Monday, September 30, 2024

The total destruction of our once great Republic IS because of the devastating lawlessness encouraged, assisted by and implemented by the fraudulent Biden/Harris immigration Policies!


The huge number of migrant criminals released into the U.S. proves that Democrats don't care about the little guy

By Jack Hellner

A huge story hit late Friday showing how many illegals ICE knows are roaming the American streets and it's lot of them.

Yet most of the mainstream media just ignores the story. 

More than 13,000 murderers, more than 15,000 dangerous sexual offenders, and more than 425,000 dangerous criminals were let into America after crossing in illegally and somehow the story is mostly buried. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. These are the ones they know about. What about all the known (and unknown) 'gotaways'?

The head of Department of Homeland Security didn't come out to talk about it to the public.

Kamala and Joe didn't say a word. Attorney General Merrick Garland hasn't commented.

Kamala was down at the border saying how tough she is at the border ... but not a word about this!

Kamala Harris Hardest Hit After ICE Releases Stunning Data on Convicted Illegals Still in the US

Jessica Tarlov, one of the Democrat shills who shows up on Fox News's show, The Five, clearly had the Democrat talking points when she talked about the issue. She said that this also includes people who came before Biden and Kamala opened the border. That is probably true, but people have to have their head deep in the sand to not know that the vast majority have come in after Biden and Harris intentionally opened the border. 

Why don't we get a breakdown of the numbers from the Justice Department who seem to care little about the rampant crime at the border?

Why haven't they focused on finding the more than 300,000 known children who have disappeared through the immigration system? Why haven't Kamala, Joe, and other Democrats said anything about the children who are probably being exploited? The answer is that they clearly don't care!

If these known criminals came in before Biden and Harris, why didn't Garland catch them and send them back? Was he too busy concentrating on parents, Catholics, pro-life people and the fictional insurrection where they targeted a lot of people who were peacefully protesting a questionable election?

We rarely hear much from the media and other Democrats when illegals rape, murder, or injure people, because they don't care. They pretend that these illegals are just here to work and pretend that they don't commit as many crimes as other Americans. 

They don't care when Haitians or any other race are overrunning cities because they are being flown in by Biden and Harris. They pretend that they all get jobs that Americans wouldn't take. 

Last night, Colin Jost, on the Saturday Night Live news segment brought up that Trump called Kamala mentally disabled. Somehow he forgot the context. Trump said anyone who knowingly lets in all these criminals is clearly mentally deficient, just like Joe has been for years. 

What should people be called who let in terrorists and criminals to roam and terrorize America? Isn't 'mentally deficient' an appropriate description?

What should people be called who continually fund Iran, which funds terrorism and pledges death to America and death to Israel?  Isn't 'mentally deficient' appropriate?

What should people be called who continually spread the lie that Trump is an antisemite who loves white supremacists and Nazis? Liars and mentally deficient seem to be appropriate. 

And the media and other Democrats should stop pretending that they are empathetic. The only thing they care about is power. They sure don't care about the poor or middle class no matter how much they intentionally lie.


"Arguably, there is nobigger conspiracy within this administration than this intentional invasion and kthe efforts to cover it up"! Absolute true spoken words!


The Great Biden/Harris Border Cover-Up

Thomas Gallatin 9-30-24

A former high-ranking Border Patrol officer testified that he was instructed to hide the truth of the border crisis from the public.

A former high-ranking U.S. Border Patrol officer appeared before the House Homeland Security Committee last week and effectively spilled the beans on the Biden/Harris administration’s systematic cover-up of its intentional border malfeasance. We all knew Joe Biden and Border Czar Kamala Harris were letting millions of illegals pour across the open border, but this testimony adds a scandalous component.

Aaron Heitke, the former San Diego Sector Chief who oversaw roughly 1,000 miles of U.S. border, testified that he had been instructed to hide the gravity of the illegal immigration crisis from the press.

Heitke, who retired in the summer of 2023, explained, “I had to release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day into communities who could not support them.” He added, “To quiet the problem, two flights a week were provided from San Diego to Texas. These flights simply brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego over to Texas.”

He said that each flight cost $150,000, noting, “This was the administration’s way of trying to quiet the border-wide crisis.” By dumping illegals in a red state.

Even more troubling, Heitke claims that he was barred from discussing a jump in the number of Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), or individuals with suspected ties to nations or organizations with national security concerns. Heitke noted that prior to 2022, the San Diego sector “averaged 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year." That changed under the Biden/Harris regime, jumping "to over 100 SIAs in 2022, well over that in 2023, and even more than that registered this year.” And, said Heitke grimly, “These are only the ones we caught.”

As previously noted, he was not allowed to speak publicly about this growing threat. “At the time, I was told I could not release any information on this increase on SIAs or mention any of the arrests,” he said. “The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border.”

Heitke isn’t the only Border Patrol official making these allegations. His testimony corroborates the claims made by former Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott this past January, who said, “I assert that Secretary Mayorkas and his subordinate political appointees have and continue to intentionally conspire to undermine the security of the American people, as well as the letter and the intent of congressionally enacted U.S. law.”

It is clear that the goal of the Biden/Harris administration regarding border security is to get as many migrants into the country as possible while at the same time making a show of supposedly working to secure the border. The administration has facilitated this invasion of illegal aliens, not repelled it.

Furthermore, Kamala Harris hides behind the Republicans’ wise refusal to pass a bad border bill as a cynical excuse for deflecting any responsibility for the border crisis while pretending to be ready and willing to secure the border if only those Republican lawmakers weren’t tying the administration’s hands.

Of course, the border crisis is due to the Biden/Harris administration’s reversal of Donald Trump’s successful efforts to secure it. Arguably, there is no bigger conspiracy within this administration than this intentional invasion and the efforts to cover it up.

If our nation suffers another jihadist attack due to our porous southern border, the Biden/Harris administration will have blood on its hands. And that blood will be in addition to that of the numerous Americans who have already been murdered as a result of this tidal wave of illegal immigration.


Sunday, September 29, 2024

The fraudulent Biden/Harris not only encourages, supports and enhances the silent invasion of illegal alien invaders, it also assist in many ways to assist in employment of law breakers. Egad! There is no end to this national disaster!


Illegal Immigrants Replacing Americans in the Job Market in Three Easy Steps

Tim Young 9-29-24

Asylum seekers are sent to towns all over the country and given assistance in finding work.

President Donald Trump has noted over and over again that illegal immigrants are taking American jobs in the workforce. Instead of actually investigating his claims, legacy media focuses on his style and rhetoric because they know he isn’t wrong.

In 2024 alone, native-born Americans have lost 1.3 million jobs while foreign-born workers gained 1.2 million. Replacing American workers has been a simple three-step process that the Biden administration very publicly instituted.

The first step is the reclassification of illegal immigrants as “asylum seekers.” The State Department, with the assistance of NGOs operating at the southern border, provides traditionally classified illegal immigrants information needed to claim “asylum” status once they cross and encounter the U.S. Border Patrol.

An asylum seeker was traditionally defined as someone who has left their home country to seek protection in another country because they fear persecution or serious human rights violations in the country that was their home. Typically, an asylum seeker would travel to the next closest safe haven, but under the Biden administration, people come from all over the world and simply need to check the right boxes on forms to claim asylum here.

Easier yet, in January, the Biden administration set in place a program to fast-track 30,000 immigrants per month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela — to, in their words, slow the illegal border crossings. They titled this “humanitarian parole.”

The second step is the free trip to small-town America that many of these new “asylum seekers” get. Springfield, Ohio, for instance, has a population of about 58,000 people. Over the past few years, roughly 15,000 Haitians mysteriously ended up there.

According to legacy media outlets like CNN, the Haitians just kind of ended up there because they could find jobs there. You know — because Haitians looked on a magical job board when they were seeking asylum and traveled north to a small town in a red state, as one does.

The third step to replacing Americans in the workforce is fast-tracked by something called the Tent Partnership for Refugees. The Tent Partnership is a public-private partnership Anthony Blinken’s State Department wherein the migrants are aided — by government funding — to find jobs quickly.

Many Americans who work at Tyson Foods plants have already learned about this the hard way. Utilizing the Tent program, Tyson intends to replace a majority of its American workforce with cheaper “asylum seeker” labor.

As of March 2024, over one-third of the meatpacker’s U.S. workforce, 42,000 out of 120,000, are immigrants. The spin on this is that Tyson is only hiring immigrants for jobs Americans “don’t want.”

Tyson claims that 40% of its factory workers leave every year, so it has to hire new people. What the company doesn’t add is that it saves a lot of money on this labor force by using the Tent program to bring in everyone BUT Americans. Tyson even brags about providing benefits like childcare, transportation, housing, and English classes to attract and retain these immigrant workers.

Tyson is one of dozens of companies participating in this program that’s replacing American jobs.

Chris Rhodes, the CEO of Veebs, a values-based shopping app, has been monitoring the Tent status of companies for years.

“Tent status has become a regular part of our formulas as it is a strong indicator of corporate behavior,” says Rhodes. “Veebs has researched many public-private partnerships and NGOs that also have connections to hundreds of companies and brands. These organizations are incredibly active on major social issues so they become one of the dozens of vectors analyzed by our scoring algorithms.”

The Veebs app allows users to quickly search for products or scan UPC codes to determine if the products they are shopping for align with their political beliefs. When I have the app set to match my conservative values, Tyson Foods scores nearly as low as possible with me, a 30 out of 100 — a.k.a. an ultra-liberal company.

And a big part of that is aiding the Left’s immigration policy.


The fraudulent Biden/Harris administration has allowed tens of thousands of criminal aliens to invade our once great Republic! It's total insanity!


BREAKING: 13,000 convicted murderers, 435K criminals roaming US as of July 2024 amid Biden-Harris border crisis

Thomas Stevenson 9-28-24

Of the 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories that are roaming around in the US, "435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges."

Over 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of homicide along with over 15,000 who have been convicted of sexual assault are roaming the United States amid the border crisis under the Biden-Harris administration. They are currently roaming free in the US, according to a letter from Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner that was sent to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX). The letter included other details, including that there are 435,719 criminal illegal immigrants whose cases have been docketed who have not been detained by authorities.

According to Newsmax, which was able to obtain the letter from Lechleitner, of the 662,566 illegal immigrants with criminal histories that are roaming around in the US, "435,719 are convicted criminals, and 226,847 have pending criminal charges."

The letter states that over 13,000 on the national docket who have not been detained have been convicted of homicide, and over 15,000 have been convicted of sexual assault.

Donald Trump responded to the news, saying, "Kamala should immediately cancel her News Conference because it was just revealed that 13,000 convicted murderers entered our Country during her three and a half year period as Border Czar - Also currently in our Country because of her are 15,811 migrants convicted of rape and sexual assault." 

"ICE recognizes that some jurisdictions are concerned that cooperating with federal immigration officials will erode trust with immigrant communities and make it harder for local law enforcement to serve those populations," Lechleitner wrote in the letter. "However, 'sanctuary' policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victimize those same communities."

The acting ICE director added in the letter that ICE is "removing and returning record numbers of migrants who are unable to establish a legal basis to remain in the United States" as well as "prioritizing for removal those who present national security and public safety risks." Kamala Harris, along with DHS Secretary Alejando Mayorkas, opposes the policy of deportations.

"Under the DHS appropriations bill enacted on March 23, 2024, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) is funded at 41,500 beds through the rest of the fiscal year (FY), which is an increase from 34,000 in FY 2023," Lechleitner added. "Regarding the number of declined detainers since FY 2021, from October 1, 2020, through July 22, 2024, ICE lifted1 24,796 detainers. Of those, 23,591 were declined by state and local law enforcement agencies, and 1,205 were lifted due to insufficient notice to ICE."