated and not supported by any real evidence. Human Rights Watch asked the Venezuelan government to describe the actions on which the charges were based, and what evidence it had against suspects in these cases, but received no response.

These are not isolated cases. In fact, they are part of a pattern of widespread abuses by Venezuelan security forces that we have documented since 2014, including thousands of people arrested, hundreds of cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment against real and imagined government opponents, and at least 31 cases of torture.

The Treasury Department slapped sanctions on the outfit in 2019 during President Trump's term for beating a dissident to death.

Reuters did a good report about how the Cuban internal security organs (originally trained in torture by the East Germans) pretty well control the operation, back in 2019:

Under Cuban military advisors, Venezuela refashioned the intelligence unit into a service that spies on its own armed forces, instilling fear and paranoia and quashing dissent.

Now known for its repressive tactics, the DGCIM is accused by soldiers, opposition lawmakers, human rights groups and many foreign governments of abuses including torture and the recent death of a detained Navy captain.


According to the documents reviewed by Reuters, the agreements, signed in May 2008, allowed Cuba's armed forces to:


- Train soldiers in Venezuela

- Review and restructure parts of the Venezuelan military

- Train Venezuelan intelligence agents in Havana

- And change the intelligence service's mission from spying on foreign rivals to surveilling the country's own soldiers, officers, and even senior commanders.

Even if this migrant didn't engage in any of these activities and maybe just pulled guard duty or picked up cigarette butts from parade grounds, he may have lied on his asylum application that he was ever involved in this kind of repression, which is an automatic disqualifier for asylum privileges. And as for thugcraft from within the operation, well, he got promoted to 'sergeant' so he certainly pleased some of those people running it for something. One wonders what it was.

At this point, it is impossible to say whether he came here on his own, or was actually dispatched here by the Castroites running Caracas military intelligence as part of an inflict-chaos-on-America operation.

We know that Castro, Venezuela's own leaders, both the late Hugo Chavez and the current Nicolas Maduro, and their close buddy ally Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua all have made statements about wanting to use "migrant warfare" against the U.S. in the past. Ortega has actually used that phrase. The Castro oligarchy of Cuba pioneered this kind of chaos activity in 1979 and 1980 when it emptied its prisons and mental institutions in the Mariel boat lift. These other regimes pretty well follow the Cuba playbook.

That this creep would come here and encourage squatting in Americans' homes is highly Marxist and sounds very much like a possible chaos operation, a move to end rule-of-law as well as property rights in the U.S. by taking advantage of the current shambling state of prosecution and law enforcement and intensifying the disaster through millions of illegal migrants.

If so, and if this is what the investigators find, it would suggest a far larger operation from the U.S.'s socialist enemies to our south to wreak havoc in the U.S. even from their positions of military weakness.

And if this creep can be induced to talk, maybe we'll learn even more about what their masterplan is in utilizing Biden's open border to their own advantage.

If they can get this information and find it has legs, then the U.S. needs to take far harsher retaliatory measures than just sanctions. It ought to cut off all remittances and trade and seize Venezuelan assets within the states, as well as make international criminal court referrals to the extent possible.

Migrant warfare is real, and the investigators may just find an astonishing array of attacks on the U.S. coming from Biden's open border. It means Biden left the U.S. open for attack and at least one enemy took advantage. It's not just moms and kids crossing the border. They are letting in all comers, including those least worthy of asylum. What a miserable, wretched president he is.


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