Wednesday, July 10, 2024

If you read this post, re-read the last paragraph and get educated, inspired, involved and help save our once great Republic!


An immigration debacle and America’s elections

By Robert Curry

I recently returned from a trip abroad.  I was glad to be home, but the reception awaiting me at the border dampened my enthusiasm.

The security theatre I was put through was more elaborate and more absurd than ever, but that is probably only to be expected, given the nature of government work.  What was strange is that all but one of the federal agents with whom I dealt were obviously foreigners.  The agent I had to deal with most extensively spoke with such a heavy foreign accent that I could barely understand what she was saying.  Standing there in my stocking feet, forced to surrender my shoes, my wallet, my belt, my money clip, being yelled at by an exasperated agent I could barely understand, and thinking of the welcome that illegal aliens pouring across America’s open borders were receiving that same day from other federal agents, I noticed another agent strolling by.  She was evidently a superior officer overseeing operations.  She was also evidently a Muslim, wearing the head covering worn by Muslim women.

I have generations of American forebears, some of whose gravestones have been worn down by more than two centuries of American weather, and I felt unwelcome in America.

My little tale may not seem that important — unless you pause for a moment to consider the fact that the people who opened America’s borders to millions of illegal aliens are the same people who opened America’s election system to millions of fraudulent ballots.  In fact, it gets even more astonishingly specific.  The federal agency tasked with securing the integrity of the election, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), is overseen by the person who is also responsible for border security, Alejandro Mayorkas, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

The people running the regime have assigned Joe Biden the role of pretending to be the president.  They have given Mayorkas the critically important job of making certain those pesky Americans who do not vote the Democrat party line won’t matter in any future election.

What to do?  First and foremost, we must get clear about the nature and the extent of the threat to free and fair elections in America.  On that front, I have important news.  My friend Brian Kennedy has written an essay that will give you the understanding you need.  His essay is, necessarily, a bit longer than this one, but in exchange, it will give you a book’s worth of understanding in a single sitting.  Please take a look, and then take stock of what you can do to make a difference.  America’s future depends on each of us doing everything we can.


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