Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Never has an administration done so much damage to our country in the space of less than four years"!


When corruption becomes standard operating procedure

By Bob Weir

The open borders policy of the Biden/Harris administration has allowed scores of criminal gangs from foreign countries to invade the U.S. and begin organizing their nefarious activities.  Recently, Texas governor Greg Abbott announced that his state is launching an operation that will aggressively target the dangerous Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua (TdA), designating them as a terrorist group.  Once again, Donald Trump was correct when he warned us that other countries are emptying their prisons and sending the prisoners into our homeland.  The former president also told us that those criminals are more fiercely violent than any we have seen in the States.

Therefore, as we sit comfortably in our homes, having dinner with our families, our government, which is supposed to have the safety of its citizens as its most important function, is importing vicious criminal gangs into our cities, and they are metastasizing into our neighborhoods.  Moreover, these criminals are no longer relegated to the inner cities; they've moved to suburbs and rural areas as they seek new and more vulnerable targets.  The puppet government, currently running the country from the sidelines, fostered the decline of those outer areas with their open borders policy, which has ushered in millions of illegal aliens and transported them to towns and cities from coast to coast.

For several decades, one of the major dreams of the middle class has been to own a home in the suburbs.  Not only did the move to bucolic areas satisfy the thirst for rustic landscapes, but it offered lower crime rates than those densely populated and crime-ridden urban areas.  However, left-wing orthodoxy, never willing to let decent, law-abiding people raise their families in peace, derided such aspirations as racial separation tactics, despite the fact that many blacks made the move for similar reasons.  The left doesn’t want non-whites enjoying the American dream, since that would upset their narrative that racism is still part of our country’s ethos.  Leftists’ constant attempts at racial division can’t work as long as blacks and whites are living together in harmony. 

During the reign of the current administration, millions of illegal aliens have been allowed to invade the U.S. and have been transported to large and small cities from coast to coast.  When 20,000 Haitians were bussed into Springfield, Ohio, a city with about 50,000 people, they created difficulties for the majority of residents, who didn’t have time to adjust to a divergent culture, which suddenly added about 40% to their population.  Immigration was never intended to be a hardship on any community because it was done over a period of time, which allowed for slow absorption by the bulk of the residents.  Culture shock is stressful for both sides, but especially for those who have established roots in the area and are wary of strangers who arrive unexpectedly in large numbers.

The oligarchs at the top of the national pyramid, those who rule by bureaucratic fiat rather than by commonsense judgment, will never have to deal with the challenges they force on us mere mortals.  Those illegal aliens won’t be living next door to them, or even in the same city, as we found out when about 50 illegals were flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard a couple of years ago.  It didn’t take long for those liberal elitists to complain bitterly before having the migrants shipped to a military base for shelter.  Those are the same elitists who told us that Biden is a strong and capable leader, before cognitive tests proved what most Americans already knew: he is neurologically impaired.

Once that lie was exposed, they began telling us how lucky we are to have Kamala Harris running to replace him.  Moreover, Nancy Pelosi is telling us that Harris “won” the nomination, even though it is universally known that the president was kicked to the curb after receiving about 14 million primary votes, whereas Kamala Harris received zero.  Yet here we are with a candidate for the highest office in the land, who jettisoned her boss in what could be called a coup d’état and took his place on the ballot.  All of this was done with the full compliance of the ruling class of demagogues.  Then, to add further contempt for the public’s intelligence, and more distortion of reality, the radical Dems are proclaiming that Trump will destroy democracy.

Our country has never seen anything quite like this cartel of corruption!  Two foreign wars tearing us apart, 21 million invaders from numerous countries, inflation costing the average consumer about $12,000 more annually, saber-rattling by our nuclear-powered enemies, and violent crime at record proportions from coast to coast.  Never has an administration done so much damage to our country in the space of less than four years!

Strong, competent leadership has seldom been as vital to our survival as a nation as it is right now.  November 5 can’t come soon enough to put a leader back in charge and set a bold new course for this sinking ship of state.



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