Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Please study this article with gusto and determination! Get educated, inspired, involved and help save our once great Republic!


Trump’s Bold Border Vision Secures American Sovereignty and Our Economy

By Joseph Ford Cotto www.americanthinker.com

Author’s note: Read the stats referenced herein at the National Archives, under the subheading “Achieving a Secure Border.”

Border security stands at the forefront of America’s hot-button political issues. It represents not just a physical barrier, but a symbol of sovereignty, economic stability, and national security. Donald Trump, with the wind at his back following Joe Biden’s ruinous debate performance, staunchly advocates for securing the southern border of the United States. The former president presents a compelling case that resonates with both the working class and the business community alike.

During his administration, Trump oversaw the construction of over 400 miles of what is arguably the world’s most robust and advanced border wall. This initiative was not merely a physical structure but a strategic investment in national security and economic fortification. The implementation of such a monumental project yielded significant results, with illegal crossings plummeting by over 87% in areas where the wall was completed.

This sharp decline underscores the effectiveness of physical barriers in deterring unlawful immigration, thereby alleviating the strain on resources and infrastructure that are vital for the economic health of the nation.

Moreover, Trump’s policies extended beyond construction to deployment, as nearly 5,000 troops were mobilized to the southern border. In a testament to cross-border cooperation, Mexico responded by deploying tens of thousands of their own soldiers and national guardsmen to secure their side of the border. This collaborative effort not only underscored the seriousness of the issue but also laid the groundwork for bilateral economic stability and enhanced trade relations. 

A secure border fosters an environment conducive to business confidence and investment, essential elements for sustained economic growth.

Under the Trump administration, the perilous practice of Catch-and-Release was decisively terminated. This policy shift meant that instead of allowing illegal aliens to remain in the United States pending distant court hearings, they were detained pending their removal and ultimately repatriated to their countries of origin.

This approach not only upheld the rule of law but also addressed economic concerns by ensuring that the workforce remained lawful and that job opportunities were safeguarded for American citizens and legal residents.

Furthermore, Trump brokered three landmark asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. These agreements were pivotal in combating asylum fraud and redirecting illegal aliens to third-party nations pending the processing of their asylum applications.

By managing immigration flows through structured agreements, Trump sought to restore order to a system that had been strained under previous administrations, thereby safeguarding economic stability and job security for American workers.

In a historic move, Trump also forged a partnership with Mexico known as the “Migrant Protection Protocols.” This initiative allowed asylum-seekers to await their court hearings in Mexico rather than within the United States. This measure not only streamlined the asylum process but also underscored the importance of regional cooperation in addressing shared challenges. 

Economically, it provided a framework for sustainable immigration policies that prioritize national interests while fostering goodwill among neighboring nations.

Crucially, the Trump administration upheld and enforced existing immigration laws with unprecedented rigor. This commitment was exemplified by an executive order aimed at stripping discretionary federal grant funding from sanctuary cities that harbored illegal aliens. By holding these cities accountable, Trump aimed to restore the integrity of the immigration system and ensure that federal resources were allocated responsibly.

Economically, this approach bolstered confidence in the rule of law and provided a framework for equitable economic growth across the nation.

Additionally, Trump’s administration fully implemented the statutorily authorized “expedited removal” of illegal aliens. This expedited process was designed to swiftly address immigration violations and maintain the integrity of the legal immigration system. By enforcing expedited removal, Trump sought to reduce bureaucratic inefficiencies and ensure that immigration policies were aligned with economic imperatives, thereby promoting lawful immigration and protecting American jobs.

Moreover, the Department of Justice, under Trump’s leadership, pursued a record-breaking number of prosecutions for immigration-related crimes. This robust enforcement strategy sent a clear message that immigration violations would not be tolerated, thereby deterring future offenses and safeguarding the economic interests of American workers.

By upholding the rule of law, Trump’s administration sought to create a level playing field where legal immigration pathways were respected, and economic opportunities were accessible to all.

Finally, Trump utilized Section 243(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act to exert diplomatic pressure on countries that refused to accept their nationals who had been ordered removed from the United States. This strategic measure aimed to compel compliance with deportation orders, thereby facilitating the efficient repatriation of illegal aliens and reinforcing the integrity of the immigration enforcement framework. 

Economically, this initiative ensured that resources were allocated judiciously and that immigration policies were aligned with national security and economic priorities.

In conclusion, Donald Trump’s steadfast commitment to securing the southern border of the United States resonates as a pivotal issue in the upcoming election. His track record of decisive action, from the construction of a robust border wall to the implementation of stringent immigration policies, underscores his dedication to safeguarding national security and economic prosperity. 

As voters prepare to cast their ballots this November, the choice between Trump’s proven leadership on border security and the alternative must be carefully considered. A secure border is not just a physical barrier; it is a cornerstone of economic stability, national sovereignty, and the rule of law.


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