Tuesday, September 17, 2024

An outstanding article written by one our most patriotic individuals - LTC Allen West!


An American Insurgency

Allen West patriotpost.us 9-17-24

We can no longer dismiss what is happening on the streets in America.

We have experienced the progressive socialist leftists bantering around the word insurrection for quite some time — well, since January 6, 2021. It is rather interesting that no one has ever been charged with such. And from a military perspective, January 6th was hardly an insurrection. Heck, no one was armed, and only the protesters were assaulted, shot, and even killed. However, there is something happening in America that we had best realize before it is too late. There is an insurgency taking place in America. It is an action happening by non-state, non-uniformed belligerents who are in this country illegally…thanks to the open borders policies of the Biden-HARRIS administration. And sadly, in some cases, there are Americans who are joining this insurgency to the detriment of the safety and security of our Republic.

We can no longer dismiss, certainly by referring to these belligerents as “newcomers,” what is happening on the streets in America. We have seen the video of armed single military-aged male illegal immigrants taking over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. It is something that is also happening in Chicago. And as recently reported by the Daily Mail, this Venezuelan gang, known as Tren De Aragua, is now operating right here in my neck of the woods in the Oaks of North Dallas apartment complex.

When I saw the video from Aurora, Colorado, my immediate thought was, how do illegal immigrants gain access to weapons in America?

This gang (insurgents) called Tren De Aragua is a notorious South American mob known for sex trafficking girls and women. Dallas has become one of the nation’s worst cities for sex trafficking. These insurgents have embedded themselves with so-called asylum-seeking illegal immigrants, and due to our porous border and insidious release policies, they find themselves congregating in cancerous and dangerous cells. According to Dallas Police Department spokesperson Jennifer Pryor, “We have had gang activity in the north Dallas area linked to the Tren De Aragua gang from Venezuela.” In July of this year, the US government designated Tren De Aragua as a transnational criminal organization, something we know that the cartels already are.

America has already been fighting another illegal immigrant insurgency group known as MS-13, an El Salvadoran gang. And in New York City, recent reports detailed that 75% of crime in midtown Manhattan and Queens is being committed by illegal immigrants.

Here in Dallas, we have a city council that feels increasing the number of police is not necessary. The Dallas Police Department is some 1,000 officers short, and two weeks ago, a Dallas police officer was targeted and shot while sitting in his squad car. Another two were shot by the same assailant. Our municipal police and Sheriff’s departments are not trained and prepared to deal with this insurgency of violent, illegal immigrants…not to mention the terrorists that have been allowed entry into our Nation.

I have stated this before, but in this case, it needs to be reiterated. We have more single military-age illegal immigrant males in our Country than we have active duty US Army and US Marine Corps. We have more of the demographic classified as “gotaways” than our entire active duty military force. And now we see them armed and taking over apartment complexes and openly beating people.

What has led to this is undoubtedly the open border policies of the Biden-HARRIS administration. And what exacerbates this situation is the leftist policy of defunding the police. And what is most threatening about this situation — an American insurgency — is that leftists want to disarm legal, law-abiding American citizens. And this insurgency is enhanced by adding high-octane fuel to the fire of leftists releasing violent criminals back onto the streets.

What is another aspect of this American insurgency? The infiltration of Islamic terrorists. Over 300 on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended seeking to gain entry into America over a border we no longer have operational control over. During the Trump Administration, that number was less than 20. It’s great that we caught those 300 or so, but how many made it through? And let us not forget that we should classify the pro-Hamas activity in America as part of this new insurgency. After all, we know that much of it is funded by Iran and progressive socialist leftists. When American college students are being threatened and assaulted just because of their Jewish faith by supporters of an Islamic terrorist group that tears down and burns the American flag, that is an insurgency — an insurrection.

Kamala Harris’ disregard for our rule of law and our national sovereignty has led to this moment. It will be interesting to see if she will be asked about the armed Venezuelan gangs at the debate tomorrow. Will she be asked why she met with the virulent anti-Semitic mayor of Dearborn, Michigan…and does she condemn the pro-Hamas supporters and Hamas? She should be asked if she fully supports Israel in destroying Hamas. Will she levy the power of the United States to deport the hundreds of thousands of single military-age illegal immigrant males in our Country? She should be asked if she deems herself culpable in the scourge of drug, human, sex, and terrorist trafficking resulting from her support of an open border.

Something tells me that this is not going to happen.

America, our homeland, is now a battleground, not just one of a political, philosophical, and ideological nature. It is indeed an active combat zone, and it is time we go on offense. The motto of the United States Army is “This We’ll Defend.” We are all called upon to defend our homeland, the Biden-HARRIS administration has miserably failed in doing so. They have created an American insurgency, and Kamala Harris cannot be trusted to restore peace and tranquility in our Land.

Steadfast and Loyal.


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