Saturday, September 7, 2024

This is a way to remedy our present disgusting and devastating situation - might not be practicle - at least it gives thought to a nightmare.


Deport illegals and alleviate housing shortage at same time

By Noel S. Williams

President Trump is such a refreshingly bold and honest candidate compared to Kamala. Regarding illegal aliens, he has made his intentions clear:  deport them!  Some meek and effete naysayers will immediately question the practicality of deporting millions of illegals, but there may be a way to efficiently transport them whence they came.

Presuming they have been identified and corralled (a big presumption, perhaps), how do we transport so many of them? Well, tragically, illegal aliens seem to be familiar with the inside of freight containers. However, there is such an abundance of them that they don’t have to be packed in like sardines without fresh air. Millions of shipping containers are not being used.

Some containers are being repurposed as tiny homes.  That can be the ultimate goal for many others -- after they have been repurposed to ship off the illegals.  Before turning them into fully-appointed tiny homes, they can at least be modified to provide them some comfort on their voyage home to, say, Venezuela.  

Illegal aliens often find work in the construction industry, so they can be recruited to renovate the containers that sit idly. Just basic work not requiring too much skill:  install a few windows, perhaps throw a carpet in there, a small pantry, and some beds.  Once the containers have served their deportation purpose, they can then be upgraded to fully-functioning abodes. 

Modern cargo ships can carry up to 12,000 40-foot containers.  The containers have a floor area of about 300 square feet, and a volume of almost 3000 square feet.  That could be quite comfy for at least six aliens on their voyage back to Venezuela, for example. Indeed, this tiny home sleeps eight people, so six (in a more ascetic but livable unit) is quite the humanitarian approach, and probably a lot more comfortable than their journey here.

Since we are so gracious and humanitarian, we could limit the ship’s load to only 5,000 containers-cum-tiny homes rather than the 12,000 containers that could be squeezed in. This will also allow for plenty of ventilation and room to tie down honey bucket septic tanks so they don’t infringe on the crew’s privacy.

Five thousand containers times six illegal alien inhabitants in each totals… 30,000 (an Aircraft Carrier can hold over 5,000 crew members, and that’s with squadrons of aircraft, weapons, and other military equipment).  That’s a lot of illegal aliens being deported on just one trip.  

It takes about four days to go by container ship from U.S. to Venezuela; being conservative, that means about a ten-day round trip to allow for cleaning and provisioning (by the illegals). Unloading will be quick because they can just clean up their messes then walk smartly off the gangplank into the country that they still wave flags for. 

Three potential round trips per month carrying 30,000 illegal aliens each equates to… 90,000, give or take, deported per month.  And that’s only one ship.  Along with some political, back-channel cajoling, perhaps a Navy frigate will provide an escort in case the local port authorities balk at mooring.

Here’s the kicker -- we have a homeless crisis back in America. After the mass deportation conducted with humanitarian sensibilities, those partially converted containers can then be fully upgraded into comfy tiny homes -- it only requires thirteen steps

Tiny homes offer a tiny step towards the American Dream for those struggling to buy a traditional house. Given the abundance of unused containers, once upgraded, some can even be diverted to homeless communities in America, giving preference to our unhoused veterans now the aliens are finally hasta la vista.  

We need to deport a bunch of illegal aliens. There are a bunch of freight containers not being used. There’s a shortage of cheap housing. Perhaps we can kill three birds with one stone.


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