Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In a matter of time - not much time, sooner than you think - the Aurora invasion will be made manifest in other large cities!


Coming Soon to a Town Near You: The Aurora Illegals Invasion

By C.S. Boddie

Last week, armed Tren de Aragua (TDa) gang members, Illegal immigrants from Venezuela, pounded on apartment doors in Aurora, Colorado, and bullied residents.

This problem may spread to communities across our nation because Democrat politicians have opened our southern border to criminal illegal aliens -- many have been flown in -- and they are going to set up residences and headquarters in many places.

We are still getting some of the truth on these things because our nation is not yet fully a one-party nation, but the truth is becoming a rare commodity. Democrats seem to be obfuscating the truth, and they are confusing and gaslighting the public about this.

Some of the people living in the apartments were forced to leave by the gang members. However, Democrat politicians and Denver mainstream media played down the issue as if it was nothing. They also demonized Republicans.

Republican politicians and other media took the issue seriously. John Fabbricatore, a veteran and former ICE official, is running for Congress in the district where this took place. He wrote about helping a man get his mother out of her apartment.

“Today, Councilwoman Danielle Jurinsky contacted me to assist an elderly woman who was being harassed by Venezuelan gang members in her apartment complex. The harassment and threats she faced were unacceptable, so we went in and got it done. Check out this shocking video showing armed, foreign gang members harassing members of our community. No more standing by...

“We had the support of Aurora Police, who were essential in ensuring our safety and we were grateful for their presence. When we arrived, Jurinsky was the first one to go in to meet the lady and a young man charged up the stairs after her, not realizing that Aurora PD was coming up the back stairwell. They stopped him and questioned him, but unfortunately there was not much they could do.

“It took us an hour to quickly and safely move the entire one-bedroom apartment and get the lady out, but her son forgot a surveillance camera in the apartment. By the time we got back upstairs to retrieve it, there were already squatters inside.”

What was the response of leadership and media in the city and state? Republicans: Good and straightforward. Democrats: Bad and Orwellian.

Republican mayor of Aurora Mike Coffman acknowledged the problem as real, though limited. He was pragmatic, producing a solution fairly quickly. He gave this statement on Facebook in the afternoon of August 30:

“The Aurora City Attorney's Office is preparing court documents to request an emergency court order to clear the apartment buildings where Venezuelan gang activity has been occurring by declaring the properties a "Criminal Nuisance."

“This will require a municipal judge to issue the order with the goal of getting these properties back under the control of the property owners.

“In the meantime, the law enforcement task force set up to disrupt and arrest Venezuelan gang members in these buildings will continue its operations.

“The problems associated with Venezuelan gang activity has been isolated to properties that are all under the same out-of-state ownership whose problems with code violations and criminal activity preceded the migrant crisis.

“I strongly believe that the best course of action is to shut these building down and make sure that this never happens again.”

The City of Aurora issued another, longer statement, also on August 30:

“There has been a lot of misleading information shared about what is happening in our city. Aurora is a safe community. Media have conflated and considerably exaggerated incidents that are isolated to a handful of problem properties alone.

"Yes, we are concerned that there is a small Tren de Aragua (TdA) presence in Aurora and we have been taking it seriously. We have responded. We have made arrests. We will continue to make arrests. We will continue to address the problems that the absentee, out-of-state owners of these properties have allowed to fester unchecked. Aurora will aggressively pursue all actions available under city code and criminal statute...

“Local, regional and national media are leading the nation to believe that Aurora is wholly unsafe. That is simply not true. While these isolated situations are rightfully of great concern and warrant increased action and scrutiny, violent crime in the city is down in nearly all crime categories.

“Going to grocery stores, parks, schools, banks, shopping centers, visiting with neighbors and other everyday activities remain unchanged... We will continue to urge all community members to report crimes to local law enforcement.

“Again, Aurora is a safe place to live, work and visit. It is tragic that select individuals and entities have mischaracterized our city based on isolated incidents. We encourage you to build up our community and not allow the hysteria of others to tear it down.”

What’s up with the two statements? Republican mayor, Democrats running the city?

On the other hand, Democrat politicians and their partners in the Denver media demonized people who called attention to the story, and they worked to tamp it down, even gaslighting the public. The Denver Post even reported that racist tags targeting migrants were found in Aurora.

Other media reported the facts more objectively. When it became a national story, the New York Post reported that Colorado governor Jared Polis dismissed anger over Venezuelan gang takeover, calling it “imagination” -- despite video footage, police reports and the city’s mayor confirming it happened.

His spokeswoman, Shelby Wieman, told the Post, “But, according to police intelligence this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.

“Wieman added that “it’s illegal to take over buildings in Colorado” and if Jurinsky has “knowledge” of such activity, the governor’s office is “ready to assist” cops “in taking them back.

“Violent crime dropped in Aurora between 2022 and 2023,” said Wieman.”

One has to believe that what is behind the Democrats’ reaction is their investment in the sanctuary city, sanctuary state policy, which they have championed and enacted in many states.

In California, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just endorsed a bill that would give illegal immigrants money so they can buy houses and be part of the American Dream. I know firsthand that many California natives are unable to buy homes; my own nieces have never been able to do that and lives in apartments. Will they be threatened?

Criminal illegal aliens brought into the USA, are going to set up residences and headquarters in many places across the country, so this problem will likely spread. Americans need to be able to know discern the truth despite Democrats so we can handle it.


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