Friday, September 13, 2024

November 5, 2024 is our chance to correct our slide over the cliff! Every single American of voting age must vote to end our destruction!


Eight Primary Forces That Threaten America Today

By Frank Hawkins

The state of our society is a far cry from life in the 20th century, and even much of the first two decades of the 21st century. What major forces are driving much of the dramatic changes? I count no fewer than eight.

Power and Incompetence of the Deep State

The enormous, growing overreach of government to control ordinary citizens and their legislators is the monster of a bloated federal establishment.  Americans are steadily losing influence, and the ability to hold the bureaucracy and individual bureaucrats accountable. Former Navy Seal Shawn Ryan describes it this way:

One of the biggest problems within the country is the distrust in the United States government… I have zero trust in any government agencies… We have a government that’s not functioning right now. How are you going to gain the trust back of the American people within the government?

Eroding Rights of the Individual

Our Constitution was specifically designed to protect individual citizens from the government. But that protection is rapidly eroding as Democrats seek to expand the power of the government and control of citizens’ lives and money. Nothing is more telling than the Soviet style years-long imprisonment and in some cases torture of J6 protestors, many of whom were barely guilty of trespassing, normally an extremely minor misdemeanor.

Leftist Revolts on Campus and on the Street

Democrats and the left exploit anarchy and campus unrest to demand influence and control of our society. Protests have long been an important feature of our political life, most notably the civil rights marches that changed the face of America. But the tone and nature of public demonstrations is changing. Anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian protests have turned some campuses into antisemitic war zones. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz let Minneapolis burn for four days, overseeing the destruction of scores of businesses and properties. His reward — nominated by the Democrats to be vice president of the United States.

A Troubled Education System

American schools are not spending enough time on core academic subjects. Too many schools are filled with children who can’t read, write, or do basic math at expected levels. Students are forced to focus on DEI and gender issues instead of basic academic skills and respect for our flag, our history and the Constitution. Schools are run by bureaucrats responsible for following complex rules imposed by unelected state and federal employees. Frustrated teachers are quitting by the thousands every year. One disturbing result? Our military can’t find enough qualified recruits who will defend us. Did you know the Navy is dry-docking warships because they can’t recruit enough qualified crews? One young Army officer recently told me he had soldiers in his unit who could barely read.

The Challenge of Diversity

There is little if any diversity tolerated in the nations that are our greatest threats — China, Iran, Russia, North Korea.  Diversity works in muti-cultural Singapore where the state tightly controls its citizens, and in Israel where the population is bonded by the common threat of annihilation. But eroding public allegiance to the Constitution is slipping us into a more fractured culture. Democrats shamelessly exploit racial and ethnic division and hateful gender wars. One prominent Kamala Harris supporter, black lesbian Kelley Robinson, denigrates the Bill of Rights as merely “a little piece of paper.” Meanwhile, millions of illegal aliens who have flooded into our country in the past three years are disrupting the security and financial wellbeing of cities and local communities across the country.

Uncontrolled Technology

AI has arrived and no one yet knows what the outcome will be. Our dependence on the internet and electronic technology is already baked into our culture. It is both a benefit and a growing threat to liberty and security enabling tighter control over individual citizens. In addition, we face a growing potential threat of war in space that could destroy us.

The Menace of Radical Islam

The threat from radical Islam is not just from “Death to America” Iran and its allies. Infiltration into western societies threatens total disruption. The UK and France are frightening examples. Mayors of almost every major city in England are Muslims. Are they loyal to the UK’s Christian state religion that is meant to be defended by the royal family? Have you noticed the anti-Israeli, antisemitic rhetoric from Muslim representatives now in Congress and their supporters? Remember 9/11 and the deaths of scores of Americans in untold numbers of terrorist attacks? 1.7 billion Muslims on the planet potentially embrace jihad and the beheading of non-believers. You can read all about it in the Koran. Has any Muslim society denounced that?

External Threats — China, Iran, Russia, North Korea

America has powerful adversaries armed with nuclear weapons and growing technological skills that have the increasing potential to annihilate us. Nothing fuels those threats more than weak or indifferent American leadership. There is growing concern about the possibility of World War III as events in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia could quickly spin out of control.

Never in our history have Americans faced greater existential challenges. The upcoming November election offers a chance to disrupt threatening trends set into motion or enhanced with the 2008 election of Barack Hussein Obama.

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