Sunday, September 22, 2024

Lying, cheating, stealing and outright lawlessness has become the mantra of the Democrat Party. Where are the Republicans declaring this outrage?


The Democrats Defraud the Voters With A Little Help From Their Friends

By David Kahn

Lying has always been part of politics. Politicians lie about what they supported in years past or what they would do if elected. But because of the magnitude of the frauds promoted by Democrats in recent years and because they are assisted by the MSM and our intelligence services, the Democrats have taken lying to a new level. Elections are democracy’s lifeblood. Lying to voters threatens the very underpinnings of our democracy. A review of lies the Democrats and their allies have foisted on voters in recent presidential elections demonstrates that something must be done.

In 2016, the Democrats fabricated the Trump-Russian collusion hoax. That’s far more serious than lying about how a politician voted years ago. The CIA furthered this lie by enlisting foreign security agencies to generate contacts between Russians and peripheral Trump campaign members to create suspicion against Trump. After the election, the Democrats used the same fabrication to hamstring Trump’s administration and try to drive him from office. The CIA issued false leaks to the MSM, claiming growing evidence of Trump-Russian collusion. The MSM eagerly published stories day after day claiming “the walls were closing in” on Trump. But the walls were not closing in. The claim was a lie. The MSM is so brazen that when New York Times and Washington Post reporters were awarded Pulitzers for their falsehoods, they proudly kept them even as their falsehoods were exposed.

Early in his administration, the Democrats and the MSM promoted the lie that Trump had said the Nazis at Charlottesville were “very fine people.” Biden frequently repeated this. Obama repeated it at the recent Democrat convention. It was widely covered in the MSM and never retracted. If you ask someone why they believe Trump is a racist, they are likely to respond that it is because of that comment. It took more than six years before a few members of the media and the fact-checkers finally admitted Trump never said the Nazis were good people. In fact, he said the opposite.

In the 2020 election, the Democrats and their supporters, aided by the MSM and the intelligence services, fabricated the story that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation. And they promoted the lie that there was no evidence Biden participated in or benefited from Hunter’s corrupt activities. The FBI had authenticated the laptop in 2019, but hid that truth until long after the election. Despite promoting this falsehood, the MSM never tested the laptop’s authenticity until 18 months after the election and then continued to hide the truth. Ironically, the DOJ recently relied on the laptop’s authenticity in prosecuting Hunter.

The Democrats and their allies also deceived voters about Biden’s mental condition. It is difficult to think of a lie more

impactful than deceiving voters into electing a president with seriously diminished mental capacities. When special prosecutor Robert Hur reported on Biden’s mental deficiencies, the MSM joined the Democrats in attacking him. When videos showing Biden’s confusion aired, the MSM and the Democrats engaged in a coordinated deception, saying the videos were “cheap fakes.”

Consider this: You can’t sell securities to the public by making statements knowingly false or made with reckless disregard for the truth. You can’t sell your house based on falsehoods; that’s fraud. You can’t even sell “banana bread” without actual bananas without disclosing that fact. But the Democrats and their allies have engaged in major lies to win elections and gotten away scot-free. These political lies are frauds and far more important than banana bread.

The Democrats’ claimed concern about voter suppression is sheer hypocrisy because lying to voters is the worst kind of voter suppression. When the Democrats lie to voters, they steal their votes in attempting to steal elections by shifting the votes to themselves. While there are laws against other frauds, there are no laws against political frauds. So, Democrats and their allies freely lie to steal elections.

The Democrats compound their lies by demanding the censorship of opposing views, including political views. (See, e.g., “A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech.”) In fact, the Biden-Harris administration has created a vast censorship program. This blocks the administration’s political opponents from refuting its lies and prevents experts opposed to administration policies from legitimate debate.

The MSM often fails to report news unfavorable to the Democrat party, so most people are unaware of the administration’s censorship program. The MSM’s refusal to report such news results in Americans having vastly different views depending on their media sources, greatly inflaming our divisions. When reporting on January 6, the MSM always excludes Trump’s admonition to his supporters to march to the Capitol “peacefully and patriotically and make your voices heard.” Trump never mentioned violence, nor did he call on his supporters to enter the Capitol building. The MSM hides that others, who were never punished, were the ones who exhorted the protestors to enter the Capitol.

The MSM also claims Trump said he was going to be a dictator starting on day one. In fact, he said he was going to be a dictator only on day one to start closing the border and commence oil drilling. They have repeatedly distorted Trump’s bloodbath statement. He clearly spoke to a bloodbath in the automobile industry, not violence. The MSM and the Democrats also promote the falsehood that Trump has adopted Project 2025 and wants to limit social security. Instead of serving the purposes of a free press, the MSM functions as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

The Democrats claim to be our protectors against the supposed anti-democratic onslaught of their political opponents. But if we’re going to preserve our democracy, something must be done about their election frauds and their censorship program. Something must also be done about their MSM and intelligence service allies. It is the press’s responsibility to inform voters so they can make educated election choices. It is the intelligence services’ responsibility to protect the country. Their lies are inimical to their proper functions and threaten our democracy.

Courts are extremely reluctant to intervene in presidential elections. I do not know of a single instance in our nation’s history when courts have overturned a presidential election because of cheating. But that’s not because there has never been cheating. Cheating occurs in every walk of life. The greater the stakes, the more likely the cheating, and there are no greater stakes than in a presidential election. Furthermore, litigation required to resolve factual disputes to determine cheating takes years, not days, and the time between the election and the inauguration is far too short. We need procedures to thoroughly and objectively examine the integrity of our elections with sufficient time to do the job.

Specific legal remedies are beyond the scope of this article, but we need laws to protect against this behavior. At a minimum, we need criminal penalties for election fraud, just as we have criminal penalties for other fraud. Political fraud is certainly no less important than fraudulently selling public securities. So, a federal law might be enacted similar to securities fraud laws including laws against publishing false statements material to any federal election or policy debate made knowingly or with reckless disregard for the truth. These laws could apply to politicians, federal government officials, or members of a political party. The law should also apply to the media. In promoting these frauds, the media is not serving a legitimate purpose. The slogans of the Washington Post and the New York Times, “democracy dies in darkness” and “all the news that’s fit to print,” have become risible. The same remedies could be those applicable to other criminal frauds, excepting monetary damages. If a fraud material to a presidential election is sufficiently serious, it might be appropriate to shorten the term of a fraudulently elected president and replace them with the defrauded candidate. The reason that no such laws exist is that they would apply to politicians and politicians enact laws.

Law is normative. Its proscriptions tell society what activities are wrongful. Its punishments inform of the wrong’s seriousness. Because there are no laws against and no sanctions for political frauds, many politicians and voters believe them acceptable. In fact, many believe them desirable. If our democracy is to endure, this cannot continue.


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